"Boy, who are you?" Elephant Armored Sect Hu Yandu asked.

"I, Feng Xiaotian, the captain of the Kamikaze Academy, with me here, it only takes one minute to defeat you." Feng Xiaotian walked in front of the Kamikaze Academy team after saying this. , turned around and looked at the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect.

"Great, the captain is back, now we have hope."


"Xiaotian, it's great that you're back." Qin Yiran said.

They already know that their captain is not an ordinary person, and their record is something they look up to. The soul master level has killed a soul king and two soul sects in a row. The combat power is very terrifying. The soul sect of the fourth and fourth ranks.

And the Elephant Armor Academy has only two masters of the soul sect level, one forty-two level and one forty-one level.

"Are you the Feng Xiaotian who was blown away? Why didn't you come out in the first three games, or didn't you dare to come out?" Hu Yandu said.

"Hey, I got it right, the team in front is too strong, I really don't dare, but against you, I seem to be able to show my skills." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Our Elephant Academy has never been afraid of anyone. We will definitely defeat you as quickly as possible. It is a joke that you still want to defeat us for a minute." After Hu Yankang finished speaking, he turned around and left with a few people.

"I said one minute, it's one minute, and I'll lose if I add one second." Feng Xiaotian responded.

"Arrogance, we'll see you on the Soul Fighting Stage later, I will make you suffer a lot." Hu Yandu said.

"Captain, can we really beat our opponent in one minute?" Qin Yiran stepped forward and asked, although he is Feng Xiaotian's older sister, but in the team, she knew what to call him.

Feng Xiaotian nodded and said: "I'm here, don't worry, tell me, to what step have your soul powers been raised since I left for seven months?"

I saw Qin Yiran speak first, Qin Yiran: Martial Soul Fenglin Vine, forty-two control system Soul Sect.

Ye Feng: Martial Soul Storm Tiger, a Level [-] Assault-type Battle Soul Venerable.

Tang Lion: Martial Soul Blizzard Lion, the thirty-ninth-level assault-type battle soul master.

Silver Wind: Martial Soul Silver Winged Wind Bird, the thirty-eighth level agility attack system battle soul master.

Wang Dang: Martial Soul Wind Leopard, the thirty-seventh level agility attack system war soul master.

Chen Yu: Martial Soul Gale Two-Tailed Rabbit, Level [-] Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Venerable.

A dozen team members reported their martial spirit and soul power one by one, and everyone improved, the most improved by two levels, and the lowest also increased by one level of soul power.

There is also a mutated martial soul among these people, I am Chen Yu. My martial soul is a Gale Rabbit with two tails mutated from the Gale Rabbit martial soul. It has two tails and its attack power is not low. It was originally an intermediate martial soul. After the mutation Possesses the potential of a high-level martial spirit.

"Since you all have to improve, I will also tell you why I dare to say that I can beat them in one minute."

Feng Xiaotian: Martial Soul Gale Two-Headed Wolf, a forty-sixth-level assault-type battle soul master.

"Captain level forty-six?" Ye Feng asked curiously, ever since he knew Feng Xiaotian's strength, he has been cultivating desperately.I thought the gap would decrease after I reached level [-].

Unexpectedly, captain Feng Xiaotian raised his soul power two levels in a row, and the soul master raised it by one level, but it was much more difficult than the soul master's level up.

Feng Xiaotian's promotion speed was too fast, the dozen or so people all looked at Feng Xiaotian with surprised eyes.

"I have the confidence to beat them in one minute, do you have it?" Feng Xiaotian said loudly.



The voices of several people were so loud that they even attracted the attention of the people on the Soul Fighting Stage.

It was naturally his father Feng Qingyuan who discovered Feng Xiaotian first, the strength of Contra is not fake.

"Xiaotian is back, that's great. Although Shenfeng Academy is still at the bottom, it can definitely save the situation with a complete victory in the last game." Feng Qingyuan gave his wife Qin Qiuyue a look, making him look far away The big tree where Chu Fengxiaotian stood.

"It's great that my son is back, let's go and have a look." Qin Qiuyue said.

"Go and see, I can't get away here, remember to let Xiaotian lead the Kamikaze Academy team to a big victory, otherwise we can't restore the morale of our Kamikaze Academy." Feng Qingyuan reminded.

"I know, don't worry, Xiaotian doesn't know how his strength has improved after these months of training, and I'm also looking forward to it." Qin Qiuyue smiled.

"Did everyone hear clearly? We will implement this tactic later." Feng Xiaotian spent three minutes briefly talking about the tactic later.

Two words, that is violence, even more violent than the Elephant Armor School.

Chapter 193 Another Top Martial Soul

After explaining some important tactics to his teammates who were about to participate in the soul fight, Feng Xiaotian sensed the arrival of his mother Qin Qiuyue.

"We don't have much time to get in touch, so our tactics are relatively simple and rough. Let's all get ready. This time, we will definitely let other colleges see how powerful our college is." Feng Xiaotian said.

The soul masters of several colleges this year are very powerful, and several colleges have at least two masters at the soul sect level, and there will be more soul masters when the advanced soul master competition starts a year later.

It was stronger than the opponent that Shrek faced in that class eleven years later, and the major elemental academies were not bad, as expected.

Even if it is their current Shenfeng Academy, if there is no accident, if he does not add Qin Yiran, there should be two soul masters of the soul sect level to participate in the advanced soul master competition in a year.

After finishing speaking, just as Feng Xiaotian turned around, he saw his mother, Qin Qiuyue, who was less than fifty meters away from him.

When he came in front of his mother, Qin Qiuyue, he saw that Qin Qiuyue hugged Feng Xiaotian immediately, without the majesty of the director of the Academic Affairs Office. At this time, she was the mother of a child.

Feng Xiaotian had only been away from them for at most three months before, but this time it took more than twice as long as last time.

"I'm a little thinner and taller, but I'm still so fair." Qin Qiuyue looked at her son, who was already much taller than him.

For more than seven months, although Feng Xiaotian spent a lot of time bearing weight, it did not affect his development at all. He is now [-] meters tall, and there is still a tendency to increase his height.

"Mom, I'm back. Don't worry, I will surprise you this time. We must win this spirit fight, and it will be a hearty victory." Feng Xiaotian said.

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