Originally, Qin Qiuyue wanted to say something, but unexpectedly, her son spoke first.

"Okay, let me see the effect of your seven-month training." Qin Qiuyue said.

"Mom, wait for me, I'll go change my clothes." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Are you going to change clothes? Isn't this changed?" Qin Qiuyue asked curiously.

Feng Xiaotian is currently wearing the school uniform of Shenfeng Academy, and there is no need to change it. After all, he has a weight of five hundred catties on his body, and his strength does not have much influence. It is mainly due to inertia, wearing weight-bearing equipment, and the strength he exerts will only increase.

His speed has dropped, but against the Weevil Academy, his speed will still not lose to the Weevil Academy under the condition of using soul skills, mainly because this weight is also considered a kind of equipment.

At that time, it may cause some troubles. If someone finds out, they may use the weight of this equipment to make an argument.

For example, his punch can produce a thousand catties of strength, but if he uses the inertia of his body weight, it will be more than a thousand catties.

Besides, it is still a little bit reluctant to defeat the Elephant Academy in one minute under heavy load. The Elephant Academy is not built either.

And this time, the face of the Kamikaze Academy must be won back, and more importantly, the confidence of all the students of the Kamikaze Academy must be restored.

"Mom, try hugging me now, see if you can hug me?" Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Xiaotian, you only weigh a hundred catties, and you don't carry any weight, so why can't you lift it up?"

Qin Qiuyue was a little puzzled, and immediately hugged Feng Xiaotian as Feng Xiaotian said, but she used a lot of strength, but she didn't pick her up.

She is now a soul saint of more than seventy levels. Although she is of the agility attack system, her strength is not bad, but she can't even lift a son who weighs more than one hundred catties?

"Son, you are so heavy?" Qin Qiuyue used her soul power to barely pick up a little.

"You'll know when you go to change clothes. This is one of the achievements of my cultivation." Feng Xiaotian said, he didn't want to hide it, and it's okay to tell his parents about it.

In the future, it’s okay to build some such equipment for my parents, and there’s no problem with Zi Ling’er.

"Brother Xiaotian's qi and blood are very strong, at least twice as strong as seven months ago. He must have been taking Wannian blood ginseng during this time." Zi Linger analyzed from what she knew.

The three came to a room in the genius department.

"Xiaotian, you are actually wearing such heavy clothes, shoes, and wrist guards, which add up to about five hundred catties." Qin Qiuyue held the clothes that Feng Xiaotian had taken off.

"Yes, it cost me a lot of money, and it was built in Gengxin City of the Star Luo Empire." Feng Xiaotian explained.

"Xiaotian, will you damage your body if you practice like this?" Qin Qiuyue worried. Although this practice can improve, the harm and hidden injuries are higher than what you get.

This is also why very few people in Douluo Continent take the route of exercising their bodies. Even if there are, it is very few, and it is impossible to carry so much weight.

"Don't worry, I have the prescription given by Linger, there is nothing wrong with my body, right Linger." Feng Xiaotian said.

"That's right, Brother Xiaotian is taking Wannian blood ginseng every day, along with other medicines, and his health is very good. It's even stronger than some soul beasts." Zi Linger laughed.

"That's good, it's almost time outside, let's go out." Qin Qiuyue said.

After taking off the five hundred catties of weight, Feng Xiaotian felt relaxed, as if he had inexhaustible strength in his body.

After going out, Qin Qiuyue returned to his original position, and Zi Linger went with him.

And Feng Xiaotian gathered with the members of Shenfeng Academy, and came to the open-air fighting spirit platform to prepare.

The fighting between Blazing Academy and Thunder Academy is not over yet.

Just as Feng Xiaotian thought, there are indeed three soul sects in Chihuo Academy, Huo Xinxin, Zhang Xinglong and Zhang Xingyun, who have all been promoted to forty-one in ten months.

Previously, Zhang Xinglong and Zhang Xingyun were at level thirty-nine. It is not too fast to upgrade one level to level forty in ten months. After the promotion, the spirit ring will naturally reach level forty-one.

The other one, Huo Xinxin, was originally at level [-], but she actually raised it by two levels in ten months, which was much faster than her previous improvement, and now her spirit power is also at level [-].

Looking at the Thunder Academy on the opposite side, there are only two soul sects, one is [-]rd level and the other is [-]st level.

The battle between the two sides has lasted for ten minutes, and Thunder Academy has gradually gained the upper hand, after all, there is a forty-three-level Soul Sect.

And both sides have reservations, for example, the martial soul fusion skill of Blazing Academy has not been used, and it seems that they have no plans to use it, and it is still used as a trick in the qualifiers.

And the master of the Thunder Academy's two major soul sects, both at the forty-third level, may not belong to the Thunder Overlord Dragon Sect, maybe, but it should not be a direct descendant. The martial soul is a dark lightning king, and it is also a top martial soul.

Another forty-level soul master is the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Dragon Sect, the martial soul Thunder Tyrannosaurus.

Under the attack of the two top martial souls, if the martial soul fusion technique is not used, Blazing Academy will undoubtedly lose.

Chapter 194 Popularity reaches a new height

The ending was exactly as Feng Xiaotian guessed, Blazing Academy gave up this spirit fight, they had already won two soul fights, there was no need to show their martial soul fusion skills in this one.

Apart from people from Chihuo Academy, the only people who knew about Zhang Xinglong and Zhang Xingyun's martial soul fusion skills were people from Shenfeng Academy and Tianshui Academy.

After all, they met each other at Blazing Academy ten months ago, and Feng Xiaotian had a fight with them.

The most surprising thing is that Huo Wuxuan also participated in this soul fight. I remember that ten months ago he was only at level [-], and now his soul power has reached level [-] after ten months. It's really fast.

There is still a year before the qualifiers, and one and a half years before the finals of the Advanced Soul Master Competition. According to her speed, it is not impossible to advance to the fortieth level and reach the realm of the Soul Sect.

After all, her innate soul power is not low, so it is not surprising that she can improve so quickly. Now she is only sixteen years old, and she will be seventeen years old when she participates in the advanced soul master competition one year later.

Generally speaking, those who can participate in advance will participate in advance, unless it is necessary, wait for five years, that is, at the age of twenty-two, there is every chance to cultivate to forty-six or seven at her speed.

I don't know what to think, and he doesn't care about it later.

The Blazing Academy kept their unique moves, and the Thunder Academy naturally won this spirit fight.

Next, ten minutes later will be the last match of the team soul fighting in the exchange match. Not only will there be team exchange spirit fighting, but there will be a few days of exchange matches after the day off.

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