The host did not mention Feng Xiaotian's specific soul power level, nor the identity of the chief of the academy, perhaps to maintain a sense of mystery, or to prevent the opponent from being prepared.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the host immediately said, "The soul fight begins."

The front three of the Shenfeng Academy's formation are Feng Xiaotian, Ye Feng and Tang Shi, and the four behind are standing in parallel, Qin Yiran is among them.

In the past, when Feng Xiaotian was around, Qin Yiran of the control-type soul sect was the main one, but after Feng Xiaotian came back, she retreated to the second line and became an auxiliary-type soul master among them.

On the opposite side, the Weevil Academy stood in a different position from the Kamikaze Academy. Seven people stood in a row, fighting side by side.

The originally lively and noisy voices also disappeared at this moment, and it was surprisingly quiet.

"It's a joke to hear that you want to defeat us in a minute. Even if you have a ten thousand year spirit ring, no matter how powerful your attack is, you won't be able to break through our defense." Hu Yankang said.

It would be an insult to beat them by a minute.

"Proceed according to the original plan." Feng Xiaotian said.

After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he rushed out by himself.

"What does Chief Xiaotian want to do?" Many students didn't understand.

"This soul ring configuration, is this done?" Hu Yanqiang and Yu Xiaoming didn't understand, this is the first time they have seen this kind of soul ring configuration.

The second spirit ring is a thousand-year spirit ring, and the fourth spirit ring is actually a ten-thousand-year spirit ring. The spirit ring skills must be stronger than ordinary people's spirit skills of the same spirit ring.

"It's just luck, I absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring." Feng Qingyuan said.

Hu Yanqiang was a little worried at the moment. The members of the Elephant Armor Academy were not physically comparable to ordinary people. Some people tried to leapfrog to absorb spirit rings, but two or three people failed.

After failure, no one dares to try easily. After all, everyone knows what failure means, and it is good luck to survive.

Feng Xiaotian rushed out alone, and Hu Yandu also followed Feng Xiaotian to the center of the spirit arena.

It was as if the other people on both sides were not moving, and the two were fighting alone.

"Let me defeat you." Hu Yandu shouted loudly, he didn't take the initiative to defend, just like Feng Xiaotian, he didn't use the soul ring either.


He actually competed head-to-head with people from the Elephant Armor Academy, even without using soul skills to improve.

Isn't this looking for a fight?

But at the moment when everyone didn't understand, Hu Yandu was blown away by Feng Xiaotian's punch, and Feng Xiaotian stood still, not even taking a step back.

"My dear, such a strong force."

Feng Xiaotian's body can be said to be petite and weak compared to the two-meter tall muscular man of the Weevil Academy.

No one expected his strength to be so strong.

Hu Yandu, who was beaten into the air, immediately adjusted his body and blushed.

He tried his best and lost.And the two soul rings on the body behind him lit up, and rushed towards Feng Xiaotian again.

"You can't fight your body, you can't fight your soul ring skills." Feng Xiaotian said loudly.

The first spirit ring is already useless, since it wants to intimidate people, it must be won by crushing.

Feng Xiaotian used the second soul skill, twin wolves possessed.

"Wow, is this Chief Xiaotian's second soul skill? Speed, strength, etc. will all be increased by [-]%."

The person who knew Feng Xiaotian's second soul skill spoke up.

"Both the second soul ability has been increased by [-]%, so powerful? It is worthy of absorbing the soul ring by leapfrogging, so how strong are the third and fourth soul skills?"

"I don't know either. I haven't seen it before. It must be very strong."

Amidst a burst of discussion, Feng Xiaotian and Feng Xiaotian once again fought into a group, attacking Feng Xiaotian for the first time and sending Hu Yankang flying five or six meters away.

But for the second contact, only a loud noise was heard, and Hu Yandu actually flew out of the fighting spirit platform.It flew a distance of more than [-] meters.

"What kind of power is this? It blows a [-]-jin man so far away. Is the Elephant Armored Sect giving way to Kamikaze?" Thunder Academy and others who didn't know Feng Xiaotian's power were surprised.

But this was just the beginning, just as he was punching Hu Yandu, Feng Xiaotian went straight to Hu Yankang, another soul master of the opponent.

Feng Xiaotian's speed was extremely fast, and he rushed in front of Hu Yankang in an instant.

Let you see my strongest defense, Hu Yankang's three soul rings light up, as if there is a thick earth wall in front of his body.

But Feng Xiaotian still didn't care, he punched the earthen wall, and at this moment, the earthen wall actually cracked.

With the next punch, Hu Yankang's ending was the same as that of Hu Yandu, and he was kicked out of the ring.

At this time, Feng Xiaotian didn't stop, and quickly rushed towards the other members of the Elephant Armor Academy.

The other members of the Kamikaze Academy still had no intention of doing anything.

The rest of the Elephant Armor Academy never thought that the two masters of the Soul Sect on their side would be defeated so quickly.

They're all stupid, they didn't move fast at all.

In about ten seconds, only the sound of punching to the flesh was heard, and all the members of the Elephant Armor Academy came out of the fighting spirit stage.

The audience was silent, one hit seven, not used for a minute, and only the second soul ability was used, time seemed to stand still, no one expected such an ending.

Chapter 196

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