None of the other members of the Kamikaze Academy made a move, and they defeated seven of them with their own strength.

It can be said that none of these seven people reacted, Feng Xiaotian's speed was so fast, these seven people didn't react much at all, originally the Kamikaze Academy ended in failure in the previous three battles.

Therefore, the strength of Shenfeng Academy is still underestimated, even if it is a different person, it will still be the same.

Only then did Feng Xiaotian easily win with one fight against seven, if the seven knew Feng Xiaotian's strength, Feng Xiaotian would not be so easy with one fight against seven.

Immediately, there was a round of applause outside the arena, and Feng Xiaotian's name was shouted again.

At this time, the people from the Elephant Academy belonged to the most shameless people, especially Hu Yanqiang, who was sitting in the chairman's seat, his old face was flushed.

"Xiaoqiang, it's not that your sect is too weak, but that your opponent is too strong." Shui Xuanyu said.

"That's right, I've underestimated the enemy, and I still have to practice hard." Yu Xiaoming said, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how his Thunder Academy should deal with the kamikaze brought by Feng Xiaotian.

"That's right. In less than a year, Xiaotian has already become a Soul Sect, probably at forty-five or six levels. This improvement speed is simply amazing, and he is not yet thirteen years old." Huo Lieyuan said.

Feng Qingyuan was extremely happy at the moment, so he still gave Hu Yanqiang some face and said with a smile: "Xiaotian will only turn thirteen in one month."

"Under thirteen years old? Well, Wuhun Palace doesn't have such a genius, hey, what a pity." Yu Xiaoming sighed after hearing this.

"What's the matter? What are you sighing for? Is this bad?" Huo Lieyuan asked puzzled, not knowing what Yu Xiaoming was sighing for.

"What I mean is, Qingyuan's son is so powerful. If he has strong teammates to support him, he must still have a chance to defeat the Wuhundian team. Will he participate in this year's Advanced Soul Master Competition?" Yu Xiaoming said.

The Soul Sect, who is less than thirteen years old, has at least forty-five levels of soul power, which is really too talented. Take their Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect as an example, the geniuses in the sect are compared with Feng Xiaotian in front of him. .

It seems that he is not qualified at all, because in such a comparison, Feng Xiaotian is still a genius, and those so-called geniuses in their sect instantly become idiots.Sure enough, if there is no comparison, there will be no harm. The world is full of idiots.

At this moment, Hu Yanqiang also knew what kind of genius Feng Qingyuan's son Feng Xiaotian was, and felt better after knowing it.

Although he is young, this is definitely a unique genius in the history of the mainland. It is nothing to lose to such a genius, and it can just motivate the youngsters of the academy.

Yu Xiaoming asked Feng Xiaotian, and the eyes of several people all pointed to Feng Qingyuan, hoping to get an answer.

"According to Xiaotian's intention, he should participate in this advanced soul master competition." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Brother Qingyuan, you will only be fourteen years old in the senior soul master competition one year later. Why not wait for a round and participate in the senior soul master competition next time. You will only be nineteen years old then, and there are still six years left." At that time, I will definitely be a soul king, and it is not certain to become a soul emperor, and I will definitely have a chance to defeat the Wuhundian Academy when I participate in the advanced soul master competition." Yu Xiaoming said.

Feng Qingyuan smiled proudly: "Let's look at Xiaotian's own wishes. Why are you academies afraid? Anyway, you have never won the championship. I think this year, Xiaotian and the others are very promising .”

He naturally knows his son's abilities and soul skills, as well as self-created soul skills, as well as special skills. After another year, his soul power will increase by two levels, and he may even be promoted to the soul king in the finals of the advanced soul master competition. level.

No one knows his son's cultivation speed better than him. At that time, Yiran in the academy can reach level [-] or [-] without any accidents. Ye Feng will definitely have no problem reaching Soul Sect, Tang Shi will have no problem, and the others will also have a chance to reach Soul Sect .

Therefore, there will be at least four or more soul sects in Shenfeng Academy, plus the ability of his son, there is definitely a chance.

Under the host's announcement, the Kamikaze Academy won. Although the Kamikaze Academy only won one victory in four battles, no one dared to underestimate the Kamikaze Academy at this moment.

The morale of all the students of Shenfeng Academy was raised again because of Feng Xiaotian, especially the members of the genius class.

What can boost their motivation?Undoubtedly, it is the genius with stronger talent than them that can inspire their fighting spirit and motivation the most, but Feng Xiaotian's talent is the existence they look up to, and they all set him as the goal.

After the battle was over, all the students had no intention of dispersing.

The team members from several other colleges are gearing up and can't wait to hold the next free exchange competition.

Especially Hu Yankang and Hu Yandu who were quickly beaten down by Feng Xiaotian.

The two came to Feng Xiaotian again, and Hu Yandu said: "We were careless just now. I didn't expect you to have such a strong strength. Do you think we have this strength? I will be ashamed in the challenge match the day after tomorrow."

"Although it's fine to come, but the ending is the same." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Don't be complacent, brother, let's go." Hu Yankang said, today is a shame for their Weevil Academy team, and he just wants to leave as soon as possible to prepare for the free exchange game the day after tomorrow.

After the members of the Elephant Armor Academy left, Shui Shuang'er came to Feng Xiaotian alone, and said, "Xiaotian, you have improved so fast, sister Binger, I also want to follow in your footsteps and have been practicing hard. You're improving very fast, but I didn't expect you to improve even faster, and Bing'er will be very happy when you go to Tianshui Academy to play sometime."

"Okay, I'll definitely come back when I'm free, let Sister Bing'er cheer, but at the same time, pay attention to your body, don't let your body get damaged." Feng Xiaotian said.

"I'll definitely convey it, but it's better for you to go in person." Shui Shuang'er said.

"Sister Shuang'er, you have improved very quickly. Didn't you say that you are the most powerful in Tianshui? How come there are two other soul sects who are stronger than you." Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Let's keep this secret for now, you will know when the time comes, then I will return to the team first." Shui Shuang'er left with her team after speaking.

In the end, Huo Xinxin and Huo Wuxuan from Blazing Academy brought Zhang Xinglong and Zhang Xingyun to Feng Xiaotian, they were old acquaintances.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect you to improve again, but your sister and I have also cultivated to the Soul Sect realm, and I will challenge you the day after tomorrow." Huo Xinxin said.

"You guys have made great progress, especially you." Feng Xiaotian said, according to Huo Xinxin's cultivation speed in the past, it was definitely not so fast.

"Haha, it's not because Xiaotian you stimulated her, she has been cultivating desperately for the past ten months." Huo Wuxuan laughed.

"Little girl, are you looking for a beating? You are still the same. Let's not talk about it. See you the day after tomorrow." Huo Xinxin said.

After a few people left, the people from Shenfeng Academy came at this moment.

"The captain is really amazing, those three are three of the five beauties in our five elemental colleges." Tang Shi said.

"As expected of the captain, everyone seems to be interested in the captain?" Yinfeng also said.

"One by one, go back and practice hard." Qin Yi scolded, her soul power has reached level [-], and the only soul sect besides Feng Xiaotian is naturally the eldest sister here, who is qualified to say In this case.

"That's right, Sister Yiran is right, we will gather in the Hurricane Valley in Houshan in the afternoon." Feng Xiaotian said, in the coming year, the team members must be specially trained, otherwise they will really face Wuhundian Academy. The chances of defeat are high.

Although he is very strong, but when he fought against Kakarot in Longxing City, that person was only ranked third in Wuhundian Academy, and there were two others who were stronger than him.

In a comprehensive battle, even if Kamikaze had him, he would definitely lose.

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