Chapter 197

Feng Xiaotian is also clear about the rules of the next free exchange competition, there will be a day off in the middle to buffer, all exchange competitions roughly imitate the qualifiers and promotion competitions.

In the one-on-one duel, each team decides the number of participants and participants, and there is no mandatory requirement.

Several colleges left one after another to prepare for the written personal battle, and some of them lived in Shenfeng College, such as Zhihuo and Tianshui. These three have the best relationship.

Both Lei Ting and the Weevil lived in Kamikaze City. Anyway, Kamikaze City is not far from Kamikaze Academy.

Feng Xiaotian also returned home with Qin Qiuyue and Zi Ling'er. Feng Qingyuan still had some things to deal with in the college, so she would come back later.

When I got home, it seemed to be the same as when I left, nothing changed.

"Brother Xiaotian, tell me quickly, where have you been during this time, your soul power has improved so much, where did you get the clothes for training, it's amazing, it's so heavy at such a small point." Zi Linger Asked curiously, like a curious baby.

"Actually, I haven't experienced many things. Let's talk about it together before Dad comes back. There is something that I have to wait for Dad to come back." Feng Xiaotian said.

That matter is of course Fengshen's matter, becoming a god is another matter, Fengshengu may find out the life experience of his father Feng Qingyuan.

Otherwise, I will have to tell my father again when he comes back. It’s okay to tell my mother and Zi Ling’er about this, and there’s no need to hide it, and I’m not an outsider.

"Okay, let's talk about it together when Dad comes back." Zi Ling'er said.

"Ling'er has made a lot of progress during this period, but she's already at level [-], how about it, the eldest sister of the genius class is pretty good." Feng Xiaotian said.

"It's not fun at all, they're all little kids, none of them can hit anyone." Zi Ling'er seemed dissatisfied.

"What? Hasn't any of them broken through to the realm of Daohunzun?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"These people, the highest level of soul power is twenty-nine now, many of them are over thirteen years old, and they are far behind you, brother." Zi Ling'er said.

"Is it only level [-]?" Feng Xiaotian pondered. In seven months, no one had broken through level [-], but after thinking about it, it was normal. Among them, the one with the strongest innate soul power was only at level nine. Among the nineteen people who came.

There are two people with innate soul power of ninth level, seven with innate soul power of eighth level, and the other ten people are all born with seventh level of soul power.

The master's data may only be official data, and there must be some people who have not been counted. Even so, there are very few existences with innate full soul power.

Some of these people can reach soul master at the age of thirteen, which is also very good.

When I got home, it was still early. At this time, my mother, Qin Qiuyue, had already started preparing lunch at noon. The first meal back home must be a big one.

At noon, when Feng Qingyuan returned home, he deliberately turned down the dinner party with the other directors today. His sons are already back, so why go to the dinner party.

The dinner table was full of dishes, and it was also full of love. Feng Xiaotian suddenly felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

There are parents, and now there is a younger sister, and the family is happy.

This also put pressure on him. My sister is a soul beast. Although there are special methods to hide the identity of a soul beast, he feels that this is not the safest way.

The safest way is to become stronger. Even if others know that their sister was transformed from a soul beast, they dare not have any unreasonable thoughts.

In the Douluo Continent where the undercurrent is surging, even Contra may not be able to protect himself in the back.

So he has to become strong and protect everything he owns.

"Xiaotian, what's the matter? It's all your favorite food, what are you thinking?" Qin Qiuyue laughed.

Feng Xiaotian thought a lot in a flash, and it looked like he was in a daze from the outside.

"No, no, I'm just thinking about what happened along the way, and my father is back, so let me talk about it. I have learned a lot along the way." Feng Xiaotian said.

"What? Brother Xiaotian, you actually already have a marriage contract? There are still two." Zi Ling'er heard that Feng Xiaotian had won the soul fight to recruit a relative, and immediately stood up.

However, Zi Ling'er realized that she was too excited, so she sat down quickly and could only say, "Why didn't you ask your parents for permission?"

Feeling a little dissatisfied.

"Not bad, how do those two girls look? Are they beautiful?" Qin Qiuyue asked immediately. As a mother, she naturally hoped that her son would get married soon, and that her son was so outstanding.

"Um, very beautiful." After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he saw that Zi Ling'er beside her seemed a little angry, and immediately added: "How should I put it? It's still a bit worse than our Ling'er."

"That's about the same." Ling'er said with satisfaction.

"But Brother Xiaotian, why did you take part in such a soul-fighting match? You are not yet thirteen years old, why are you so anxious that you won't find a wife in the future?" Zi Linger asked curiously.

"It's just like this, Dad, didn't you always look for your own life experience in the early years? As a result of this soul fighting to recruit relatives, I got some news about my father's life experience." Feng Xiaotian said.

"News about life experience? Xiaotian, is this true?" Feng Qingyuan said flatly. In the early years, he found six Gale Demon Wolf families, but none of them. After so many years, he also had his own family. It has been placed in the deepest part of my heart.

"Well, in the southernmost part of the Star Luo Empire, there is a Gale Demon Wolf family, and only members of the entire family can mutate into Gale Wind Two-headed Wolf Martial Soul on the entire continent. The natural mutation rate is [-]%. Method, there is at least a [-]% chance of mutation, I have the two-headed wolf spirit of Gale, so it means that my father is probably from that family." Feng Xiaotian said.

"The Star Luo Empire? I've been there too, but I've never heard of such a family?" Feng Qingyuan pondered, as if his thoughts had returned to decades ago.

"It's normal that Dad hasn't heard of it. This family is in the Star Luo Empire, and they don't know much about it. It's normal that you haven't heard of it." Feng Xiaotian said.

"If that's really the case, maybe which family do I really come from?" Feng Qingyuan said, after all, the Galewind Two-headed Wolf Mutated Martial Soul is used as a reference, and so is his own son, so it is really possible that he is a member of that family.

"Father, in fact, I plan to go directly to that family after the Advanced Soul Master Competition, but we will find out if we go and have a look, maybe my grandpa is still alive." Feng Xiaotian smiled, which can be regarded as giving hope to his father.

"Okay, let's go and have a look after the Senior Soul Master Competition." Feng Qingyuan said, the fire of hope deep in his heart was ignited by his son again, and he was also a little excited.

Qin Qiuyue was also happy about it, and said, "Son, when are you going to marry those two girls? I'll have my grandson early. You see, I'm fifty years old. Other people's family has already become a grandmother at this age."

Feng Xiaotian:

Zi Linger:

Feng Qingyuan:

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