Chapter 198 Experience Guidance

Feng Xiaotian narrated the experience during this period, the process of training, but still omitted the part of Fengshen, and thought it would be okay to talk about it.

But when I said it, I didn't know how to open my mouth. The matter of God is just a legend in the mainland, and it is illusory.

He still decided to talk about it when he went to Fengshen Valley after the senior soul master competition.

Although this period of time happened, it was very simple to talk about, and it was finished in less than an hour, and the meal was almost eaten.

Finally, Zi Linger said: "Father, Mom, Brother Xiaotian, let me participate in the Advanced Soul Master Competition. I also want to fight with Brother Xiaotian."

Qin Qiuyue's face was a little heavy when she heard it, and said: "Ling'er, you have just turned twelve years old, and your soul power has not yet reached the level of the soul sect, so you should wait, maybe you will be the soul king in six years, that is It is safer to participate in the advanced soul master competition."

"But, I want to participate in this session. If there is no brother Xiaotian, I might as well not participate. It's not interesting at all." Zi Linger pouted and looked at Feng Xiaotian again, as if asking him to help say.

"Mom, I think Ling'er can participate in the Advanced Soul Master Competition with me. There is still one year left. Ling'er will definitely be able to cultivate the soul power of the Soul Sect. Besides, the strength of our academy as a whole is not very strong. At that time, Linger's strength will be needed." Feng Xiaotian said.

Feng Xiaotian naturally knew that Ling'er was transformed from a hundred thousand year soul beast, and had eaten fairy herbs, so her cultivation speed was much faster than the normal innate full soul power.

There is still one year to go before the qualifiers for the Advanced Soul Master Competition, and one and a half years to go to the finals, and it only takes one year to reach the Soul Sect Realm.

After all, as long as she reaches level [-], Zi Ling'er can get a soul ring without killing a soul beast.

As long as she is willing to reach level [-], she will be [-] in minutes.

"This? Qingyuan, do you think it's okay?" Qin Qiuyue looked at Feng Qingyuan and asked.

"I think it's feasible. Let Ling'er and Xiaotian participate together, and they can also take care of each other. Linger's cultivation speed is no worse than Xiaotian's. It should be very easy to cultivate to the Soul Sect in a year." Feng Qingyuan said.

Their family has all eaten immortal products, and their cultivation speed is not slow.

Seeing that Feng Qingyuan and Feng Xiaotian agreed, Qin Qiuyue also nodded and said: "That's okay, Ling'er will participate in this session of the Advanced Soul Master Competition."

"Great, Brother Xiaotian, I also want to participate in this free exchange competition." Zi Linger said.

"Participate in this level of exchange competition? Ling'er, let's wait a bit. I've leaked it. Everyone knows that Ling'er is our team's trump card. She can't be leaked. She needs to play a role at critical moments." Feng Xiaotian He said, after all, Ling'er is only at level [-], and he doesn't want to let Ling'er leak it too early.

"Okay, I won't play this time." Ling'er pretended to be wronged.

In Hurricane Valley, Feng Xiaotian has not been here for seven months. When he arrived in Hurricane Valley, all fifteen team members were ready.Ten men and five women, the ratio is seriously out of balance.

"team leader."

"Everyone came here quite early, let me introduce to you, this is a new member of our team, and I will compete with you for a place in this advanced soul master competition." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Linger, why are you here? Aren't you not allowed to participate?" Qin Yiran came over, grabbed Zi Linger and said, the two were already very familiar with each other.

"Hee hee, it's better for brother Xiaotian to talk, and mother agrees." Zi Ling'er said.

"That's great, with you joining, our strength has increased a bit." Qin Yiran said.

Although the others knew a little bit about Zi Linger, Zi Linger also had an identity in the college these past few months, that is, the chief of the genius class.

"Oops, this quota has been reduced by one more." One of the team members said.

Feng Xiaotian was taken aback, and said, "What's wrong? Why don't you have confidence?"

"Captain, in fact, you are not here for a while, Miss Ling'er singled out me and Tang Shi by herself, but as a result," Ye Feng said a little disappointed.

"No way, can you all lose?" Feng Xiaotian said, although he had already guessed the ending, he still pretended not to believe it.

"Well, Miss Ling'er's soul skills are really powerful, and her soul power is about the same, a little stronger than ours." Ye Feng said again.

Tang Shi didn't speak at the moment, as if he had lost face.

Feng Xiaotian knew that these two had always been the chief and sub-department of the academy, and had already been defeated by Feng Xiaotian's subordinates, but Feng Xiaotian was still at the forty-fourth level of the Soul Sect at that time.

At that time, Zi Ling'er's soul power was only [-]th level, which was one level lower than him, so why didn't the two of them feel lost.

"Okay, it's just the old one. When I come back this time, we will train together. I hope that in the advanced soul master competition, we can form a seven-member team composed entirely of soul sects." Feng Xiaotian said.

Ling'er, herself, Qin Yiran, Ye Feng, and Tang Shi must be fine. There are five of them. There is also Yinfeng, who is at level [-], and four soul masters whose soul power has reached level [-]. One point is still very promising.

"The next free exchange competition, I hope everyone will take part in it. People from each academy will challenge once, knowing their soul power and fighting style, adapting in advance, it will be useful in the future." Feng Xiaotian said.

"We understand, Captain." Everyone said in unison.

Next, everyone didn't cultivate their soul power, Feng Xiaotian was analyzing each of their characteristics and fighting style for everyone.

After all, I have read the loud notes and years of research, combined with my own thoughts, it is more than enough to give these people opinions and suggestions.

In a blink of an eye, a day and a half passed quietly, Feng Xiaotian explained to everyone, and at the same time gave practical guidance such as moves.

During this day and a half, although the time was short, everyone suddenly became more confident, because under Feng Xiaotian's guidance, they seemed to have discovered their own new characteristics and new fighting methods.

Although the soul power has not improved, but the fighting power has been brought to the extreme.

Even Zi Ling'er was surprised, Feng Xiaotian went out for seven months, as if he had decades of experience in studying various martial arts, and he could say anything.

Moreover, it has an effect on everyone after coaching, and the individual combat power has improved a lot. If you go to participate in the previous team competition in your current state, not to mention how much you win, at least you can win the next one without Feng Xiaotian's participation. A victory in a soul fight.

Did brother Xiaotian still hide something when he went out this time?The more Zi Ling'er thought about it, the more she felt strange. How could a person's level of knowledge improve so much all at once?

In the morning, at Kamikaze Academy, the open-air soul fighting platform of the genius department, and the free exchange match of the five elemental colleges will begin soon.

It was as lively as before, and the Kamikaze Academy hadn't started classes during this period of time, why the basic pursuit of the Dao Academy was to improve the soul power and combat power, and watching the elites of the academy fight souls, they could also learn some experience for their own use.

Chapter 199 Ye Feng and Hu Yankang

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