"You are a soul master, let me see how you can break the defense of my forty-level soul sect, come on." Hu Yankang was already ready, waiting for Ye Feng to attack.

Chapter 200 Fighting Huyandu again, instant kill

In Hu Yankang's eyes, no matter how strong a forty-level soul master is, he is still a soul master, and there is a huge gap with him at the forty-two level, especially in terms of defense.

I tried the attack before, but I didn't get any benefits from Ye Feng. If I couldn't win, I simply defended and tried to attack while defending.

The defense of the Elephant Armor Academy is not bad.



Ye Feng's soul skills are constantly switching, and the second and third soul skills have already been used, so it is impossible to say that they have no effect.

After all, his wind attribute is a storm attribute, which is similar to the bursting flames of Huo Wushuang, but this is a bursting wind, a storm.

Under Ye Feng's attack, Hu Yankang's soul skills were also used accordingly. Under Ye Feng's attack, he kept retreating, and his huge body trembled a little.

But after all, his soul power is higher, and Ye Feng's attack has already consumed a lot of soul power.

"Damn it, it was almost, almost breaking through his defense." Ye Feng said angrily, just now his strongest blow had been used.

It's just a little short, if he has the fourth spirit ability, which is the forty-one level, he will definitely be able to break through Hu Yankang's defense and defeat his opponent.

This is the gap in soul power.

Hu Yankang had just been attacked like a storm by Ye Feng's punch, and his defensive arms were also a little painful at the moment.

This kid was definitely hiding before, even though he was only level [-], his attack was no weaker than the [-]st level Soul Ancestor level attack.

"Your attack is over, it's up to me now." After Hu Yankang finished speaking, he withdrew his defense and attacked again.

In the next moment, Ye Feng's eyes lit up, and the opportunity came.

Immediately, the third soul skill erupted at full strength, and the power attack was increased by [-]%. The power of the Storm Tiger King was displayed again.

"You have already consumed so much soul power, and you dare to compare your soul power with my Soul Sect. I will show you the difference in soul power between the Soul Sect and the Soul Master." Hu Yankang's two soul rings lit up.

The body is like a human-shaped diamond mammoth, charging towards Ye Feng.

The huge momentum, coupled with the inertia of body strength, made this blow very powerful.

Boom, Ye Feng's fist hit Hu Yankang's body heavily, and Hu Yankang's impact was so strong that he also hit Ye Feng's body.

The two actually flew towards the edge of the ring at the same time.

Nahu Yankang also lost his center of gravity in the air, and it was doomed to fall to the Soul Fighting Stage.

Ye Feng's condition here is not much better, the Huyankang Soul Sect's attack is not weak, and his soul power is basically used in this move, and he is also betting on this move.

First launched a fierce offensive, and then pretended that the soul power was not crowded, and called Yankang to relax his vigilance. After all, he was the soul sect, and he was very confident in Ye Feng, who was fighting the soul master.

Because he knew that his opponent couldn't have Feng Xiaotian's strength, he was far behind, and if he had the front, he wouldn't be able to lose three times in a row.

But what he didn't expect was that after Feng Xiaotian's guidance in the past two days, Ye Feng had brought out his Storm Tiger power to the extreme.

The third soul ability itself was not weak, just like that, the two fell to the ground outside at the same time.

It caused a burst of cheers. After all, Ye Feng is from the Kamikaze Academy, and most of the students here are students of the Kamikaze Academy.

After landing, the battle was a tie, but according to the comparison of soul power, Ye Feng won the soul fight.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Ye Feng asked.


Feng Xiaotian just wanted to help Ye Feng up, but Ye Feng immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I may not be able to participate in the rest of today's battle. My soul power is exhausted and I am also injured." Ye Feng said.

"Okay, then go to the treatment, take a good rest after the treatment, Yinfeng, come and help Ye Feng, my soul fighting will begin immediately." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, that's really helpful. Brother Ye Feng really defeated a forty-level soul sect." Yinfeng said, which they didn't dare to think about before.

Especially for a soul master like the Elephant Armor Academy who is good at offense and defense, it is already perfect to be able to leapfrog to a draw.

"Hmph, what's there to be happy about? I still have the strength to spare, and I didn't suffer any serious injuries. I can win the full exam rules. What's there to be proud of." Hu Yankang said dissatisfied.

"That's a win. If he's also level [-], and you're in the audience, he must be on the stage." Feng Xiaotian said.

Ye Feng's potential as a storm tiger martial soul is very great. He has been promoted to level [-] and possesses a soul skill. There is absolutely no problem in dealing with Hu Yankang who is level [-].

"Don't be ashamed, let's wait and see, we will fight again." Hu Yankang said, in fact, he was also panicking at the moment, after all, he lost, and saying these things was just to save face.

Turning around and leaving after a meal of self-promotion and belittling the opponent, for this kind of person, it is really despised, there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

Handing Ye Feng to Yinfeng for treatment, Feng Xiaotian's name was already shouted on the soul fighting stage.

After the battle the day before yesterday, Feng Xiaotian's popularity was already full, and most of the audience in his battle hit here.

"Last time Chief Xiaotian defeated all the Weevils in one minute, this time I think it only takes half a minute."

"I think so too, half a minute."

"You are all wrong. The last time I defeated Huyandu, it seemed that it only took ten seconds."

The soul fight hadn't started yet, and everyone had already started discussing it.

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