Both Feng Xiaotian and Hu Yandu fought on the Soul Fighting Stage.

"The Fight Begins"

Seeing Hu Yandu whose face was full of anger, Feng Xiaotian said, "What? What do you want me to fight with you this time? Body? Strength?"

Feng Xiaotian was not in a hurry to fight, he had already completely boosted the morale of the Kamikaze Academy in the team spirit fight.

In the last match, Ye Feng, with a soul power of level [-], insisted on drawing Hu Yankang, who was level [-], and won this victory by virtue of the rules.

This undoubtedly raised the morale and fighting spirit of the entire Kamikaze Academy to an incredible level.

It seems that they all want to stand on the fighting spirit stage and have a vigorous battle.

"You boy, you want to provoke me again. I was careless last time and haven't displayed my true strength. This time I will show you my true strength." Hu Yandu let out a low cry, and the soul ring lit up.

Just when his soul ring lit up and was about to attack, Feng Xiaotian had already come to his side.

"You lost." Feng Xiaotian said on the one hand, and on the other hand, his fist had already landed on Hu Yandu's body, so strong that Huyandu's body took off again.

Feng Xiaotian followed up and threw another punch, Hu Yandu's flying speed became even faster, and immediately flew out of the Soul Fighting Platform by no less than twenty meters.

"Here, less than five seconds from the start to the end of the battle, it's almost instant kill." One of the students in the audience said.

"I learned another trick. You see, Chief Xiaotian's speed is so fast. He releases his soul skills in action, instead of releasing them on the spot to attack. When the opponent is preparing the soul skills, he punches and flies away, and there is no time to resist. .”

"Hey, it's a pity. This move requires both strong strength and speed, and it's very difficult to do." Someone has already summarized the battle just now.

"Shenfeng Academy Feng Xiaotian wins." The host of No. [-] Soul Fighting Stage announced immediately.

Chapter 201? Thoughts on Soul Skills

Shenfeng Academy won consecutive victories in No. [-] Soul Fighting Arena, and each of the other two arenas also held a match, both a [-]th level against [-]th level Tianshui Academy.

The other is the [-]th-level opponent against the [-]th-level Thunder Academy opponent, fighting two levels higher.

Careful people will find that, except for Feng Xiaotian, the opponents chosen by the other members of the Shenfeng Academy will not be lower than their own level.

Feng Xiaotian is because there is no other contestant in all the academies whose soul power level is higher than his, but the opponents he chooses have at least reached the soul ancestor level.

Walking down the fighting spirit stage, Feng Xiaotian's next opponent is Huo Xinxin from Blazing Academy, his old opponent.

The time is still relatively long, it is the sixth round of the third soul fighting stage, after each round, there will be at least two soul fightings between the next battle.

The two soul fights may take a long time, or it may only be a few minutes. After all, there are times when you admit defeat, or you will automatically lose the soul fight if you cannot play.

Sixty-five people will be held in the morning, one-on-one is destined to have a bye, and each person will participate in at least three soul fights, so there will be at least ninety-nine soul fights.

In the morning, due to time constraints, it took a lot of time to draw lots and explain the rules, so in the morning each soul fighting platform only had ten soul fighting games, and the fighting souls basically hit in the afternoon. If there was only one game in the morning, there were two remaining games. In the afternoon, even if the soul power is exhausted in the morning, you can still recover a certain amount of rewards to participate in the soul fight in the middle of a few hours.

Ye Feng's soul power was exhausted and he was also injured, and his next soul fight was at the third soul fight stage, behind Feng Xiaotian, which was the seventh round.

It was too late to recover, so he asked healing soul masters and food system soul masters to help him recover.At the same time, they also lost the remaining chances to fight today, and the other two soul masters will be automatically recognized as victors, so the opponent will also get three points.

So luck is also a part of strength, it is possible that if you only fight once, the day's soul fighting will be over.

I don't know who set this rule, because in this way, everyone must stay near the fighting spirit platform all day, even if it is a free exchange match, it is not free, at most it is free to choose the opponent.

Feng Xiaotian came to the third soul fighting stage, where the third soul fighting was going on, Qin Yiran was fighting a woman from Tianshui College, forty-one, wearing Tianshui College's iconic clothes, she was also a first-class beauty, It can be said that the girls of Tianshui Academy are not bad looking.If it's too bad, you can't get into Tianshui Academy.

At this moment, Qin Yiran had already used his soul skills to control the beautiful woman from Tianshui College on the fighting spirit stage, and the woman was surrounded by blue soul power, trying to break free from the control of Qin Yiran's soul skills.

However, what Qin Yiran used was the fourth soul ability, which was somewhat similar to his first soul ability and was also a entanglement type of soul ability, but this soul ability was a little different, the vines looked thicker.

Wrapping her opponent so tightly that she couldn't move at all, the woman was able to use her soul skills at first, but she couldn't use her soul skills later on.

"Admit defeat, if you continue like this, you will suffocate to death." Qin Yiran said.

Control-type soul masters are inherently more difficult to deal with than ordinary soul masters, and are generally the strongest at the same level, but Qin Yiran's soul power is one level higher than the opponent's.

The woman didn't seem to want to give up, she struggled again, and found that there was nothing she could do, so she could only say, "I admit defeat."

Hearing the sound of the opponent admitting defeat, the referee immediately announced that Kamikaze Qin Yiran had won.

"Sister Yiran, congratulations. If you hadn't been injured in the battle against Thunder Academy, you would have defeated Tianshui Academy in our academy." Feng Xiaotian said.

"That's right, the [-]rd level Soul Sect from Xiaotian Thunder Academy is really powerful, he is very powerful, and even broke away from my fourth soul ability. But I think his strength and attack are definitely not as strong as yours." Qin Yiran thought about it.

"Really? It's very powerful, as expected of a top martial spirit." Feng Xiaotian said, the martial soul of the Soul Sect is the Dark Electric Benpeng King, and also a soul master with extreme speed and strength.

This will be Feng Xiaotian's strongest opponent, and he is also looking forward to the confrontation with his opponent.Today is impossible, because his fourth spirit fight has not been arranged yet.

In the fourth round, after all the spirit fights in the afternoon are over, it will be a challenge on the soul fighting stage. For example, Feng Xiaotian filled in a total of nine opponents today.

In the afternoon, it seemed that these nine people were still there and did not take the initiative to withdraw from the challenge, so as long as Feng Xiaotian proposed a challenge, the other party must accept it, unless you directly withdraw.

Even if you quit, you will lose. Everyone is a soul master, and they are all geniuses in each academy. They have to be proud of themselves, and generally they will not admit defeat easily, unless there is no other way.

"Sister Yiran, your fourth soul ability is pretty good. It has really strong control. It's similar to the first soul ability. Could it be that absorbing the soul ring is the same as the soul beast of the first soul ability?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously. Asked, it is only in this situation that the two soul skills can be so similar.

Qin Yiran was a little surprised and said: "Xiaotian, you are really amazing, you can see this, that day I went to find a suitable soul beast with my father and my second uncle, but we couldn't find a suitable soul beast after nearly ten days of searching. Mine, on the twelfth day, I found a soul beast that was the same as my first soul ring, a soul beast that was just four thousand years old, so I killed it and gave it to me."

Feng Xiaotian knew that it was really difficult to find a suitable soul beast in the huge Sunset Forest, and the older the soul beast was, the harder it would be.

Think about it in Douluo's original novel, Tang San and the others used immortal items to attract the spirit beasts, and then with the help of Dugu Bo's poison formation, they got the spirit rings they wanted in the fastest time.

Without these, it is possible for those few people to find them for a month.

"Sister Yiran, I forgot to tell you whether your first and fourth soul skills can be used together, or find a certain point to control the addition of the two soul skills." Feng Xiaotian said.

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