For example, his self-created soul ability Gale Slash is issued jointly by the second and third soul skills. As long as it is well controlled, it is not a problem to control the two soul skills together and use them.

This requires a strong control ability, at least to achieve dual purposes.

"So it's okay, thank you Xiaotian, I will try." Qin Yiran said.

While talking, the battle on the soul fighting stage had already started, Qin Yiran was about to leave the third soul fighting stage, her next soul fighting match was on the second soul fighting stage, which was also the sixth match.

Watching Qin Yiran leave, he was thinking about the master's research. This point seems to have been mentioned. Even if the soul rings of the same soul beast are absorbed at different levels, the soul skills produced should be the same. The difference is not very big.

This is the conclusion obtained by the master after studying twenty-six soul masters. There is also a point that few people in this continent kill the same soul beast when absorbing a soul ring, so the research data is relatively small.

Chapter 202 It's not that you can't do it, but that the opponent is too strong

Feng Xiaotian's idea is well-founded, he has also seen soul masters who use soul skills like this, for example, one of his opponents in the previous soul fighting to recruit a marriage partner was a more powerful soul skill that was cooperating with each other.

So Qin Yiran's first and fourth soul skills have such abilities, as long as you discover and try, you will have a chance to achieve it.

After watching the fourth soul fight, his second opponent, Huo Xinxin, came to the third soul fight stage. It could be seen that she had just experienced a soul fight, and her soul power was also consumed to a certain extent.

It's just that Huo Xinxin didn't come over to say hello to Feng Xiaotian, and stood with the Chihuo Academy team, with the three soul fighting platforms only fifty meters apart.

At this time, people from the major colleges were basically distributed in the three major areas, and each waiting area of ​​the fighting spirit platform formed its own group.

In the fifth soul fight, it seems that the two opponents are fighting for the second time. This arrangement is not a problem. Basically, it is the second time against the second time, and the third time against the third time. After all, the opponent is himself It's a fair arrangement.

This match is between Thunder Academy and Weevil Academy, or Hu Yandu, who is [-]st level, and Soul Sect, who is [-]st level of Thunder Academy.

Because Hu Yandu's previous opponent was Feng Xiaotian, he played in seconds. Although his body was in pain, the forbearance will pass, and his soul power is now at its peak.

And the soul power of the Thunder Academy's Soul Sect is estimated to be only about [-]%, and the soul power is the same, but this Soul Sect of the Thunder Academy should not be underestimated. He is one of the two Soul Sect masters of the Thunder Academy. He was also born in the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and his martial soul also inherited the top martial soul of the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Both attack and defense are top-level existences, and this person is actually Yu Xiaomo who is a backup with Yu Xiaoming. Hu Yandu is still dangerous.

At the beginning of the battle, Hu Yandu suddenly entered a defensive state. The two colleges had fought before, and they both knew their opponents.

Yu Xiaomo immediately possessed his body with a martial soul, as if he had entered the state of dragon transformation, but after a closer look, he found that it was not dragon transformation.

It's just that the power is too strong, making people look like his martial soul has transformed into a dragon.

As soon as Hu Yandu came up, he used his soul skills and entered a defensive state.

Yu Xiaomo let out a low shout, and saw that his hands seemed to have turned into dragon claws, and they instantly transformed into dragons.

Feng Xiaotian has read the original book, so he naturally knows the characteristics of Thunderbolt Tyrannosaurus rex's martial soul. The soul skills are based on dragon transformation. Whatever soul skills are used, which part will change, dragon transformation.

At the seventieth level, the whole body will transform into a dragon, which is extremely powerful.

At this moment, the first soul skill of Yu Xiaomo's dragon transformation seems to be Thunder Dragon Claw, and its attack power has been increased by [-]%.


Yu Xiaomo's dragon claw hit Hu Yandu's defense, and Hu Yandu slowly retreated.

When he just took a step back, after Yu Xiaomo attacked a few times, he even withdrew his defense and charged towards Yu Xiaomo.

Yu Xiaomo still responded with the Thunder Dragon Claw, but after all, this was only his first soul ability, and this blow was still no match for Hu Yandu's soul ability.

After taking a few steps back, he said: "The strength is not bad, but there is still a gap between us."

After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaomo activated her second soul skill, Thunder Fury, and suddenly entered a state of frantic explosion, and a huge thunderbolt attacked Hu Yandu.

Hu Yandu hurriedly prepared to defend, this move was very powerful, it was the anger of the dragon, and he saw a thunder-like soul power concentrated on Hu Yandu.

The creaking sound of thunder and lightning was released, and then there was a bang, and Hu Yandu actually knelt down on one knee and had to support his body with his hands.

What is the upper three sects, there is a clear gap with the lower four sects, the soul power is the same, generally speaking, the soul master of the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Dragon Wuhun can easily defeat any opponent of the lower four sects, of course the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is needless to say, That is the auxiliary spirit.

Not to mention the other Clear Sky Hammer, the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex is even afraid.

"Admit defeat, you are not my opponent." Yu Xiaomo said.

Huyandu wanted to stand up, but his trembling legs didn't seem to be enough to support him.

"I admit defeat." Hu Yandu had to say.

At this time, other members of the Elephant Armor Sect came up to help Hu Yandu down.

"Hu Yanqiang, you are really not good at this year's team." Seeing that his clan brother easily won the victory, Yu Xiaoming said while looking at Hu Yanqiang with a smile.

At this moment, Hu Yanqiang's face was livid, and the successive failures of the Elephant Armor Academy made him feel ashamed.

Hu Yanqiang snorted coldly, and said, "The Elephant Armor Academy will definitely be ashamed."

"Actually, what Xiao Ming said is not entirely correct. It's not that the Elephant Academy is not good this year, but that the opponent is too strong." Shui Xuanyu laughed.

"Shui Xuanyu, your college is not the same, it's not as good as ours." Hu Yanqiang said.

"Really? Lei Peng should have played in the team battle before. At that time, your record will be the bottom one." Yu Xiaoming said.

Others are afraid of the Elephant Armor Academy Elephant Armor School, but Yu Xiaoming is not, and neither is Thunder Academy.In the previous battle, because Lei Peng's soul power reached the bottleneck and broke through to level [-], he didn't play that day, so the Elephant Armor used two soul sects to deal with Lei Ting, which was a narrow defeat.

Yu Xiaomo used such force as soon as he entered the stage, quickly defeating Hu Yandu.

In fact, Shui Xuanyu was also right, the Elephant Academy was not bad, but the opponent was really too strong.

Meeting Feng Xiaotian's kamikaze, fighting against Feng Xiaotian alone, and against the Soul Sect of Thunder Academy alone, it is too difficult to win.

If facing other opponents, Zhihuo or Tianshui are very likely to win.

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