"Even if we win, we will definitely win, so what about Lei Peng?" Hu Yanqiang said.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, the next match is about to start, Feng Xiaotian is fighting against Huo Xinxin, Lao Huo, what do you think of this soul fight?" Shui Xuanyu looked at Huo Lieyuan with a smile.

Huo Lieyuan also had a wry smile on his face, looked at Feng Qingyuan, and said, "It's not that my Huo Xinxin is too weak, it's that the opponent is Feng Xiaotian, just look."

Everyone turned their gazes to the third Soul Fighting Platform, only to see that Huo Xinxin had just gone up, and then went straight down again.

admit defeat?

Feng Xiaotian was also very strange, and asked: "Aren't you going to fight?"

He knew that although Huo Xinxin was not very good usually, but his character was extremely strong, he stopped fighting today.

"Hmph, you won, I know I can't beat you, why not keep your strength and soul power and fight with others, maybe you can get more points." Huo Xinxin said.

"Alright then, I wish you good grades." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Before you get good grades, I think you don't need to participate, but I have a chance to get in the top five." Huo Xinxin laughed.

"Not participating?"

Feng Xiaotian doesn't need to participate, but he must take the lead for the entire academy, this is his mission, and he also wants to meet the soul sect of the [-]rd level Thunder Academy for a while.

The soul sect from the Thunder Academy has not yet revealed his full strength, and he has never used his fourth soul ability. No one knows what his fourth soul ability is.

Dark Lightning King, the top martial soul, I want to see if there is a gap between the Gale Two-Headed Wolf, the top martial soul after mutation and evolution, and the real top martial soul.

Chapter 203 ? Arrangement of Fighting Souls, Feng Xiaotian vs. Lei Peng

The soul fighting continued, and the three soul fighting platforms were never idle, until the noon return point, when the soul fighting stopped.

Such intensive soul fighting is really rare, and this kind of soul fighting will last for five days, or until no one signs up, but generally speaking, five days are stipulated, and usually on the third day, the soul fighting will end.

No one signed up on the fourth day. This is an unacceptable rule. Their exchange competition has been maintained for hundreds of years in the Five Elements Academy, and they are too lazy to change the rules.

At noon, the cafeteria of Kamikaze Academy also prepared some sumptuous meals for the various colleges, and the soul fight will be held in two hours.

These two hours are enough for most of the soul masters participating in the exchange competition to recover their physical and soul power.

Each college has its own rest area, which was built by the previous colleges at zero time. None of these colleges have soul masters from the healing department, so there is no need to worry about cheating.

As for taking the medicine to restore soul power, there is no need to worry. The medicine on Douluo Dalu is really bad, and there are too few medicines that can restore soul power and injuries in two hours.

Even if there is, it is very precious. It takes at least ten thousand years of medicinal materials to have such an effect, so there is no need to use it.

The points of all the players have been displayed, everyone can see their own points, the highest is six points, the lowest is negative two points, two wins or two losses.

For the results of Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian and Qin Yiran both won two soul fights, Ye Feng won the next one, and the others basically challenged opponents who were at least one level higher than themselves, and the others did not win a single game.

Ye Feng fights against Hu Yandu, Qin Yiran is a control system soul master, fighting alone, it is easy to defeat people of the same level, the last time he was seriously injured was because he was attacked by Lei Peng, the dark lightning king of Thunder Academy.

With just the third soul skill, Qin Yiran's control was broken, and at the same time, Qin Yiran was seriously injured. If Qin Yiran hadn't been seriously injured in this battle, at least he wouldn't have lost all of them.

Feng Xiaotian's fight against Lei Peng, besides wanting to see the power of the opponent's top-level martial spirit, is also a way to feel low. The Thunder Academy should not be underestimated in the future advanced soul master competition. How many top martial souls?Maybe there are still hands left to participate in the exchange competition this time?

After all, there are quite a few direct disciples of Thunder King Dragon Sect, so it may not be possible for two or three Soul Sects to participate in the Advanced Soul Master Competition in one session.

Another reason for Zhan Leipeng was to find Qin Yiran a place, it was just an exchange match, there was no need for such a serious injury.

Although the records of the other members of the Kamikaze Academy were poor, as long as Feng Xiaotian was around, no one would dare to underestimate the Kamikaze Academy.

Two hours later, the fighting spirit was the same as in the morning, and all the battles had been arranged.

Just reach the soul fighting platform on time according to the number of times you fight the soul.

After a two-hour rest at noon, everyone was gearing up and preparing for a big fight.

Feng Xiaotian was arranged for the first match of the No. [-] Soul Fighting Stage, and his opponent was Zhang Xinglong from Blazing Academy.

But as soon as he entered the field, Zhang Xinglong conceded defeat, and had no intention of fighting Feng Xiaotian at all.

Zhang Xinglong knew Feng Xiaotian's strength, before they lost to Feng Xiaotian, who was only a thirty-sixth-level soul master, using the martial soul fusion technique at their thirty-ninth level of soul power.

Although he has already reached level [-] now, Feng Xiaotian is already level [-]. What kind of cultivation speed is this? He will improve by ten levels in ten months, and one level in a month.

But they didn't know what Feng Xiaotian had experienced in ten months. He almost died several times, and it was extremely dangerous. Fortunately, he was lucky and operated properly, so he overcame the difficulties step by step, and cultivated to forty-sixth level.

He knew the gap between himself and Feng Xiaotian, even if he tried his best, he might not be able to win, so it was better to keep his form to avoid injury, after all, this was only the first day of the free exchange competition.

In the stands, Shui Xuanyu looked at Huo Lieyuan, and said, "Old Huo, why did your academy admit defeat, didn't you fight Xiaotian?"

Huo Lieyuan smiled, and said: "Your family is not the same, it's the same when you meet Xiaotian, haha!"

"You two, don't you dare to fight? Feng Xiaotian is powerful, but it's not certain that he will face Lei Peng who is in our academy." Yu Xiaoming said.

"Brother Qingyuan, what do you think?" Yu Xiaoming finally looked at Feng Qingyuan, feeling a little jealous in his heart. Feng Qingyuan was the youngest among them, but his soul power was already the highest. Contra.

It has only been a few months since the last time I got the soul ring, and I can upgrade two levels. This is Contra, not an ordinary soul master or a great soul master. The promotion of Contra is really too difficult.

"Lei Peng? I think it's the same as other soul masters. My son Xiaotian ended up with only one, and he lost." Feng Qingyuan said lightly. He is full of confidence in his son, even if you call one now. The Soul King came out, and he also believed that his son could win.

"Why don't we arrange it, let Feng Xiaotian and Lei Peng fight again later, I think both of them are in their prime at the moment." Hu Yanqiang suggested.

"I think it's okay." Yu Xiaoming said.

"No problem, it can be arranged like this." Feng Qingyuan smiled.

In the afternoon, the progress of the soul fight was much faster. The candidates for the Kamikaze Academy were all challenged by leapfrogging, constantly overcoming the fear that the opponent's soul power was higher than their own.

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