Some team members are now full of fighting spirit in the face of opponents with higher spirit power than themselves, and they don't show any signs of timidity.

In less than two hours, the afternoon spirit fight was over.

Among the sixty-five people, only eight chose to continue the soul fight, Feng Xiaotian was one of them, and his opponent was Lei Peng.

It was scheduled for the fourth match, which was also the last match of the day.

On the side of Shenfeng Academy, Qin Yiran also chose to fight one more time. Her soul power is still sufficient, but his opponent is stronger, and he is also a master of the Soul Sect of Thunder Academy, Yu Xiaomo.

"Sister Yiran, be careful when fighting Yu Xiaomo. His soul skills and attack power are particularly strong and he is a top-level martial soul. Your control may not be able to restrain him. If you lose control and admit defeat, there is no need to fight to get injured. "Feng Xiaotian reminded.

"Understood, I will pay attention." Qin Yiran said, although her martial spirit is not bad, but it is far worse than the top-level martial spirit Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

Although the soul masters of the control system are very powerful at the same level, but one more thing should be added, this is only the case when the martial souls are at the same level.

How can the control skills of a soul master with ordinary martial souls be able to match the soul skills of a top-level soul master with martial souls?The advantage of the top martial spirit is not only in innate talent, but also in other aspects.

Chapter 204 Galewind Two-Headed Wolf VS Dark Lightning King

Feng Xiaotian vs. Dark Lightning Peng Wang Leipeng When the host announced it, it immediately caused a sensation.

When Feng Xiaotian didn't appear on the stage, Lei Peng was the well-deserved first person, but Feng Xiaotian's appearance naturally gave up the title of the first person.

Just relying on Feng Xiaotian to defeat Elephant Armor Academy with one enemy and seven generals, everyone thought that Feng Xiaotian was the first person.

Feng Xiaotian didn't care about these external titles either.

The first battle was a member of the Elephant Academy against a member of the Blazing Academy, and this time the Elephant Academy won.

The second match was Shui Shuang'er from Tianshui Academy, who fought against the blazing Huo Wuxuan, both of them were not much different in spirit power. After a big battle, Shui Shuang'er relied on experience to win in the end.

In the third match, Qin Yiran fought against Yu Xiaomo from Thunder Academy, just as Feng Xiaotian thought, Qin Yiran's fourth soul skill was unable to control Yu Xiaomo, and Yu Xiaomo broke away.

Once a control-type soul master loses his ability to control, he is no different from other auxiliary-type soul masters, so Qin Yiran immediately surrendered, there is no need to continue fighting.

The third game is over, the fourth and the last game of the day is about to begin.

The audience basically shouted Feng Xiaotian's name, who told him to be the home team?

"Come on Captain."

Only a dozen or so members of the Thunder Academy cheered for Lei Peng.

Walking into the Soul Fighting Arena, he had already read some of Lei Peng's information, and he knew a little about the first three soul skills. After all, these three soul skills were used in the previous soul fighting, and it was no longer a secret.

Lei Peng is not very old, he looks less than twenty years old, at most eighteen or nineteen years old, he is a real genius in this era.

However, in the era of Shrek's rise, it's nothing to be only forty-three at the age of eighteen or nineteen. After all, the members of Shrek are all at the soul king level at this age.

"Feng Xiaotian, I think your soul power should be level forty-six." After Lei Peng took the stage, he also looked at Feng Xiaotian carefully and said.

"You are forty-three, so you should admit defeat?" Feng Xiaotian said intentionally, to see if he could provoke Lei Peng.

Who knew that Lei Peng pursed his lips and smiled disdainfully, and said: "It's just forty-three levels, and the level of soul power does not represent a person's combat power. You can only know by comparing."

While speaking, the two had already released their own martial souls and soul rings, and it was no secret that Feng Xiaotian leapfrogged to absorb the soul rings.

Right after releasing the martial spirit, Lei Peng suddenly seemed to be a different person, with a focused expression, commenting on Feng Xiaotian.

Sure enough, people with top martial souls are not ordinary people, Feng Xiaotian thought, it is not a problem for top martial soul owners to leapfrog to fight.

Feng Xiaotian also started to get serious, and hundreds of spectators around the Soul Fighting Stage held their breaths. This might be the most exciting soul fighting in the entire exchange competition, and no one wanted to miss any details.

After completing the possession of the beast spirit, neither of them used their soul skills, and the battle between them started at a super fast speed in an instant.


The moment the two touched and collided, it was like a burst of thunder, and amidst the thunder, it seemed that a strong wind passed by.

These are all the effects of their respective soul powers. Although the two of them did not use soul skills, soul possession definitely requires the use of soul power.

With just this blow, Lei Peng flew far away, his soul power is very strong, and his body is not bad, but how can Feng Xiaotian's body be compared to him?

Isn't that what I did before exercising and practicing weight-bearing?Feng Xiaotian practiced with weight for five consecutive months at a time, how could it be ineffective.

He has known for a long time that Feng Xiaotian's power is stronger than those of the Elephant Armor Academy, but he never thought that it would be so ridiculously strong.

He tried his best to stabilize his figure, and almost fell off the fighting spirit stage, and the whole audience was sweating for him.

"Your strength is really strong, but I will never lose." Lei Peng said.

At the same time, Lei Peng's three soul rings lit up, and two huge dark wings appeared behind Lei Peng.

Jumping into the sky, at the same time the other two soul rings on his body lighted up again, looking down at Feng Xiaotian from a height of about five meters above.

Lei Peng's second soul ability seems to be a little different, his hands turned into eagle-like claws, no, it should be the claws of Pengniao.

There are always lightning around his body which looks extremely scary.

Feng Xiaotian knew that this was the effect of Lei Peng's second and third soul skills used at the same time, which was the same as his second and third soul skills, but his Gale Slash was a short-range attack.

And Lei Peng's attack is a long-range attack, which can stimulate the power of thunder and lightning to attack.The attack power is huge and it also has the powerful destructive power of lightning.

Feng Xiaotian didn't dare to be careless, the destructive power of lightning is really not bad.

Immediately use the second soul ability, the third soul ability is not necessary yet, let's feel the opponent's soul ability first.

"Just use the second soul skill?" Lei Peng suddenly felt that Feng Xiaotian seemed to look down on him.

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