Lei Peng's hands were accumulating the power of lightning, he flapped his wings lightly, and the next moment he came to the sky above Feng Xiaotian, a wave of energy condensed by Lei Dili attacked Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian already knew the other party's soul skills, and also knew the effect of his soul skills, and had already prepared in advance. With a dodge, Feng Xiaotian moved out of the original place at least ten meters away.

But how could he know that the moment he moved, that lightning attack came to Feng Xiaotian again.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaotian's body has been improved in all directions after training, even if he uses the second soul ability now, it is faster than the [-]% improvement when using the third soul ability before.

After all, his foundation has improved, and the use of soul skills will also improve accordingly.


With a bang, Lei Peng's attack failed again.

"That's right, it's rare for you to use the second soul skill at such a speed, but should I just attack at this point?" Lei Peng said, using both hands together.

This time there were actually two bolts of lightning, one struck Feng Xiaotian at Feng Xiaotian's position, and the other seemed to be judging Feng Xiaotian's next move.

"It can't be done. If this goes on like this, you will be hit sooner or later." Feng Xiaotian had an idea, and the first soul skill was activated. You only launched two lightning-like attacks, but my wind blade array can shoot ten at a time. indivual.

While dodging, Feng Xiaotian activates the first soul skill at the same time, ten wind blades come out, one of them counteracts the lightning strike head-on, and the remaining nine wind blades go straight to Lei Peng.

Lei Peng's first reaction must be to dodge first, Feng Xiaotian's first soul ability is not easy to hit, and the fast opponent is easy to dodge.

Sure enough, Lei Peng easily dodged Feng Xiaotian's wind blade, but just when he thought he dodged it, he heard a slamming sound.

Lei Peng fell straight down, and above Lei Peng before, Feng Xiaotian was there, and he also used the third soul skill.

When Lei Peng dodged, it was the best time for him to attack.

Chapter 205 Thunder Ball Uses Wind Ball to Do It

Looking for the best time to attack during the battle, at the moment just now, it was the best time to attack Lei Peng, Feng Xiaotian used the third soul skill without hesitation.

Use the fastest speed to attack in the air, and although Lei Peng has already noticed it, it is already too late.

Feng Xiao's blow was powerful and heavy, and Lei Peng landed heavily on the fighting spirit platform. The fighting spirit platform was paved with pieces of hard stone slabs, and it was visible to the naked eye that Lei Peng's remaining stone slabs had been broken.

There have been more than a hundred team soul fights and one-on-one soul fights before, and no such situation has ever happened.

Such a blow, most people can bear it, and it is inevitable to hurt the muscles and bones.

Everyone thought that Lei Peng would be seriously injured, but Feng Xiaotian's blow was too powerful. Everyone had seen Feng Xiaotian's power before, and he was someone who could defeat the Elephant Armor Academy, which mainly focuses on strength.

It is conceivable that the power of concealment was used on Lei Peng.

Just when he was worried, Lei Peng jumped up, as if he was not injured.

The next moment, he used the third soul skill again, and flew into the air again, standing side by side with Feng Xiao.

Feng Xiaotian knew his strength just now. Although that blow was not as powerful as when he was against the Elephant Armor Academy, it still had [-]% of his strength.

Ordinary soul masters will be injured even if they are fine after this attack, but this Lei Peng seems to be fine.

This Lei Peng's physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and his second and third soul skills should also greatly strengthen his own defense ability.

So this level of attack didn't hurt him, even if it did, it might be negligible.

"Yes, you can attack with this level of strength, but this is not all your strength." Lei Peng said.

Of course this is not Feng Xiaotian's full power, the blow he just had was only [-]% of his normal power, which means he didn't count the [-]% increase effect of the third soul ability.

To put it bluntly, it was just a casual punch, Feng Xiaotian's current soul master with average strength could not bear it, so this punch was just a kind of temptation.

"A little more than [-]%, let's continue." Feng Xiaotian replied.

After hearing this, Lei Peng's expression was a little bad. Thirty percent of his strength already possessed such strength. Wouldn't it be dangerous for me to use all my strength?

In that blow just now, Lei Peng naturally knew how strong his strength was. Thirty percent of his strength was already equal to his [-] percent strength. Doesn't this mean that Feng Xiaotian's overall strength was twice as strong as his?

He also perfectly improved his physical strength and attack with the second and third soul skills. If Feng Xiaotian exerted all his strength in that blow just now, he might not be able to stand up.

Isn't it good to kill your opponent with one move?The more I think about Lei Peng, the more I feel something is wrong. It seems that I can only pin my hope on my fourth soul skill.

But is it really only [-]% power?

Thinking of this, Lei Peng could use the state just now again, and directly attacked Feng Xiaotian from the air.

Feng Xiaotian also went head-on, and the two actually fought in the air in the exchange match.

The combination of wind and thunder, the sound of lightning and thunder, seemed to be the precursor of heavy rain in nature, the battle was very fierce, Feng Xiaotian kept following Lei Peng's rhythm.

Lei Peng used as much strength as he used to attack. The reason why he was doing this was because Feng Xiaotian wanted to see Lei Peng's cards.

Slowly force out his hole cards, and the fourth soul ability is always a mystery, the earlier it is known, the better it will be for the advanced soul master competition a year later, after all, it is a team battle, a powerful and useful fourth soul ability Soul skills can help a team.

It would be meaningless to just defeat it like this, and at the same time Feng Xiaotian also understood that there was a gap between the geniuses of the Five Elements Academy and the Academy of Wuhundian.

If Kakarot, who is ranked third in Wuhundian Academy, came, Lei Peng might have been defeated long ago.

The two have been fighting at a distance of five meters above the ground, and the Soul Fighting Platform has no limit to their numbers.

The entire sky is their battlefield, everyone is looking up to see the two fighting in the air, only a very small number of people have flying soul skills, fly into the air to watch the battle, but they are far away.

Feng Xiaotian's double head looks like a wolf's head, and Lei Peng's hands are like claws, biting, scratching and other various methods emerge in endlessly.

The more Lei Peng fought, the more frightened he became. He didn't use his full strength at first, and then his strength gradually increased, but no matter how much he increased, Feng Xiaotian's strength was still the same as his.

What Feng Xiaotian said in the dark is indeed correct, indeed he did not use all his strength.

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