One can imagine how powerful the sixty-third move is.

bang bang

It is rare that the entire Hurricane Valley can hear a loud echo.

After using all the Gale Slash, the two landed and put away their soul skills.

"Father, it's exactly what you said. According to your method, my sixty-third move is [-]% more powerful than yesterday." Feng Xiaotian said.

"That's right, your father is also the head of a hospital, so he still has some knowledge." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Xiaotian, do you have any ideas for the combination of wind spiral strike and wind blade?" Feng Qingyuan asked again.

Feng Xiaotian shook his head, and said: "Not yet, the gap between the two soul skills is a bit big, it is still a bit difficult to combine them together to launch this move, I think it needs to strengthen the control of soul power to develop this move, Dad You also have the wind blade soul ability, why don't you try it too?"

"I come?"

"That's right, Dad is a Contra, maybe it's different from what I use." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Then let me try it and tell me how to operate it." After Feng Qingyuan finished speaking, he began to prepare for the experiment on the spot.

"Father, I have three thoughts now. The first one is that we can use one hand to condense the wind spiral attack, and the other hand to release the wind blade, and then send it out at the same time. During the sending out process, the two will be combined into one. This method is the safest and probably the most difficult."

"What about the second type? What about the third type?" Feng Qingyuan asked curiously.

"The second type is based on the first type, and they are fused together before they are released, and the third type is to condense a blast spiral strike on one hand, and then combine the two souls at the moment of release. I think it's the best way to integrate technology."

"It's just that the second and third methods are too dangerous, and I haven't tried them yet." Feng Xiaotian said.

He has tried the first one for countless times, and every time the two come into contact, they explode and burst, and they don't fuse together.

Feng Qingyuan thought for a while and said: "It turns out that the first is the biggest and most dangerous, the second is relatively the simplest and equally dangerous, the third is the most dangerous, and it is more difficult than the second. A smaller, but really optimal approach."

"Yeah, I only have these three plans, and the second and third ones are not better. If the first one is successful, then the latter two methods will be much easier, so I dare to try it." Feng Xiaotian Said.

"Okay, let me try the first option."

Feng Qingyuan began to use the first soul skill of soul power and the blast spiral attack at the same time. The two met three meters away from the two of them. At the moment of just touching, they only heard a touch. The two did not know each other just after touching Rong, burst after the collision.

Then, both of them were experimenting, and there were bursts of bursting sounds.

The best thing to do is the next best thing, sometimes Feng Xiaotian feels that using these two together to explode in front of the opponent seems to be a means of attack.

Chapter 210 Ready to go

The combination of these two soul skills, even if it has not been researched, this trick can still be used, the power is not low, as long as it is used properly, it is a good soul skill.

An hour later, Feng Qingyuan also tried many times, just like Feng Xiaotian, they still couldn't blend together well.

At the same time, they didn't dare to easily try these two soul skills when they were close to each other. The two discussed for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that there is still a way.

That is to control the size of the Gale Spiral Strike and the amount of soul power, and then try to integrate it with the smallest amount. It may be much better to increase it gradually.

In short, the study of these soul skills still requires a lot of time to experiment, and this method is not necessarily correct, it is just to find a few research and development directions.

When Feng Qingyuan left Hurricane Valley, Feng Xiaotian began to practice here alone, and his soul power improved faster than the outside world. It can be said that it is a natural mimetic cultivation environment for wind-type soul masters.

The deeper you go into the Hurricane Valley, the more beneficial it is for your cultivation.

Just an hour ago, he first used Gale Slash, and then experimented with the fusion of Gale Spiral Strike and Wind Blade many times. His soul power has almost been consumed.

He did this one hour before coming to Hurricane Valley every day. He exhausted his soul power, and then replenished his soul power in Hurricane Valley. At the same time, after each recovery, his total soul power was growing at a uniform speed. Opportunity to cultivate to level [-] before the high-level soul master competition starts, and after absorbing the soul ring, that is the soul king of fifty-one strikes.

The training time in Hurricane Valley passed quickly, and the whole morning passed in a blink of an eye. He arrived in Hurricane Valley before six o'clock in the morning and it was almost six hours at noon.

At noon, he will use some dry food to deal with it. In the afternoon, he will continue to practice. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, he will return to the team of Shenfeng Academy to practice together for an hour, and at the same time, everyone will also communicate.

After all, there is only half a year left before the qualifiers, and it will be too late if they don't get used to it.

Fortunately, there were a lot of recruits in the team back then, and he and Zi Linger also had seventeen members.

There is a seven-on-seven battle every day, and different lineups have different attacks and powers, which makes Feng Xiaotian a headache in the final selection.

In the end, it is better to keep those people, they have already made efforts.

But it is impossible for all of them to participate. There are seven main players, and there are at most five substitutes, which means twelve people. Generally speaking, the substitutes of major colleges are between three and five, with three being the least and five being the most.

Feng Xiaotian still has five people to eliminate. Fortunately, he had already explained the elimination method when he formed the team, so everything followed the rules.

The team of Kamikaze Academy naturally has an exclusive training field, which is an indoor field, and the internal space is about the size of an ordinary basketball stadium in the previous life.

It was enough for a dozen of them to toss, Feng Xiaotian came to the training ground as agreed, and there seemed to be bursts of laughter inside, which was different from before.

After entering, I saw people surrounding Tang Shi, congratulating him for reaching level [-].It took half a year to successfully upgrade from level [-] to level [-].

Entering the fortieth level is regarded as entering a new level, and after absorbing the soul ring, it is the realm of the soul sect.

In the past six months, everyone has made progress. Starting today, several core team members have been promoted to a higher level. After the exchange match, Ye Feng obtained a [-]-year soul ring. After absorbing the soul ring, his soul power reached forty. Level one, formally stepping into the realm of Soul Sect.

Now that Tang Shi has reached level [-], it will be a matter of time to become a soul sect, just get the soul ring.

Others are also very close to the Soul Sect. For example, Yinfeng is now at level [-], and he is likely to be the next level [-]. The other two at level [-], Wang Dang and Chen Yu, have also reached level [-]. Eighteenth grade.

As for Qin Yiran, because he obtained the Immortal Grade, his current cultivation speed can be described as fast, and he has raised another level in half a year, reaching level [-].

However, the one with the greatest improvement still belongs to Zi Ling'er. She has been promoted by two levels and is now at level [-]. The reason why she did not enter the realm of Soul Sect is still missing an opportunity. After all, she does not need a soul ring at level [-], as long as she is willing , will soon increase.

It's just that he improved without killing the spirit ring, which would also make people suspicious.

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