At this time, someone had been stuck and might have predicted Feng Xiaotian's arrival, so he hurriedly reminded everyone.

I saw everyone quickly lined up in a row.

"team leader."

"Captain, I've reached level [-], when will you take us to kill spirit beasts?" Tang Shi said, the last time Feng Xiaotian led their team and helped Ye Feng obtain an excellent spirit ring.

This time, two people have reached level [-], especially Feng Xiaotian's younger sister, Zi Ling'er, who is not yet thirteen years old and is about to become a soul sect.

They all lamented the talent of Feng Xiaotian's family, the talent was beyond the mark.

In fact, after transforming into a soul beast for [-] years, he cultivated very quickly. For example, Xiao Wu didn't take the fairy herbs, and his soul power could catch up. In the final finals, he also cultivated to the soul sect realm.

If he had eaten the Heartbroken Red, then his soul power would probably be the highest among all the Shrek people.

Acacia heartbroken red is the king of flowers, the best among celestial products, and also the most precious celestial product in the eyes of the entire Binghuo Liangyi.

As for Zi Ling'er, she had taken immortal herbs, Feng Xiaotian didn't know what kind of herbs she was taking, but the effect was definitely not bad, otherwise she wouldn't be able to cultivate to level [-] so quickly.

Looking at the neatly lined up team, Feng Xiaotian said, "Okay, we will set off for Sunset Forest tomorrow."

"Great, can we all go?" Another thirty-sixth-level soul master asked.

Feng Xiaotian turned his head away and said: "No, this time all the soul beasts killed are about four thousand years old. It's very dangerous. It's not good if there are too many people."

"Don't worry, when we come back from killing the soul ring, I will take you to practice. This time, it's just me, Ling'er, sister Yiran, Ye Feng, Tang Shi, Yinfeng, Wang Dang and Chen Yu, and eight people will go." Feng Xiaotian added again.

Basically, these few people are the main force of this advanced soul master competition. After Tang Shi and Ling'er become soul sects, the number of soul sects in the team has reached five, and it is just around the corner to recruit all the soul sect members.

Because of Feng Xiaotian, the entire team, except Ling'er, practiced in Hurricane Valley for more than six hours a day, and some even spent ten hours.

Feng Xiaotian aroused everyone's enthusiasm for cultivation, and the cultivation base naturally improved a little faster.

Sometimes Feng Xiaotian thought, if he hadn't come here through time travel and didn't know what he was doing, at most two people in the whole academy would be promoted to Soul Sect.

The results of the final advanced soul master competition can be imagined.

"Okay, I won't rehearse today, just get ready and set off at six o'clock tomorrow morning to fight for the sunset forest that day." Feng Xiaotian said.

Hundreds of kilometers, there is no problem with the speed of their wind-type soul masters.

Chapter 211 ? Soul Beast Selection

The next morning, just after dawn, Feng Xiaotian took the seven of them and set off for the Sunset Forest.

Killing soul beasts is also a kind of cultivation. This is the real life-and-death battle. No matter how many battles there are in the martial arts field, they are all their own people. There is no danger in killing them.

Killing soul beasts can kill people if they are not careful, and this kind of life-and-death fighting is also easier for people to improve, which is much better than practicing in the training ground.

The group of people didn't use tools to rush forward, they all walked forward rapidly, and they didn't use soul skills, and Feng Xiaotian moved forward with a heavy load on his body.

Even so, Feng Xiaotian was able to keep up with everyone's speed, because it was a long-distance run, and his load was reduced a lot.

Running at a constant speed can basically be completed in about an hour for [-] kilometers, and then everyone rests for [-] minutes to replenish the water lost by the body.

Then he continued to run forward, no one complained about suffering or tiredness, and thus he arrived at the edge of the sunset forest before noon.

Feng Xiaotian was not in a hurry to lead everyone into the Sunset Forest, and first went to rest outside, after all, everyone's physical strength was almost exhausted in the morning.

In such a state, there is definitely no way to enter the Sunset Forest, and the areas they enter are all gathering places for soul beasts over a thousand years old, so they must maintain a state of full prosperity.

"Everyone, eat this, and you will recover your strength quickly." At this time, Zi Ling'er took out a few pills.

Feng Xiaotian knew it, and he also had many of them, all of which were refined by Zi Ling'er, all of which were refined with thousand-year-level medicinal materials.

Thousand-year-old medicinal materials are like a street stall to Zi Linger. A hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast has searched for a thousand years in a natural medicine place like the Star Dou Forest, although only six fairy products were found.

But at the same time, there are a lot of medicinal materials of ten thousand years and one thousand years. There are countless medicinal materials of ten thousand years and one thousand years.

I just remember a general idea of ​​what I have. In the past six months, he was able to improve so fast and adapt to the weight of a thousand catties, and he still had to rely on the medicinal diet prepared by Zi Ling'er every day.

Every day, she ate herbal diet made from thousand-year-old herbs, and what Zi Ling'er got was the inheritance of the God of Medicine. With Feng Xiaotian's exercise method, taking so many medicines would not harm her body at all.

"Eat it, everyone, it can restore your strength." Feng Xiaotian said, and he took one from Ling'er's hand and put it in his mouth.

After eating, Feng Xiaotian sat cross-legged, accepting the changes brought about by the medicine.

When everyone saw this, they were all very surprised, but seeing that the captain had taken all the pills, no one else doubted them, and started to recover just like Feng Xiaotian after taking the pills.

Zi Ling'er was protecting everyone. When everyone was recovering, Feng Xiaotian took out another one and ate it. His current physical strength is no longer comparable to that of a few months ago. Ordinary people only need one, and he You need two to fully recover your stamina.

After half an hour.

"It's amazing, my physical strength has returned to its peak state." Tang Shi said.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Others were also puzzled.

"This is what restores my strength, it's me." Just when Ling'er was about to say that she refined it, Feng Xiaotian hurriedly said: "Ling'er and I got it at the same auction last time."

Only then did Ling'er realize that she had almost slipped her tongue, so she tried to minimize her ability in this area.

"There is still this thing. I have been to auctions before, but I have never encountered such a pill." Ye Feng said.

"I was lucky last time, I bought three bottles, and there were about sixty or seventy bottles." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Then it must be very precious." Yinfeng asked curiously.

Several people also looked at Feng Xiaotian, wanting to know how much the pill they just took was worth.

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