Looking at the expectant eyes of several people, Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to reply: "Each one is worth about one hundred gold soul coins, and it's not too expensive."

"One hundred gold soul coins, if it has such an effect, it's not too expensive." Tang Shi said.

"It's not expensive."

"If it were me, I would buy as many as I have." Wang Dang said.

Feng Xiaotian looked at these seven people. These people were all from aristocratic families, and they were all rich and powerful. One hundred gold soul coins is not too much for them.

"Alright, everyone has recovered, let's hurry into the Sunset Forest." Qin Yiran reminded.

"Let's go, this time we go directly to the area where the high-level soul beasts are, everyone follow me." Feng Xiaotian said.

Regarding the understanding of Sunset Forest, Feng Xiaotian knows best here, especially his mansion, which is also here, and he is very clear about the spirit beasts around and nearby.

And the martial soul that Tang Shi needs is not far from his mansion, which saves the time to find the soul beast.

The eight people entered the Sunset Forest, activated their martial spirits one after another, and quickly headed towards their destination.

Two hours later, a few people came to the gathering place where Tang Shi needed spirit beasts. There were two kinds of spirit beasts to choose from here, one was the Storm Demon Wolf, and the other was the Qingfeng Bull.

Both are fine, the soul ring of the wind element, and the violent wind lion used as a Tang lion are both fine.

There are two major territories here, and they are both divided by ethnic groups.

Storm Demon Wolves and Qingfeng Cows.

Moreover, there will be conflicts between the two groups of soul beasts from time to time, especially the group of storm demon wolves, who prefer to eat green wind cattle.

If you come here often, you will see a small group of wolves waiting for the opportunity to take the Qingfengniu. Once found, the wolves will attack, and the wolves will fall into the wolf's stomach.

However, Qingfengniu itself is not weak, and it is also [-]-[-] against Storm Demon Wolf in a real duel.

"Okay, we are already in place. From this small hill as the dividing line, on the left is the gathering place of the Qingfeng Niu, and on the right is the storm demon wolf. My ten thousand year spirit ring comes from the storm of the storm demon wolf pack." Demon wolf king, you can choose yourself." Feng Xiaotian said.

Tang Shi thought for a moment, and said: "Storm Demon Wolf, just like your captain, the last time the Storm Demon Wolf King died, the new king should not have reached the level of ten thousand years." Tang Shi said.

Let him choose between wolves and cows, he still wants the spirit ring of wolves, not cows.

"Okay, if you choose, then I will kill the Storm Demon Wolf." Feng Xiaotian said.

But for the sake of safety, Feng Xiaotian still won't let everyone go to the Storm Demon Wolves, there are so many soul beasts, there will always be someone alone.

Even if they encounter a group of storm demon wolves, they will not panic. First, everyone is not weak, and most of them can fly, so they can escape from the air when the time comes.

Entering the territory of the Storm Demon Wolf, Feng Xiaotian released his mental power, and if there was any danger or situation, he would be able to know it immediately.

And his mental power, which had already reached the peak of Contra, was able to clearly detect the surrounding situation.As long as there is a situation, you can respond quickly, whether to kill or avoid conflict.

Chapter 212 Linger Advances

The last time Feng Xiaotian killed the Storm Demon Wolf King, he came here, but that time, under the leadership of his teacher Dugu Bo, he went directly to the Storm Demon Wolf Pack.

Go directly into their territory. The territory of the Storm Demon Wolf is very large. Even if he has been here, he is not so familiar with it. He just knows it.

This time, he will not take people to find the wolf king directly. If the wolf king is also a ten thousand year soul beast, then this time it will be dangerous.

There is also a huge gap between a soul beast that has not passed ten thousand years and a ten thousand year soul beast. Feng Xiaotian thinks that his current strength can fight against a ten thousand year soul beast, and then defeat him.

But this time, if we meet, there may be a group of hundreds of storm wolves, so the team is in danger. As the captain, you can't lead the team members into the pit.

The main targets are lone or small groups of wolves, for example, a few or a dozen storm wolves can be considered.

Under the leadership of Feng Xiaotian, several people have been exploring the territory of the storm demon wolves. After an hour, they did not meet any soul beast.

After all, this is the territory of the storm wolf, and generally weak soul beasts will not come here.

Here, basically, only the storm demon wolf can be found.

"It's strange. It's been an hour and I haven't seen a single wolf. It stands to reason that this place should be easy to meet, and it's also easy to be discovered by these wolves?" Tang Shi asked curiously.

"Maybe your aura is so strong that those wolves are afraid to come." Yinfeng laughed.

In fact, it can't be blamed that there are no wolves in the Storm Demon Wolf Territory. The main reason is that Feng Xiaotian has already used his mental power to detect the surrounding situation.

This is the benefit of a strong mental power, with Feng Xiaotian leading the way, so he didn't meet any soul beasts in this hour.

After all, meeting spirit beasts is inevitable and you may have to fight again. Once you fight, you may usher in more wolves.

If the soul beast is suitable, then you can quickly get it to obtain the soul ring, but if the soul beast is not suitable, it is not good, mainly because of the age limit.

At least one soul beast of more than four thousand years must be found for the team members. Between four thousand and five thousand, in the previous hour, there were still more than a dozen storm demon wolves appearing within the range of mental power, but unfortunately the age limit is not suitable , the tallest one has just passed three thousand years.

So Feng Xiaotian took the initiative to make changes to avoid the possibility of encountering these spirit beasts, but Feng Xiaotian also discovered a problem, that is, there are too few spirit beasts in the territory of the Storm Demon Wolf.

And I always feel that there is a bloody smell in this place. Maybe the soul beasts are fighting, or there may be other people killing the soul beasts. This kind of smell is too common in the soul beast forest.

It's just that the taste is really different today, and the specific feeling is not clear.

Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to say: "Everyone, be careful, this place seems to be a bit different, be careful."

"Brother Xiaotian, what did you find?" Zi Linger asked.

"I don't know the details, Ling'er, do you know?" Feng Xiaotian asked, after all, Ling'er was transformed by a soul beast, and she knew the situation in the soul beast forest best.

Ling'er came to Feng Xiaotian's side, and said: "The aura of a large amount of soul beast blood may be something happening inside the soul beast, it may be internal fighting."

"Infighting? Impossible? It's been more than eight months since the last Storm Demon wolf king died, and a new wolf king has appeared long ago. How could there be internal fighting?" Feng Xiaotian said.

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