"It's not necessarily true. For example, it may take several years or even ten years to fight for the king of some soul beast territories. It's normal that there is no new king for more than eight months." Zi Linger replied.

"Ling'er, you are so young, you know so much." Yi Ran praised.

"Hey, I happened to see this when I was reading a book. I don't know if it's true." Ling'er replied with some embarrassment.

"How about this, you stay where you are, let Ling'er and I go deep into the territory of the Storm Demon Wolf to investigate the situation, and then we will make plans." Feng Xiaotian decided.

"Captain, let me go about this matter. My martial spirit is a silver-winged wind bird, and I fly extremely fast. Even if they find me, I can escape as quickly as possible." Yinfeng said, his martial spirit is indeed Very suitable for high-altitude reconnaissance.

"Forget it, let Ling'er and I go. You stay where you are. If you are in danger, retreat to the middle of the two territories. Where is the safest area? When I'm not around, I'll trouble Yiran Jie Let's go to the team." Feng Xiaotian said.

If Feng Xiaotian is crazy here, Qin Yiran's soul power has reached the forty-third level, and Feng Xiaotian will listen to her when he is not around.

"Let's go, Ling'er, let's go take a look."

"it is good."

The two disappeared into the vast jungle in an instant.

All the way in a hurry, after about [-] minutes, they came to a hidden place, Feng Xiaotian stopped and said: "This place is relatively hidden, let's start quickly."

Zi Ling'er said shyly, "Brother Xiaotian, what are you doing?"

Looking at Zi Ling'er who was blushing, Feng Xiaotian said: "What are you thinking? Hurry up and complete the promotion to the soul sect, then we will say that we have met a soul beast that is suitable for injury, and it will be fine if it just suits you."

After Zi Linger heard this, she suddenly realized that she wanted to upgrade her level. What are you thinking, Linger?You were never this stupid before.

"Then please help me, brother Xiaotian." Zi Ling'er found a relatively clean place after she finished speaking, tidied it up, sat cross-legged and started to be promoted to the Soul Sect.

The soul beast transformation is good, the first seventy levels don't have to worry about the problem of the soul ring, you can generate the soul ring by yourself.

After sitting down, within a minute, Linger's body was emitting a purple halo, and ten minutes later, there was another purple soul ring under the original third soul ring.

Two yellows and two purples, this is Ling'er's soul ring configuration. The soul ring after the soul beast transforms is the best configuration, and the soul ring produced by itself is [-]% suitable for her, and the soul skills produced are not perfect. The average person can compare.

For example, Xiao Wu's soul skills are all abnormal. Compared with the third soul skill, teleportation, and the fourth soul skill, invincible golden body, isn't that enough?

Another example is the first soul skill waist skill, which instantly strengthens one's waist strength by [-]%, and strengthens one's toughness by [-]%.After the tenth level of soul power, for each level up, the boost effect of the waist bow will increase by one percent.

Isn't such a soul skill powerful?Ling'er is still the same, she can already defeat Ye Feng and Tang Shi in the Soul Venerable realm.

And she also has hidden skills, which should be caused by the transformation.

Four spirit rings surrounded Ling'er's body, and her spirit power continued to increase.Another half hour passed.

The soul ring on Linger's body disappeared, she opened her purple eyes, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaotian, I succeeded, and now I am a forty-level soul sect."

Chapter 213 The Battle of the Wolf King, Three Winds Disturb the Situation

In less than an hour, Ling'er had already become a soul sect, and Feng Xiaotian was also happy for her, saying: "Congratulations to Ling'er, neatly reached level seventy soon."

Reaching level [-] is already considered a real human being, even a Title Douluo can't tell Ling'er's identity, why is it a Title Douluo?

That's because no one can know whether a god has such an ability. In fact, Feng Xiaotian thinks that a god should be able to see it, but it's nothing. After all, a god doesn't need a hundred thousand year-level soul bone and soul ring up.

"Thank you Brother Xiaotian, what should we do next? Do you want to investigate?" Linger asked.

"Definitely go. I found that some storm demon wolves were running in the same direction just now. They seemed very impatient, and the smell also came from that direction. I wondered what happened inside the storm demon wolf." Feng Xiaotian Said.

"Then let's go and have a look. If all the storm wolves are able to go, they are all safe. Even if we meet a few storm wolves, as long as the age is not too high, they can handle it." Ling'er Said.

"I think so too, let's go, the distance is still a bit far, let's hurry up." Feng Xiaotian said.

Then the two quickly walked to the depths of the storm wolf's collar. The two walked side by side, passing through the dense jungle. The more powerful the spirit beasts were, the weaker the spirit beasts were.

Half an hour later, the two walked about five kilometers in the forest.

When you get here, you can vaguely hear the howling of wolves.

Not just one, there seemed to be hundreds of wolves howling, each with a different voice.

"All the storm demon wolves here are gathered together?" Feng Xiaotian asked doubtfully.

"Brother Xiaotian, if your guess is correct, there is a big battle going on here, it should be fighting for the position of the wolf king." Zi Linger guessed.

If they were really competing for the position of the wolf king, then Tang Shi's spirit ring would be a bit difficult to deal with. It would be too difficult to find a suitable spirit beast among hundreds or thousands of wolves.

"Let's go and have a look, but don't get too close." Feng Xiaotian said.

Slowly approaching, this place is already very close to the center, there are still about two kilometers away, the two approach at a constant speed, the mental force hits, and always pay attention to the environment on the side of the road, so as not to be discovered by the storm wolf.

It would be terrible if they found out, the storm demon wolf held a grudge, knowing that he had killed their wolf king and obtained the soul ring, if the wolves retaliated, the loss would not be worth the loss.

With less than a kilometer away, Feng Xiaotian stopped and said, "Let me take a look at the specific situation ahead."

Feng Xiaotian's eyes gradually turned blue, and his sight was a thousand meters away in an instant.

This place is a flat land, like a grassland in the forest, about the size of two football fields, and there is a small lake next to the flat land, which is slightly smaller than the flat land.

This should be the lair of the style storm wolf. These soul beasts would choose a place, and the scenery is quite beautiful, but there is an ugly picture under this beautiful scenery.

The storm demon wolves were actually divided into two groups, with about [-] on one side and more than [-] on the other.

There are almost a thousand of them. These storm demon wolves have different ages. The small ones are estimated to be only a few years old. They should be the cubs of these storm demon wolves.

This will all be concentrated, and there are two huge storm demon wolves facing each other in the middle of the two groups.

Their size is the largest among the two wolf packs, and their age is also the highest. Last time Feng Xiaotian got the Storm Demon Wolf King, it was more than [-] years old, close to [-] years old.

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