And one of these two soul beasts has just passed ten thousand years, which is also in the early ten thousand years, but the other is less than ten thousand years old, between nine thousand and ten thousand years.

There is a huge gap between soul beasts ten thousand years ago and ten thousand years later. This is a watershed, just like a soul master and a soul sect, there is a gap in strength and soul power, but this does not mean everything.

This storm demon wolf is different, other storm demon wolves have blue hair, but this storm demon wolf has some golden hair mixed with its blue color.

The other one is the eyes, the others are blue eyes and black pupils.The pupils of this Storm Demon Wolf are blue, but his pupils are indeed golden.

This should be a mutated storm wolf, no wonder Nengzi can fight against the ten thousand year soul beast if he is less than ten thousand years old.

Behind the two camps should be the supporters of the two soul beasts, and the two in front are their respective leaders.It turned out that after Feng Xiao killed the original storm demon wolf king, the two storm demon wolves began to compete for the wolf king.

Between the two wolf kings, there were still a few dead storm demon wolves, and the bloody aura seemed to come from here.

It seems that after a while of shopping, it was all underlings before, now it's the turn of these two leaders.

It's just that it didn't start for a long time. After a while, a purple-haired wolf came out suddenly, and the two wolves were stunned.

Before he could react, the purple wolf quickly came to the side of the several dead storm wolves.

At the beginning, six of the corpses of the seven storm demon wolves had been turned into ashes. These storm demon wolves died not long ago, so the soul power and soul rings on their bodies did not dissipate.

After absorbing it, the purple light on the body began to surge, and the two chiefs just looked at the three winds wearing purple light in front of them.

He didn't dare to move anymore, and stared blankly at Sanfeng.

The other storm demon wolves watched as the leader didn't move, and didn't move.

San Feng was sent by Feng Xiaotian, since this is a pack of wolves, it's enough to send San Feng, and if it's dangerous, San Feng can be recalled.

Feng Xiaotian did not expect such a situation.

Five minutes later, the light on Sanfeng's body gradually disappeared, and the purple hair became darker again, and it already had a purple-black feeling.

I don't know what happened, the light disappeared, and the two leaders roared at Sanfeng at the same time.

At this moment, they united with the enemy and fought against Sanfeng, an outsider.

The three winds absorbed six soul beasts, the minimum of these six is ​​three thousand years, and the maximum is five thousand years.Strength soared.

Facing the roar of the two leaders of the two wolf packs, Sanfeng let out a wolf howl, revealing a powerful majesty.

The leaders of the two packs of wolves actually lowered their heads at the same time, but as the leaders of the two packs of wolves, how can they be so cowardly?

Immediately and slowly raised his head again, ready to attack Sanfeng together.

At this moment, Feng Xiao has come to a distance of more than [-] meters, so he can't move too far to avoid being discovered.

"Then let's try Sanfeng's current strength." Feng Xiaotian murmured to himself, Sanfeng rarely showed up, Feng Xiaotian knew that Sanfeng's strength was weak, but he didn't know what stage it reached.

After devouring several soul beasts, Sanfeng's strength was strengthened again.

Chapter 214 Regaining the Wolves, the New Boss

After receiving Feng Xiaotian's order, Sanfeng was very excited, and once again let out a high-pitched wolf howl, more imposing than before.

There has been no chance to fight, and Sanfeng is almost suffocated. This time, he wants to recover all the previous losses.

The leaders of the two wolf clans did not back down, and once again joined hands in the face of foreign enemies, and then the wolves of the two clans retreated one after another, forming a huge space in the middle.

Stay far away to avoid being affected, and when the other wolves in the pack retreated, the two leaders seemed to let go at once.

However, Feng Xiaotian still discovered the situation, that is, the soul beast that Sanfeng did not absorb was about [-] years ago, and Sanfeng did not die.

Feng Xiaotian hurriedly asked Sanfeng, and immediately got a reply that he was indeed not dead, he was seriously injured, and he would not die.

For more than [-] years, it has not died yet. Isn't this suitable for Tang Shi to absorb?Immediately ask Sanfeng to protect him from being hurt, anyway, he wants to save the life of this storm wolf.

After Sanfeng heard this, he immediately moved his body and ran to the side. The two leaders of the wolf pack thought that Sanfeng was going to target their group.

He also rushed over, Sanfeng ran about fifty meters away, and suddenly turned around and rushed towards the two wolf leaders.

Such a sudden change, the two storm demon wolves didn't react for a while, mainly because the distance was too short. The next moment, Sanfeng came in front of the ten thousand year storm demon wolf.

The wolf's claws hit the ten thousand year storm wolf forcefully. The ten thousand year storm wolf couldn't react and could only take this blow.

But this power seems to be not enough, only the ten thousand year storm demon wolf was taken out of a position, and then Sanfeng turned around to block the attack of the mutated storm demon wolf

Sanfeng is Feng Xiaotian's martial spirit, fighting will consume Feng Xiaotian's soul power, and at the same time he can directly control the fighting.

But Feng Xiaotian didn't want to do this, let Sanfeng develop his own fighting line.

The battle between wolves is much simpler, biting, grabbing, etc. are all used.

Unexpectedly, Sanfeng can now compete with the ten thousand year soul beast with his own body.

Fighting together, two against one, Sanfeng was at a disadvantage. Even after absorbing and devouring so many soul beasts, he still hadn't improved his strength up to now.

But Feng Xiaotian knew that most of what Sanfeng absorbed and devoured was used to evolve himself, which required too much energy.

Even so, Feng Xiaotian discovered the difference after five minutes of fighting, Sanfeng had already taken the lead, and his soul power consumption was gradually decreasing.

Sanfeng was actually devouring the opponent's soul power when he was fighting with him, as long as there was physical contact, he would absorb part of the soul power.

This is simply a bug-like skill. This is not a soul ring skill, but Sanfeng's own talent skill Devour.

Although Sanfeng was weaker than these two storm wolves at first, but these two storm wolves had the upper hand and they couldn't do anything to Sanfeng.

"Three winds are so powerful, the more they hit, the more powerful they become." Zi Ling'er said in a low voice.

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