Feng Xiaotian smiled and said: "Of course, my three wind theory's stamina surpasses him."

"Really? Let Sanfeng come out once that day, and compete with me to see whose soul power lasts longer." Ling'er refused to accept.

"Oh, I don't want this one anymore. Linger, you are different. How can Sanfeng be your opponent? I think it's better to forget it." Feng Xiaotian said, what is the comparison?

The battle between Sanfeng and the leaders of the two wolf tribes was still going on. At this time, the soul power of the two storm demon wolves was attacking, and being swallowed by Sanfeng bit by bit, the attack power gradually decreased.

Although there is no trade-off, fortunately, Sanfeng has always maintained a full-blown attack state.

But one of these two is a thousand-year-old storm wolf, and the other is a mutated storm wolf. How can they easily admit defeat?

They kept fighting like this, and nearly twenty minutes later, the battle was basically over. At the feet of Sanfeng, the two storm demon wolves had no strength to lift their legs.

The soul power was exhausted, and the physical strength was almost exhausted, but Sanfeng was like a wolf who had nothing to do, without any change.

Seeing the two storm demon wolves being laid down by him, Sanfeng howled into the sky.

At the next moment, all the thousands of storm demon wolves knelt down, including the two leaders of the storm demon wolf network, and they wanted to make Sanfeng their new wolf king.

Even Feng Xiaotian didn't expect that Sanfeng would become the king of the storm wolf group in one battle.

In fact, the main reason for this is that Sanfeng is a wolf. No matter who it is, even if you kill the entire storm wolf group, it is impossible to become their king.

Moreover, the battle for the wolf king of the storm demon wolf clan has been going on for a long time, and many soul beasts of the wolf clan have died.

This time Sanfeng defeated the leaders of the two major wolf clans, and immediately gained the approval of the pack, and the two storm demon wolves also recognized it.

Sanfeng howled again, asking Feng Xiaotian how to deal with it.

It was also the first time for Feng Xiaotian to encounter such a thing, so didn't he have an army of soul beasts?Although there are very few Gale Demonic Wolves in ten thousand years, there are not many in thirty-eight or nine thousand years.

Feng Xiaotian immediately conveyed to Sanfeng the method he remembered at zero time.

After Sanfeng got Feng Xiaotian's order, he began to arrange it. Sanfeng's spirituality was very high, and he quickly arranged it according to Feng Xiaotian's instructions.

Specifically, the three winds are the boss, the ten thousand year storm demon wolf is the second child, and the mutated storm demon wolf king is the third child.

And Sanfeng, as the boss, was managed by the two wolves, and came back occasionally by himself.

In this way, Sanfeng successfully became the boss of the Storm Demon Wolves.

Half an hour later, according to Feng Xiao's wishes, the storm wolf group was settled, and Sanfeng brought the [-]-year-old storm wolf spirit beast back to Feng Xiaotian's side.

This storm demon wolf has survived until now with its tenacious vitality, but it was only support.

If he took it with him and ran for nearly an hour, he might die too.

"Ling'er, please help me to extend its lifespan for an hour." Feng Xiaotian said.

Ling'er took out a green leaf from the bag and sent it into the mouth of the storm wolf with her soul power.

In an instant, the storm demon wolf regained some vitality.

"Okay, we should go, Sanfeng come back." Feng Xiaotian put Sanfeng away, this time he directly activated the third soul ability.

"We need to go back quickly, why don't I carry you on my back, let's fly back faster." Feng Xiaotian said.Zi Ling'er didn't have flying soul skills, but Feng Xiaotian couldn't put Ling'er here alone.

"Okay, hee hee."

Feng Xiaotian carried Zi Ling'er on his back, holding the leg of a storm wolf in his hand, which weighed about five or six hundred catties, and quickly flew towards his teammates.

Chapter 215 Crisis, Xiaotian makes a move

In the territory of the Storm Wolf, Qin Yiran and others had been waiting for almost two hours. The captain and Ling'er had been away for so long and never came back.

"Sister Yiran, you said that there will be nothing wrong with Chang and Ling'er who have been away for so long." A sweet female voice said.

The one who spoke was the third girl in the team, Chen Yu was also a mutated martial spirit, and she was the third youngest in age besides Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger.

Now just over eighteen years old, a thirty-eighth-level soul master, the martial soul is a Galeful Two-tailed Rabbit, with a long watery body, long hair in a shawl, and his appearance can be regarded as above-average. He is usually shy and not talkative.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, the captain's and sister Ling'er's strength are the strongest here, there is absolutely no problem, don't worry." Qin Yiran put his hand on Chen Yu's shoulder and said.

"Well, I hope they return safely." Chen Yu said.

Although Chen Yu looked rather shy, he usually didn't like to talk, and spoke in a low voice, but this was not the case when he was fighting.

The attack speed and attack power are both very strong. The mutated martial soul Gale Twin-tailed Rabbit is born at the seventh level and has two tails. It is similar to Feng Xiaotian's martial soul ability. It just stands out like that.

Suddenly, standing on the tree to investigate, jumped down from the tree, and shouted: "Everyone, run quickly, the Qingfeng cattle are chasing a few storm demon wolves and coming towards us."

"Release the Martial Soul and evacuate quickly." Qin Yiran hurriedly reminded.

Everyone immediately released their spirits and retreated in other directions, and the direction the other party came was the route Feng Xiaotian had set for them.

Although the storm demon wolf is fighting for the wolf king today, not all the storm demon wolves have returned, and there are still some scattered storm demon wolves.

There are also some small group of storm demon wolves killing in Qingfengniu's territory.

Now it was driven back, and a large group of Qingfengniu invaded.

In terms of speed, Qingfeng Niu is not as good as Storm Demon Wolf, but knowing that the soul beast has enough years can make up for all this.

The bodies of these storm wolves were covered with a lot of scars, but at this moment, Tang Shi turned his head.

The first time Ye Feng found out, he quickly shouted: "Tang Shi, what are you doing? Come back quickly."

In the direction where Tang Shi was running, there was a single storm wolf, and it was a soul beast that was more than four thousand years old.

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