And the blood flowed continuously on his body, there was a blood hole in his abdomen, which should have been hit by the horn of Qingfeng Niu.

Seeing that there was such a good opportunity to obtain the soul ring, Tang Shi went there alone. This was a seriously injured storm wolf, and he believed that he could solve it.

But just as he was going, dozens of Qingfengniu suddenly sprang out from the forest.

Only then did Tang Shi discover the abnormality, only then did he realize that he had made a mistake, and wanted to retreat, but at this moment, Qingfengniu surrounded him.

Although the Storm Demon Wolf is detestable in the eyes of Qingfeng Niu, in their hearts, the most hated thing is still human beings.

Dozens of Qingfeng cattle surrounded Tang lion at once.It's too late to think about leaving.

"Sister Yiran, what should I do now?" Ye Feng asked.

"Of course we went together. We went, and there was still a chance to escape. If Tang Shi faced it alone, he would definitely die."

"Here, there is a ten-thousand-year-level soul beast in the Qingfeng cattle herd." Wang Dang said loudly.

"Thousand-year soul beast, how could we beat it?" Yinfeng said.

"Let's go, the captain said that no one can be left behind in the Soul Beast Forest, let's go, Yinfeng Chen Yu and Wang Dang, you all have flying soul skills, I'll try to control it first, you guys fly over, Can you bring him out from the sky." Qin Yiran said.

It was very urgent at this time, two Qingfeng Niu of about three thousand years were besieging Tang Shi.

"If you don't have any objections, just do as I say." Everyone didn't say anything, Qin Yiran only needed to make a decision.

"Ye Feng, make noise on the side and draw its attention away. The three of you go to rescue at the same time. I will control Qingfengniu when needed. After we are rescued, we will flee in this direction." Qin Yiran said.

Speak his thoughts again to make sure everyone hears clearly.She had to stand up when Feng Xiaotian was not around.

Everyone nodded to show that everyone understood, and then they dispersed.

At this moment, Tang Shi had entered a berserk state, constantly attacking in response to the attacks of the two Qingfeng Niu, while the others watched from the sidelines and did not make a move.

Especially the leader of the Qingfeng Niu, a ten thousand year spirit beast, standing there is more than twice the size of the other spirit beasts beside him.

At this time, he was annotating the battle between Qingfengniu and Tang Shi, and didn't notice Qin Yiran and others at all.

Bang Ye Feng used soul skills beside him to attack the few Qingfeng cattle on the edge, and all the eyes of the group of soul beasts turned to Ye Feng's direction.

At this moment, the three of them launched their soul skills at the same time, attacked the surrounding area, and then quickly moved towards Tang Shi.

At the same time, Tang Shi also saw his teammates who came to pick him up, but how could this Qingfengniu let them succeed.

At the same time, it also angered the leader of the Wannian Qingfeng Niu. With a call, all the Qingfeng Niu were dispatched.

Many Qingfengniu actually scattered, Qin Yiran didn't think about this situation at all.

He could only use control skills to control the Qingfeng Niu who was blocking Tang Shi's rescue. In an instant, vines were flying all over the sky, and he just used the fourth soul skill directly.

For such a big Qingfengniu, the first and second soul skills may be useless.

Exercising the fourth soul skill with all its might, it instantly controlled the blocking Qingfengniu, but the Wannian Qingfengniu realized something was wrong and rushed towards Qin Yiran.

It was too fast, if it was hit, there would be no life at all.

Yinfeng and the others were also racing against time, and when they were all about to come out, the Wannian Qingfeng Niu was almost in front of Qin Yiran.

"Sister Yiran, run quickly." Seeing this, Chen Yu shouted anxiously. At this time, Ye Feng, Tang Shi and others gathered together.

But Qin Yiran wants to retreat now, it's too late, and they can't do anything if they want to help.

Can only shout loudly.

Am I done with this?Qin Yiran clearly knew that it was too late for him to escape.The attack of the ten thousand year soul beast is not something he can deal with now.

But she didn't want to give up yet, and used the fourth soul ability again, but just as she touched the Ten Thousand Years Blue Wind Bull, the vine instantly shattered.

Qin Yiran had already closed his eyes, and said, "Xiaotian, I can only do this."

After a few seconds, Qin Yiran found that the Qingfeng Niu didn't bump into her body.Only a strong wind paved the surface.

Opening his eyes, he found that the ten-thousand-year dog was only less than twenty centimeters away from him, and almost ran into her.

"Sister Yiran, hurry up and leave." A familiar voice came from behind Qingfengniu.

Qin Yiran hurriedly backed away, but the owner of the voice was Feng Xiaotian, who actually forcibly dragged the Qingfengniu back.

Chapter 216 Good Luck, Exploded Soul Bone

It actually dragged this Wannianqingfengniu abruptly, unable to move forward at all.

Qin Yiran was already ready to die just now, but knowing that Feng Xiaotian's divine soldiers descended from the sky, he was able to stop the Wannian Qingfengniu.

Behind Feng Xiaotian, there is about two or three meters of sliding distance, and the ground is full of marks made by Feng Xiaotian's feet.

A ditch is formed, which shows how much strength is needed to hold the impacting ox.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian's second and third soul skills were fully activated, and he finally caught up with all his strength.

After Qin Yiran left and reached a relatively safe distance, Feng Xiaotian let go of the Qingfeng Niu.

"Great, the captain is here." Yinfeng said.

When Feng Xiaotian came, everyone felt reassured.

"Sorry for being late, the seven of you fighting together should be able to withstand the attack of the Qingfeng Niu, as long as I deal with it, it will be fine." Feng Xiaotian said

Together, the seven of them can fight without Feng Xiaotian, after all they often practice without Feng Xiaotian leading the team.

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