"There is a player in your team who has the ability to lead, and you can ask her for advice." Feng Xiaotian reminded.

"Oh, well, I know who it is, and it seems that's the only way." Tang Shi said helplessly.

"Are there any other questions?"

"Captain, where are we going to practice?" A team member asked.

"Well, since we are going to practice, let's go a little farther and go to the principality next to Huo and other kingdoms. Okay, everyone, go back and prepare. We will know when we leave tomorrow." Feng Xiaotian said.

Back home, Feng Xiaotian took out the map of Douluo Continent. To be honest, he is also thinking about where to go to practice, and he hasn't decided yet.

Feng Xiaotian doesn't plan to go to the major provinces of the Heaven Dou Empire, because there is a high possibility of meeting opponents in the preliminary round.

So he finally chose to choose among the four kingdoms and one principality.

However, the closest is the principality in the east, the Duchy of Cooks.

It is also the closest one to Kamikaze Academy. The distance between Barak Kingdom and Haagen-Dazs Kingdom is relatively far, and the distance is the farthest.

Time is limited, Feng Xiaotian doesn't want everyone to waste time on the road, although it is possible to practice on the road, but this kind of cultivation is still limited, and it is not the main purpose of leading everyone out.

Feng Xiaotian picked up the pen and drew a circle on the Principality of Kux, the largest city of the Principality of Kux, Kux City is about [-] kilometers away from Kamikaze City, and it actually passed Tianshui City on the way.

Tianshui City?I don't know how Sister Bing'er is doing now, should I go and see?Feng Xiaotian thought about it, and the cute little image of Shui Binger came to mind again.

Chapter 219 Kux Great Soul Arena

Two days later

Kux Duchy, Kux City, in the Heaven Dou Empire, this is considered a big city, after all, it is the capital of the Duchy, although it is not as luxurious as Tiandou City, but it is much larger than Kamikaze City.

During the two-day journey, they rested for one night in Tianshui City, and Feng Xiaotian also went to Tianshui College to meet the cute little Shui Binger.

It's just that I haven't seen her for more than a year. Shui Bing'er has really changed a lot. Not only is she more and more beautiful, but she is also getting smarter.It may be the relationship after the last escape.

Shui Bing'er has worked harder in cultivation, and her soul power has improved rapidly. I believe that in the senior soul master competition many years later, Shui Bing'er's soul power will definitely not exceed level [-].

Feng Xiaotian was thinking that the future Shui Bing'er would lead the Tianshui girl group to shine in the senior soul master competition, and the most exciting soul fight would be against Shrek.

Do you want to help me?Improve Shui Bing'er's strength, even Tang San's eight hairs plus the Clear Sky Hammer may not be able to do it.

Shui Bing'er was the first person to beat Tang San into depression.

Of course, Feng Xiaotian also bought a lot of gifts when he went there, after all, he is a child, so who doesn't like gifts?

Coming to the Duchy of Cooks, the cultivation environment here is different, and the style of the city is also different.

The Grand Soul Arena of Kux Principality is also one of the top ten in the entire Heaven Dou Empire, and there are a lot of soul masters fighting here.

Arriving at the Great Soul Fighting Field, Feng Xiaotian already has the Golden Spirit Fighting Badge, if he leads the team to form a team, then they will face the Golden Soul Fighting team at the level of the Soul Sect.

And Tang Shi's team hadn't participated in much soul fighting before, so it was also an iron fighting soul team.

After everyone registered, they also signed up for team fighting. Feng Xiaotian asked everyone to sign up for a single-person soul fight or a seven-person team soul fight.

As for the soul fighting between the two, forget it, it's better to focus on this aspect, a single battle helps to improve oneself, and a team battle can better condense the strength of the entire team and enhance coordination.

As the saying goes, one person is strong but not strong and united is a pack of wolves, and this is also the truth.

Outside the Kukes Great Spirit Arena, all fifteen members of the Kamikaze Academy arrived and changed their clothes at the same time. After all, the clothes of the Kamikaze Academy are still highly recognizable, and many people know them after they go out.

These are their custom-made clothes, also the light blue clothes of the seminary.

"Captain, what's the name of our team?" Yinfeng asked suddenly.

"We are a wind attribute team, so let's name it after wind, what name do you think?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"I think it's better to use the captain's name, for example, Xiaotian Team [-], Xiaotian Team [-]?" Tang Shi suggested.

"This name is used by you like this, why does it sound a little uncomfortable?" Zi Ling'er said.

"I think it's better to call it Tianfeng Team, and Tianxiao Team." Chen Yu said in a low voice.

"Yeah, that's a good name. Tianfeng and Tianxiao are pretty good. The first team is Tianfeng, and the second team is Tianxiao." Feng Xiaotian decided.

"One more thing, I forgot to tell everyone, we'd better not reveal our true colors, this is a mask prepared for everyone, there are about [-] masks, you can choose them." Feng Xiaotian took out a pocket , which he had already prepared.

"Wow, this mask is so beautiful, I want this." Zi Linger immediately took a fancy to one of the purple masks.

In fact, this one was also prepared by Feng Xiaotian for her a long time ago, and she won it as soon as she chose.

After a few people have finished choosing, they dress up and enter the Kukes Big Soul Arena. This big Soul Arena is actually the same as other Soul Arenas in the entire continent, with similar building styles and architectural styles.

The difference is the difference in level and size, and the audience that can be accommodated is also different. The smaller soul fighting arenas don't even have seven-person team fighting spirits.

After all, Kux's big soul fighting arena is the capital of the principality, and it has all these functions.

As soon as he entered the Great Soul Arena, the guide girl from the Soul Arena immediately came.

There are two entrances to the Great Soul Arena, one is for spectators, and the other is for soul masters participating in the fighting.

The guide girl was wearing revealing clothes, and when she saw Feng Xiaotian and a dozen people entering, she immediately stepped forward and asked, "May I ask if you, the soul masters, want to participate in the soul fight? Or register in our big soul fight field?" "The beautiful girl greeted respectfully.

Those who can enter here must be soul masters, and at least they are at the level of great soul masters. After all, only great soul masters are qualified to participate in the soul fighting. The other soul masters working in the Great Soul Arena did not dare to do anything to her.

"Okay, I'll take you there right now. To register, you need a gold soul coin. Please prepare it."

"We know this, take us there." Feng Xiaotian said.

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