Most of the others have never been to the Great Soul Arena, or have been, and they are not as soul masters. After all, most of the team are born of nobles, and the Great Soul Arena is just a place for nobles to entertain.

"Is this the inside of the Great Soul Arena? I used to watch Soul Fighting when I was young, but I never thought that one day I would come here and be the object of cheering and betting by others." Yinfeng said.

"Me too, I think it must be fun." Tang Shi also said.

With great interest, everyone followed the guiding girl to a place where registration began.

According to the previous direction, sign up as a team.

Except for Feng Xiaotian, everyone else's spirit fighting level is relatively low.

For the initial stage of soul fighting, Feng Xiaotian also has arrangements, we need to give everyone a period of adaptation, that is to sign up for individual soul fighting first, there will be no team soul fighting for the first seven days, and we will watch other team soul fighting competitions first.

Firstly, there are two games for single-player soul fighting, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, two games a day.

Everyone has arranged new nicknames and names for themselves.

When it was Feng Xiaotian's turn, he already had the identity card of the Great Soul Arena, and handed it over to the staff directly.

A golden badge appeared in front of everyone.

Gold and gold fighting spirit badge?

The staff were a little surprised, they didn't expect that there was an owner of a golden fighting spirit among this group of people.

"Hurry up and make arrangements." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Oh, I got it, but once you join this team, they are all Iron Soul Fighters, so you also have to compete against Gold Spirit Fighters who are above level [-], so what?"

"Yes, just do as I said." Feng Xiaotian said, his existence undoubtedly raised the opponent's level.

Since you are here to practice, you must fight with some powerful teams, otherwise you will not be able to exercise.

In this way, the team of the Kamikaze Academy started the battle of souls in the Kukes Great Soul Field.

Chapter 220 Brother, You Are Really Kind

The Kukes Great Spirit Arena is the most lively place in Kux City. In the past few days, a group of young men and women in green clothes appeared in the Kux Great Spirit Arena.

It doesn't matter if there are one or two, but there are more than a dozen that appear at once, and each of them has a different mask on their faces, so they can't see the whole picture.

This brings more mystery to everyone. The men are handsome and handsome, and the women are beautiful and moving. From the perspective of actions and figures, this is the conclusion of all audiences.

In the blink of an eye, it has been six days since Feng Xiaotian and others came to the Kukes Great Soul Arena, and the seventh day of the spirit fight is about to begin.

During the six days, everyone fought two soul fights every day, and each person fought twelve games in the six days, each with their own winners and losses. Some won all twelve games, while others lost more than half of them.

Although most of the soul masters who came here to participate in the big soul battle are not very strong, they cannot be ignored.

These people often participate in soul fighting, and they are experienced in hundreds of battles. You seem to be a bad soul master, but you can make even the elite students suffer.

This is the gap between academic people and social people. At the same time, everyone has realized their own shortcomings, and they have been slowly correcting them these days.

Of course, Feng Xiaotian didn't take part in the battle during this time, after all he is a golden fighting spirit, he rarely has opponents, and he doesn't really need this kind of battle now.Aren't those battles of soul fighting and recruiting relatives not enough?

At least when he was nine years old, he had already participated in high-density soul fighting.

The seventh day was also the last day of soul fighting that Feng Xiaotian planned for them, and each of them had two more fights.

Feng Xiaotian also watched the battles of each of them in addition to training for a few days. The academy handed over the entire Shenfeng Academy team to him. He was the captain and also played the role of guiding their cultivation.

In a spacious lounge, a dozen people from Kamikaze Academy are all sitting on the sofa.

Feng Xiaotian took out a stack of documents and put them on the table, saying: "This is the opponent you will face today, let's take a look."

Now Feng Xiaotian has also formed a habit, that is to study the opponent, the person who is going to fight you, and then find a way to deal with the opponent from the information.

Every morning, the Kamikaze Academy team reads the materials in the lounge, which is a compulsory course, and everyone has to familiarize themselves with the opponent's materials three times.

Let everyone form a habit. After reading it, let's talk about combining the above content and talk about how to deal with opponents. This is equivalent to an exchange meeting.

Everyone will analyze and think about how to defeat the opponent, more than a dozen people will say it once, if there is anything wrong with Feng Xiaotian, others will point it out, or find some good ways to restrain the opponent.

An hour later, the soul fight was about to begin, and the communication in the lounge ended accordingly.

Everyone stepped out confidently to face the upcoming spirit fight.

The opponent is clear, the opponent's characteristics, weaknesses and the way to defeat the opponent are all clear. With the same soul power, is there any reason for you not to defeat the opponent?

The reason why the previous defeats were relatively high was because they were not used to it at the beginning, and they lacked experience in finding ways to deal with people. However, as time passed, everyone gained experience, and the number of victories gradually increased.

There are three ordinary soul fighting platforms in Kukes' big soul fighting field, and one advanced fighting spirit stage. The audiences they face are different, so the soul fighting stages are also different.

For example, if you buy a ticket for one gold soul coin, you can only watch it in the ordinary fighting spirit platform, then you can watch it in the advanced fighting spirit platform with ten gold soul coins.

Those who have won ten games in a row, or those who are above the silver fighting spirit level are all held on the high-level fighting spirit stage, and it is impossible to watch them on the ordinary fighting spirit stage.

And there are already two people in Shenfeng College on the advanced spirit fighting stage, Zi Linger has won all twelve games, and has already gone to the advanced fighting spirit stage to fight on the sixth day.

The other one is Ye Feng. When he lost the second match, he won ten matches in a row. Today's spirit fight will also be held on the high-level spirit fight stage.

Qin Yiran won eleven games, but she lost in the sixth game, saying that she did not meet the conditions.Tang Shi lost two games and missed the high-level spirit fighting stage.

Feng Xiaotian followed Ye Feng and Zi Ling'er to the high-level soul fighting stage, and now they are all participating in ordinary soul fighting, not a life-and-death battle, basically there is no danger.

"Brother, today is so fast, Ye Feng's first match, and my third match." Ling'er said.

"Can't you rest earlier after the fight?" At this time, Ye Feng had already gone to the preparation area, and Linger, who was about to play, still had time to prepare for the next round, and she and Feng Xiaotian looked at the fighting spirit below.

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