"That's right, look, it's about to start." Zi Ling'er said, at this moment, the music that the battle was about to start was already resounding in the entire Soul Arena.

This kind of music seems to have an infectious power. After listening to it, I feel energetic, and I especially want to fight. After all, these music are still made by soul masters.

Under the music, the entire audience in the spirit fighting arena began to boil, their passion had been completely ignited, as if they were about to step down to the fighting spirit stage to fight.

After a while of music playing, a beautiful long-haired hostess flew in the sky of the fighting spirit stage, holding a microphone in her hand, and shouted loudly: "This is the high-level fighting spirit stage of Kukes Great Soul Fighting Arena. Below will be a new Jin is a soul master who has won ten consecutive victories, and today he is about to challenge another master who has won thirteen consecutive victories, who are these two?"

"Next, we will invite Tiger, who has won [-] consecutive victories, to face Black Bear Xiong Er, who has won [-] consecutive victories. His elder brother, Xiong Yi, has won [-] consecutive victories. They are two very powerful brothers."

Feng Xiaotian couldn't help laughing out, isn't this Xiong Da and Xiong Er, why is it called Xiong Yi, isn't Xiong Da popular?

"Brother Xiaotian, what are you laughing at?" Linger asked curiously when she noticed a smile overflowing from the corner of Feng Xiaotian's mouth.

"Haha, I'm just laughing at this black bear, the name is very strange." Feng Xiaotian said.

Ling'er didn't understand, and said, "What's so strange about this? Our soul beasts often call it that. For example, my mother used to call me and my younger brother Da Zi and Er Zi."

"Ling'er still has this name?" Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Brother, you are still laughing. The intelligence of the soul beast is not high at the beginning, and it is already very good to have a name." Ling'er dissatisfied.

"Alright, I won't smile anymore." Feng Xiaotian quickly withdrew his smile.

After finishing speaking, Ling'er suddenly fell silent.

"what happened?"

"I miss my younger brother Ziyun. He is usually impulsive. If I hadn't supervised him, he might go to fight those hundred thousand year soul beasts at any time." Ling'er said worriedly.

Feng Xiaotian patted Ling'er's fragrant shoulders, and said: "It should be fine, after this experience is over, I will accompany you there to see Ziyun's performance during this time."

Ling'er wiped away her tears, hugged Feng Xiaotian, and said softly: "Brother, you are really kind."

Chapter 221 Ye Feng Vs Xiong Er

The overall age of Zi Ling'er is quite old, more than [-] years, but in Feng Xiaotian's place, she looks like a little girl.

In fact, it seems to live for a long time, but in fact the intellectual development of spirit beasts is relatively slow. Only after one hundred thousand years, do they have the same IQ as ordinary humans in a true sense, and they can also speak human words.

"Okay, you're already this old, look at Ye Feng's soul fight is about to start." Feng Xiaotian said.

Only then did Ling'er turn around, her little face flushed.

At this time, Ye Feng and his opponent were already standing on the ring, wearing blue clothes and a tiger-shaped mask on their faces.

The name is Baohu, but Ye Feng is not irritable at all, his violent means storm.Storm Tiger.

Looking at his opponent Xiong Er again, he really has the body of a bear. He is over two meters tall and has a strong body. He is a powerful soul master at first glance, and it is impossible to take the route of sensitive attack.

After the two stood still, the host was still introducing their martial arts and fighting characteristics. In fact, this was not a secret, because they had fought many times before, and the audience and all the soul masters knew it clearly.

There is a huge difference in body size, but the soul masters of the soul master world do not judge their strength by their size, but generally speaking, those with a larger body have greater strength.

Otherwise, is so much meat in vain?

Release the martial spirit, and the fighting spirit begins.

In the arena, one is a black bear and the other is a storm tiger. The difference in strength between the tiger and the bear is not very big.Each has its own advantages, the bear is powerful but its speed is relatively slow.

Tigers have both strength and speed, otherwise how can they catch up with things?

After Ye Feng and Xiong Er got possessed by martial souls, neither of them used soul skills at first. If they wanted to compare their strength, the martial soul possessed would automatically increase all attributes of their bodies.

Why the beast spirit generally has an advantage over the weapon spirit in the early stage, because the beast spirit has the effect of possessing a body in the early stage, and the weapon spirit is to summon a weapon, compared with the beast spirit has an advantage.

The opponent Xiong Er is also a soul sect, forty-one, already twenty-nine years old, and not very talented.

But this is not what the fighting spirit field compares to, it only cares about winning or losing.

After the two fought hard on the field, both started to use the soul ability. Ye Feng also used the third soul ability habitually, and his opponent, Xiong Er, also used the third soul ability.

The difference is that after using Xiong Er's third soul ability, his body size actually increased again, to be precise, his body muscles should expand again.

The next moment, the two fisted again, and the power amplitude of Ye Feng's third soul skill was actually knocked back by Xiong Er, and his strength was actually somewhat stronger than Ye Feng's.

But to deal with Xiong Er, Ye Feng had already analyzed it in the morning. When using the third soul skill, the strength reached the limit, but the speed dropped to the lowest.

It is equivalent to completely abandoning the speed. In fact, their own speed is not fast. This soul skill is just right, and it will be used to the extreme. It is especially effective against soul beasts that are also of the attack type.

Ye Feng immediately changed his fighting style, using speed as his advantage to attack. Originally, Ye Feng's speed was not slow, even faster than Xiong Er. Now that he used the third soul skill, Feng Xiaotian's speed became even faster.

He kept moving around Xiong Er, attacking immediately when he found an opportunity, Xiong Er was about to fight back after being attacked, but Ye Feng had gone far away.

Being hit repeatedly, Xiong Er was also angry, and the opponent's strength was not bad, although his defense was high, it still hurts to hit him like this.

"Then we have to use the fourth soul ability." Xiong Er had no choice but to use the fourth soul ability.

Knowing Xiong Er's fourth soul skill, Ye Feng stepped back immediately.This Xiong Er's fourth soul ability is somewhat similar to Zao Wou-ki's third soul ability, it strengthens the surrounding gravity.

But the time is limited, only twenty seconds.

He has studied this soul skill of Xiong Er a long time ago, and Ye Feng also knows that Xiong Er will definitely be furious under such an attack, and his fourth soul skill can slow down the speed of those around him.

But this time and range are limited, just when he was using Gravity Enhancement, Ye Feng suddenly backed up, after he used it.Ye Feng is no longer within his close range.

This range is based on him as the center point, and the position with a radius of [-] meters will be affected by the effect of gravity enhancement.

But the radius of this fighting spirit platform is not only twenty meters, the entire fighting spirit platform is still a high-level fighting spirit platform, with a diameter of about fifty meters.

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