That is to say, his spirit ability still cannot cover ten meters.

Ye Feng has exited his coverage at this moment, just outside, so I won't go in.

Xiong Er's skill is obviously empty.

Twenty seconds later, the gravity effect disappeared, and Ye Feng appeared again, but Xiong Er still couldn't be underestimated, this time he was already prepared.

Based on experience, he began to judge the direction of Ye Feng's next attack. This is experience. It is said that Xiong Er had been in the soul fighting arena when he was a great soul master, and he participated in no less than a hundred soul fighting games.

The anger at the beginning disappeared in an instant, and he was able to fight Ye Feng.

Sure enough, this person who has experienced ten consecutive victories is not someone to mess with.

Ye Feng's continuous attacks are ineffective, so he can only use the fourth soul skill, storm impact.

The four soul rings lit up, jumped into the air, and the body seemed to turn into a storm, spinning.

It turned into a storm and went towards Xiong Er.And Xiong Er also knew that this was Ye Feng's fourth soul ability, a unique move, and the fourth soul ability was activated again.

But Ye Feng suddenly changed direction. Although gravity has an influence, it did not prevent him from coming to the sky above Xiong Er.Then attack the bear from above.

This attack plan was proposed by Feng Xiaotian, didn't you increase the gravity, hit from top to bottom, not only did your gravity not affect me, but it was also the help of my soul skill.

As if this soul skill helped him, the general's speed was too fast, and he reached the top of Xiong Er's head again in the blink of an eye.


Xiong Er, who weighed about three hundred catties, was circling under the impact of the storm.Then he fell to the ground.

"You lost." Looking at Xiong Er who had fallen to the ground, the winner was already divided.

"I lost, your final blow is too powerful, it seems that you are holding back." Xiong Er said.

What Ye Feng really wanted to say was, did you help me with the fourth soul skill?

Still he didn't say it.

"It was a wonderful soul fight. I declare that Ye Feng won this soul fight and won eleven consecutive victories. Let us look forward to his next soul fight. That is, this afternoon, his opponent is Xiong Er's brother Xiong Da." The host announced loudly on the spot, and at the same time announced a spirit fight.

Isn't that the focus of this afternoon's match, the game of grievances.

"Although I lost, my brother won't lose. Just wait for the beating." After Xiong Er finished speaking, he turned and left slowly.

Ye Feng also said: "I will accompany you to the end."

Chapter 222 Popular Players

After a burst of cheers, Ye Feng and Xiong Er left the arena one after another. After a five-minute break, the next soul fight will begin.

Zi Linger is in the third scene, and there is another one coming to her.

"Captain, I'm back." Ye Feng said in front of Feng Xiaotian and Ling'er.

"How is it? Are you sure about the next match against Xiong Da?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

Xiongda's level is forty-two, one level higher than Xiong Er.

Ye Feng thought for a while, and said: "There should be no problem, their soul skills are similar, but this battle against Xiong Er, I don't know if they can be alert, if they are prepared, it will be very difficult .”

"That's right, it's still too early to think about other tactics. They are also quite easy to target, and then look for their shortcomings, as well as the shortcomings of soul skills, etc. You can find them, and you can find ways to win with these." Feng Xiaotian said.

When people with similar soul power fight, there are many key points that affect the outcome. If you are not careful, you may fail and be targeted.

For example, how powerful Feng Xiaotian's new kamikaze in the original book is after the fusion of the rings, it was still given a second by Tang San with a Clear Sky Hammer.

Didn't he find the shortcoming of Blast Thirty-Six Slashes, and then defeated him by taking advantage of one shortcoming.

If they didn't know this shortcoming existed, Tang San and his team would definitely lose 100% to New Kamikaze. After all, using the Clear Sky Hammer like that, Tang San didn't have much combat strength.

So how important it is to know the opponent's shortcomings.

"Well, I'm doing more research to see if I can find a few more solutions, so I can deal with it then." Ye Feng said.

"Ling'er, how is your opponent? Is there any problem?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

Zi Ling'er smiled slightly and said: "There must be no problem, the opponent is not very strong."

"Isn't he very strong? His level is one level higher than yours, and he has won [-] games in a row." Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Ling'er said there's no problem, then there's no problem." Feng Xiaotian said, the opponent's information has been improved, and it's not that difficult to defeat the opponent.

Feng Xiaotian also judged Zi Ling'er's combat strength, probably it would not be a big problem to fight against soul masters who were three levels higher than her.

Level three or above depends on the opponent. There is a chance to win, but there is also a certain probability of failure. In short, it depends on the opponent.

It is no problem for the top-level martial soul to fight a few levels higher. Linger's martial soul is her own, although it is not the top-level martial soul, it can be regarded as a high-level martial soul.

five minutes later

The battle on the advanced spirit fighting stage continued, this was a seventeen-game winning streak against a sixteen-game winning streak.Basically, in terms of combat arrangements, they are arranged in units of ten.

The ten-game winning streak is against the opponents within the nineteen-game winning streak, so the opponents they meet are not far from themselves. For example, Ye Feng is fighting Xiong Er's thirteen-game winning streak.

After Xiong Er loses this battle, his winning streak will be zero, so he must enter the ordinary fighting spirit stage, continue to fight until he has accumulated ten consecutive victories, and then he can enter the advanced fighting spirit stage.

The high-level soul fighting platform is for high-end customers.

This battle was very tense, and it took ten minutes to end the battle. The difference in strength between the two was not very big, and they both fought until their soul power was exhausted and their physical strength was completely exhausted.

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