Ten minutes of high-intensity fighting consumes quickly, and because the two are soul masters, the time is so short.

In this big soul fighting arena, the highest level of soul fighting allowed is the realm of the soul sect, which is higher than the soul sect, that is, the level of the soul king, and basically they don't even bother to come here to fight souls.

Therefore, the highest contestant in the Great Soul Arena is the Soul Sect. Without the Soul King, Feng Xiaotian can walk sideways here.

In fact, the soul king can also participate, but it is basically a battle of the soul king, and it is despised to come here.

The one Feng Xiaotian fought in the Longxing Great Soul Arena before went there purely for the purpose of fighting spirits and recruiting relatives, and no one said anything.

This battle is over, and it's Zi Ling'er's turn to play.

"My battle is about to start, I'm going to prepare." Ling'er said.

"Go Ling'er, if there is danger, I would rather admit defeat than get hurt. Do you understand?" Feng Xiaotian reminded.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll be fine." Ling'er walked towards the preparation area after speaking.

Watching Ling'er disappearing in front of her eyes step by step until she disappeared.

I only heard Ye Feng whispering next to Feng Xiaotian: "The captain likes Xiao Zi, right?"

The whole team is older than Zi Linger, so everyone calls him Xiao Zi.

Only then did Feng Xiaotian come to his senses, and said, "How is this possible? He's just my sister."

"Ling'er's battle is about to start in five minutes." After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he looked at the preparation area of ​​the fighting spirit stage again.

At this time, Ling'er had already entered the preparation area, and the soul fight was about to begin.

On the other side, his opponent also came, in the opposite waiting area.

Five minutes passed slowly.

The host flew to the high altitude of the fighting spirit stage again, the lines were still the same as before, but the person was changed.

"The following is Xiao Zi, who has won [-] consecutive victories, Ziyun Python, who has won [-] consecutive victories, and the femme fatale, Silver Moon, who has won [-] consecutive victories, and Silver Moon Snake, who has won [-] consecutive victories."

"This is a duel between a python and a snake. Who will have the last laugh? Then please invite two beauties to play first."

Under the reading of the hostess, bursts of exciting music sounded again.

Then the two came out of the preparation area one after another, raising the excitement of many audiences again in an instant.

This big soul fighting arena is also very good at arranging, the duel between the two beauties, plus the duel between the snake and the python.

It has to be said that this woman named Yinyue is a beautiful woman, her enchanting figure, walking around is very tempting.

Most of the audience were exchanging Yinyue's name, and some fanatical fans even started shouting loudly, wanting to marry Yinyue and so on.

Yinyue's appearance was enough to drive the audience crazy, unprecedentedly crazy.

As for Ling'er, there are almost no fans. Although she has a good figure, she is too young to grow up, and there is a mask covering most of her face.

The audience overwhelmingly supported Yinyue, even Ye Feng beside Feng Xiaotian looked at Yinyue, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently drooled, as if this Yinyue had a charm skill.

But she didn't use her soul skills, this is true beauty, Feng Xiaotian knew that Douluo had many beauties, but he didn't expect that there were so many beauties, and he even doubted his own aesthetics.

Aesthetics is still based on the views of the previous life. It seems that in the world of Douluo, the aesthetics of the previous life is already a little low, and it is still not good in the Douluo Continent.

The simple entrance ceremony seemed to lift the entire Soul Fighting Stage, but the effect was really great.

"I came to see this soul fight just to watch my silver moon battle. Although the ticket price is ten gold soul coins more expensive than before, I'm definitely worth it."

"Yes, it's the same for me, with fifty more gold soul coins, I also want to watch the battle of Silver Moon."

The audience is discussing, it seems that they are all here for Yinyue.

After the noise slowly subsided, the host announced: "Ready to release the martial soul."

Soul fight begins

Chapter 223 Pointing Ye Feng

This is a duel between a python and a snake, so let's talk about a python-like martial soul and a snake-like martial soul. There is actually no distinction between these two martial souls.

Pythons and snakes are just different names, there are differences in size, but many snakes are poisonous, but most pythons are not poisonous, and pythons are generally much larger and stronger than snakes.

There are no absolutes in everything, even the humble weed Lanyingcao has the existence of the Emperor, the top martial soul on the Douluo Continent.

But another example is Dugu Bo's Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, titled Douluo's Terror, one person can easily kill a city.

Each has its own advantages, and this is the power of the emperor among martial arts.

But Feng Xiaotian knew that Ling'er was impossible to lose, so he said that the skill she used a few months ago was still the soul master, and she unexpectedly killed a soul sect in an instant.

And it's not a soul ring soul skill. I heard Ling'er say that it's a sequela of her transformation. She said it was a sequela, but it was indeed a powerful ultimate move, a very powerful move.

This battle was Zi Linger's thirteenth battle, against Yinyue Forty-Level [-], on the surface he was only eighteen or nineteen years old, but in fact his information showed that he was only twenty-three years old.

Since this may be someone from a high-level soul master academy, he may meet in the high-level soul master competition in the future.

It's either the qualifiers or the promotion. It's impossible for such a person not to join the academy.

On the Soul Fighting Stage, Ling'er and Yinyue started chatting without making a move first.

"Little sister, this soul fighting platform is not suitable for you, you should admit defeat and avoid the pain of flesh and blood."

Yinyue said softly.

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