With this kind of soul skill effect, it can be said that there is no way to deal with ordinary soul sects, forty-one level [-] soul sects, knowing that this skill is still unable to prevent it.

Zi Ling'er also relied on this soul skill to win another victory. The agility attack department still has the power to fight, but the strength type is difficult.

Don't think that Zi Ling'er's soul skill didn't increase her attack power, but her own attack power is not weak, and it can still be effective.

Those with slow strength can only be beaten passively, so now Ling'er is assigned all agility attack system soul masters in the Great Soul Arena, but she still hasn't stopped her winning streak.

Chapter 226 Team Spirit Fighting Opponent

Ling'er's combat ability and that special soul skill made Feng Xiaotian feel at ease. In the advanced soul master competition, Ling'er was definitely his greatest support.

In fact, Feng Xiaotian can also rely on his own strength to lead the team to victory, but the qualifiers and promotion matches are fine, and it's okay to meet ordinary teams in the finals.

For example, meeting the teams of the colleges of the two great empires is also very difficult, after all they are not vegetarians, Feng Xiaotian is also clear about the extent to which the Shrek Seven Monsters compete with the Star Luo Academy.

Heaven Dou Empire's academy won't be weak either, as for the Wuhundian academy team, it's really too difficult to rely on him alone, he also defeated Kakarot before.

And he is only ranked third in Wuhundian Academy, how powerful are the first and second?

There is still half a year to go before the qualifiers, and one year to go to the finals. There is enough time to improve again, but when you improve, your opponent also improves.

If you want to defeat them, you have to work harder than your opponents.

Ling'er won quickly, and it was up to Ye Feng again.

Ye Feng still listened to Feng Xiaotian's suggestion, and really fought with Xiong Yili, and the battle was very fierce.

In the end, Ye Feng was able to win, but at the most critical moment, he conceded.

He really gave up, and at the last moment, he deliberately showed his flaws and made a mistake, and was punched out of the ring by Xiong Yi.

He also achieved his goal. After losing, he fought Yinyue on the low-level spirit fighting stage.

And Hou Feng Xiaotian was still the same as before, went to several soul fighting platforms to watch most of the people's battles.

The record in the afternoon was better than that in the morning, and Ye Feng became the only player in the team who suffered a defeat.

Seven days passed like this, and everyone fought fourteen games.

Next, Feng Xiaotian is going to let everyone rest for a day, and then prepare for the team spirit fight that will start the day after tomorrow, but on this rest day, there will be a battle with one person, that is Ye Feng and Yinyue.

Both of them went from high-level spirit fighting stage to ordinary spirit fighting stage.After the news of the fighting spirit was released, the ticket price for the ordinary fighting spirit stage has tripled, and the ticket price for the front row has reached a very high figure, which is comparable to the front row ticket price for the advanced fighting spirit stage.

Silver Moon really brought a lot of benefits to the Kuks Great Soul Arena.

In the evening, Ye Feng was the host and invited everyone to have a meal in a high-end restaurant in Cooks.

Everyone sat together, ate and drank, and discussed the team's soul fight the day after tomorrow.

Feng Xiaotian originally wanted to fight with them as a team, but he felt that it was unnecessary because his gold fighting spirit was indeed too high.

In the Great Soul Arena, he might not be able to find an opponent now.

Simply let the eight of them go to fight, the Tianfeng team and Tianxiao fight, and they have already signed up.

And the first opponent of the Tianfeng team was to fight against Kux, the team from Kux City, the capital of the Duchy of Kux.

This team is very likely to participate in the advanced soul master competition. They may not meet in the preliminary round, but they may meet in the promotion round.

Feng Xiaotian has already checked the opponent's information, and the captain of the opponent is actually Yinyue, a forty-two soul sect of the agility attack system.

Yinyue will have another battle with Ye Feng tomorrow, presumably they have also seen the information about Tianfeng's battle.

Similarly, in Cooks College, in a hall.

A beautiful woman was slowly flipping through the documents in her hands.

"Captain, our opponent turned out to be the Tianfeng team. I said that during this period of time, I always looked at the soul masters in blue clothes with uniform masks. There seemed to be more than a dozen of them, all from this team."

"That's right, it's them, and I'm going to fight one of them alone tomorrow. I originally wanted to refuse, but this opponent is one of their two soul sects, so let me try him tomorrow. "Silver Moon said.

"Two soul sects, we only have the leader level [-], the deputy captain level [-], and the others are all below level [-]. It's a bit difficult to deal with three soul sects." One of the youths said the man.

"It's very difficult. I have already dealt with one of the girls and lost to her. Tomorrow I will fight with another person, which means that the three Soul Sects will fight with me, although they are very powerful , but don’t forget that in team battles, one more soul sect and one less soul sect will have far less impact on the battle situation than the team’s cooperation.”

"Our teamwork has reached a very tacit level. Even among the teams in the Kux Great Soul Arena, there are only one or two teams that can compete with us. This is our advantage. Don't forget, me and The two of them fight, maybe they can find a way to defeat them." Yinyue analyzed.

At the same moment, she also has a piece of information about Ye Feng in her hand, and she is also thinking about how to deal with Ye Feng.

On Feng Xiaotian's side, Ye Feng was also holding Yinyue's information at the moment, watching there motionless.

Feng Xiaotian went over to take a look, and saw that this kid was staring at the opponent's portrait in a daze.

Quickly reminded: "Hey, you can't do this."

Only then did Ye Feng come to his senses, and everyone burst out laughing.

"Hey, I'm studying her. I just want to watch more. If I watch more, I won't feel so fresh. The more I watch, the more I can resist." Ye Feng said.

Although this reason is crooked enough, what he said is not unreasonable. If you watch too much, you will become immune, and your body's reaction resistance will be greatly reduced.

But is it enough to just look at a portrait like this?

Feng Xiaotian turned his head away and said: "What you said may be useful, let's go."

He didn't know what to say anymore, everything could only wait for tomorrow's battle.

To be honest, there are only two people in their team who can resist Yinyue's charm, and Feng Xiaotian is one of them, with strong mental strength and eyes of truth.

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