The other one is Zi Ling'er, she also has a special method.

The team's battles will basically rely on Zi Ling'er and Qin Yiran's control skills. Looking at it comprehensively, their team has a great chance of winning no matter how they say it.

However, there is one comment that Feng Xiaotian has to pay attention to, that is, the comment on the entire Cooks Academy team is that they cooperate seamlessly and can often restrain teams that are stronger than them.

Participated in ten team spirit fights half a year ago, with nine wins and one loss. Among them, at least three teams were stronger than them on the surface, but they still lost to Cooks Academy.

What they rely on is this seamless cooperation. It seems that there will be variables in tomorrow's battle. I hope everyone can withstand the pressure and don't underestimate their opponents. Even if they lose, it will be a lesson.

No matter how you fail in cultivation, it is possible to fail, and there is no chance to be right. When it comes to the soul master competition, if you lose, it is very likely that you will quit, and you will have no chance.

Chapter 227 Withered Herb

After dinner, they went back to the hotel, and each of them returned to their own rooms. During the seven days of fighting, Feng Xiaotian's training time was also at night.

So at night, no one came to disturb Feng Xiaotian.In fact, he lives in a suite, and the other is where Zi Linger lives.

It will come at night, and she will not disturb Feng Xiaotian, and she will obediently return to her room to practice.

Feng Xiaotian had mentioned to her more or less the opponents she might meet in the future, and she also had to work hard to rest and try to help Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian's soul power is steadily improving while he is cultivating. As for his spiritual power, he has reached the peak of Contra, no matter how much he cultivates, he will not move at all.

Perhaps this aspect of cultivation may not be what he can cultivate now, and it has almost no effect, so he temporarily gave up the cultivation of spiritual power, and still specializes in soul power.

The mental power of level [-] is already very stable. According to the normal speed, it should not be a big problem to reach level [-] in the qualifiers, but level [-] is a bit difficult.

With the improvement of soul power, the soul power required for each level of cultivation is getting higher and higher, and the difficulty will also become more and more difficult.

Until now, Feng Xiaotian really realized that upgrading is not easy, just like playing a game, reaching a level where non-VIP players can only slowly endure and take time to improve slowly.

The next morning, Feng Xiaotian got up very early, put on weight-bearing clothes before dawn, and started running on the small streets beside Kux City.

It's like this every morning. If you don't advance in cultivation, you will retreat. Your body is still the same. If you don't move for a long time, it may rust.

Although there is little progress in this way, it can also maintain the state of the body and maintain the existing body.

After running for nearly an hour, Feng Xiaotian was ready to return to the hotel. After a simple wash, he found that Ling'er hadn't woken up yet.

Then Feng Xiaotian brought some breakfast from the hotel and put it on the table in the living room.

Taking care of your own sister is a matter of course.

This morning, nothing happened, and no team members participated in the soul fight. Ye Feng's soul fight was also scheduled for the afternoon.

Basically sleeping late in the morning, Feng Xiaotian is used to getting up early.

Having nothing to do, Feng Xiaotian didn't go out, and continued to practice in the room.

after an hour.

"Brother, are you still practicing? How about accompanying me to Kux City to see." Zi Ling'er said while eating breakfast.

When they came to Kux City, everyone hadn't gone out for a stroll yet, Ling'er wanted to go out a long time ago, the group of them usually went directly to the Great Spirit Arena in the morning and came back very late in the afternoon.

It was too early in the morning, and too late in the evening. Basically, they were resting, or they were studying tomorrow or their upcoming opponents together.

It's rare to have such a morning break. In the afternoon, we have to go to the Soul Arena, and in the evening we have to study the opponents for tomorrow's team battle.

Hearing Ling'er's voice, Feng Xiaotian also walked out of the bedroom and said: "Okay, let's go out with you for a stroll."

"Wow, that's great, let's go right away." After Ling'er finished speaking, she quickly ate her breakfast.

"I'm going to tidy up, wait for me." After Zi Ling'er finished speaking, she immediately went back to her room and began to tidy up.

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said: "Then hurry up, or it will be too late to go out."

"I see, I'll hurry up."

Ling'er is still wearing pajamas now. Although he doesn't wear makeup, he still needs to wash and tidy up meticulously, which will take a lot of time.

Half an hour later, the two finally went out, and they didn't wear combat clothes, they were still the usual clothes.

Walking out of the hotel, at this moment, the sun has risen and Kux City has become lively.

On the street, all kinds of pedestrians are dressed in strange clothes, selling all kinds of things, all kinds of strange things, Ling'er is like a curious baby, looking at this stall and then that stall.

Feel it, look at it, and buy what you like when you see it. Basically, it doesn’t cost much. They are all gadgets.

After walking for a long time, Ling'er suddenly stopped at an unremarkable street stall, this is an old man over seventy years old.

There were a lot of medicinal herbs placed on the stall, and Feng Xiaotian knew a lot of them at a glance.

The main reason is that Dugu Bo gave him a lot of introductions to Chinese medicinal materials.

Ling'er stopped and picked out a withered medicinal herb from a pile of medicinal herbs.

Feng Xiaotian wanted to identify the name of this medicinal material, and thought for a long time, but he couldn't remember if there was such a medicinal material in his memory.

Ling'er seemed to know her, and said to the old man, "How much does this cost?"

"Little girl, it was very difficult for me to collect this medicinal material. If you like it, I won't give you a silver soul coin." The old man said as if he had suffered a lot.

However, Feng Xiaotian also held it in his hand and looked at it, but he didn't feel any fluctuations in the power of the medicine.

"I'll give you a gold soul coin, brother will give you the money." After Ling'er finished speaking, she put away the withered medicinal material and put it directly into his soul tool.

Although she didn't know this medicinal herb, Ling'er said that if she gave a gold soul coin, she must have made a profit.

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