This is really a big test for Ye Feng. If he can get out of Yinyue's charm skill today, it will be much easier to deal with such a similar skill again in the future.

Ye Feng didn't take the initiative to attack. He thought that Yinyue would use the charm skill, but Yinyue didn't, and came towards Ye Feng quickly.

The speed is very fast, but fortunately, Ye Feng reacted relatively quickly, immediately retreated, and then directly activated the third soul skill, which strengthened his [-]% strength attack defense.

Yinyue didn't even think that she wanted to attack just now, but she didn't expect that the opponent would immediately use the third soul skill.She clearly knew the power of Ye Feng's third soul skill.

You can't head-to-head, you can only use his speed to attack.In fact, her attack power is not weak, but it is an unwise move to let an agility attack type and a strong attack type face each other head-on.

Yinyue immediately used the first soul skill, and her whole body looked like a thin layer of silver water mist, or soft ice formed by the condensed soul power, and then shot towards Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed. rushed over.

Ye Feng also knew Yinyue's first soul ability, but he had already blessed his body with the third soul ability, so how could he be afraid of Yinyue's first soul ability?

Yinyue's first soul ability, Yinyue Soft Ice Armor, is a defensive soul ability, and it does not affect speed at all, a soul ability that increases defense by [-]%.

Seemingly tasteless, it is actually very useful, especially when fighting against the strong attack of the attack system soul master, it can offset [-]% of the attack, maybe this [-]% will save you from the attack. suffered a lot of damage.

Yinyue activates the first soul skill, is this to face Ye Feng head-on?

I saw Yinyue rushing directly towards Ye Feng. Of course, Ye Feng would not be interested in Yinyue's first soul skill at this moment, but he was a little strange why Yinyue rushed forward on his own initiative.

She wants to use the fourth soul skill?Impossible, the fourth soul skill is a group attack skill.

Could it be the third soul skill?Ye Feng immediately remembered Yinyue's third soul skill, Yinyue Blitz.

Sure enough, as he expected, when Yinyue was halfway through, the first three soul rings lit up, and the third soul skill was used.

In an instant, he came to Ye Feng.Ye Feng is also ready to resist with all his strength at this moment.

Just when Ye Feng was about to resist and fight back, Yinyue stopped suddenly.

"Too bad, Yinyue's first and third soul skills are just a cover, and her main purpose is to use the second soul skill to charm." Feng Xiaotian said.

At this moment, Yinyue's charm skill was activated one meter away from Ye Feng, and it seemed that he could hear the seductive voice even if he was wearing earplugs at such a close distance.

His eyes were even duller. It was obvious that Ye Feng was hit by Yinyue's charm skill.

Seeing that her skill was successful, Yinyue didn't hesitate, and immediately used her third soul skill, preparing to send Ye Feng out of the soul fighting platform.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt as if he and Yinyue were together. The two were in love and married, and they were happy.Suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Ye Feng wake up, you are fighting with Yinyue for soul, you have got the charm skill, wake up quickly."

"Captain?" Ye Feng whispered, his eyes came back to his senses instantly.

The third soul ability of Yinyue had already come in front of him, Ye Feng immediately used the fourth soul ability, turned into a storm, hit Yinyue in an instant, and flew out.

"Did you drop the Soul Fighting Platform?" the host said slowly.

The battle was too fast, and no one thought that Yinyue would be defeated so quickly.

After Yinyue came out, Ye Feng also looked at Feng Xiaotian's position and expressed his gratitude. If Feng Xiaotian hadn't reminded him just now, he would have failed.

Feng Xiaotian's mental strength has reached the peak of Contra, and it is very easy to pass this point to the past to remind him, and he can't be found unless the opponent is a titled Douluo, but this little Kuks big soul fight field There would be no Title Douluo at all, not even a Contra. Naturally, everyone would think that Ye Feng broke Yinyue's charm ability by himself.

Chapter 230 Silver Moon's Suspicion

The battle ended too quickly, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among the audience. Just now, they were still in the fantasy of being excited and getting the charm skill, but this fantasy was shattered at the beginning.

This made them feel very upset after spending a lot of money, and the host quickly explained to everyone, and the scene became even more chaotic.

Just after Ye Feng woke up, without the slightest hesitation, he directly used his fourth strongest soul skill. How could Yinyue have hit her charm skill at this time? Ye Feng suddenly woke up.

Before she could react, she was hit by a violent storm and knocked her out of the fighting spirit stage.

Too fast, this is the first time that Ye Feng can recover so quickly after being hit by his charm skill, at least at the stage of the soul king, no normal man has ever recovered so quickly.

This Ye Feng is the most powerful one among them. He stood up and took another look at Ye Feng with the tiger mask.

But she also fell into thinking. She said a few words to Ye Feng just now. According to the previous performance and the preparation before the battle, he should not come out so soon.

Is there something strange about this?Yinyue thought about it, but if you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say. In terms of combat, he is still suitable for team battles, especially the fourth soul skill, which is a group attack skill.

"Miss Yinyue, I'm sorry, are you not injured?" Ye Feng glanced at Feng Xiaotian, then came to Yinyue and said.

"It's nothing, it won't affect tomorrow's battle with your team." Yinyue said.

"Did someone help you just now?" Yinyue said, although she didn't know what was going on, she always felt weird.

"No, no, how could there be?" Ye Feng said hurriedly, seeming a little guilty.

"Oh? Really?" Yinyue suddenly activated her charm skill again, right under the fighting spirit stage.

All the audience who were making trouble became quiet again, and Ye Feng fell into the charm again at this moment.

Feng Xiaotian was helpless, thinking in his heart, forget it, I'm helping you once, but I can't help you all the time, but it's impossible for him not to help.

Once again, he used that powerful mental power to wake up Ye Feng.

It took only a few seconds for Ye Feng to fall into the charm, and then he woke up again.

"Look, I can get out of your charm." Ye Feng said with some pride.

"I hope so, next time I hope no one will help you." Yinyue said, and then looked at Feng Xiaotian's reassurance.

After Yinyue finished speaking, she left slowly, leaving waves of shouting behind.

Feng Xiaotian was also very puzzled, did this woman find out?If that's the case, it's really not that simple.

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