Ye Feng was a little helpless, did he get the favor of his opponent, or not?

But he also has a competitive heart, and decided not to rely on the help of the captain next time, to break free from the charm skill by himself.

The more he looked, Feng Xiaotian felt that this Yinyue was not simple, maybe there were other secrets, or hidden strength.

It's just why you have such a strong competitive spirit, do you use it?This is very strange.

There was only one Ye Feng's soul fight this afternoon, and now he has won, but there is no smile on Ye Feng's face.

"Okay, Ye Feng, continue to work hard next time, try to get out of that charm skill." Feng Xiaotian said.

After Ye Feng came back, he didn't speak for a long time, but it was Feng Xiaotian who spoke first.

"Captain, don't help me next time, I must rely on my own strength to resist this charming skill." Ye Feng decided.

"Okay, next time I'll let you face it alone." Feng Xiaotian said, it could be seen that Ye Feng had really made up his mind.

"Come on, Brother Feng, we all support you." Tang Shi also said.

"Then let's go back and study tomorrow's opponents, and the Tianxiao team also has opponents tomorrow, Tang Shitianxiao team is up to you, don't let everyone down." Feng Xiaotian said.

Because of the presence of Tang Shi, Team Tianxiao will also face teams with Soul Sect, at least one, and at most two.

These are all requirements, the difference in strength is too great, and the Soul Arena will not arrange these two teams together.

Back at the hotel, the two teams separated and discussed their opponents in two rooms.

After this experience, Feng Xiaotian is also going to return to Kamikaze to confirm the final list of the team. The students who are not on the list will know earlier. After all, this school year is coming to an end, and they can choose to graduate, so they can't waste their time.

Bringing them to practice and train together can be regarded as helping them improve their strength.

Feng Xiaotian didn't directly participate in the discussion between the two sides, he looked at both sides, and he memorized both sides of the opponent's information by heart.

These materials cost a lot of gold soul coins, but since they want to fight against their opponents, they must have the latest and most reliable information.

In the end, the two teams formulated several sets of tactics and countermeasures. At the same time, Feng Xiaotian also put forward some small opinions of his own at the end, and then sorted out the method for tomorrow's battle.

It was still early, and Feng Xiaotian led the team to practice again in a barren hill in Kux City.

The opponent's personal strength is not that strong, and the number of soul sects is not as many as his own.But the unity of the opponents and the seamless cooperation.

This is the opponent's biggest reliance. The same kind of opponent is also very scary. To deal with such a team, one must either cooperate better than them, or be able to restrain the opponent in terms of soul master attributes, or be completely crushed in terms of soul power and strength. Overwhelm the opponent.

In fact, the most brutal way is to crush the opponent directly with strength. In the entire Douluo Continent, perhaps only the Wuhundian Academy can do it.

In fact, Feng Xiaotian felt that the soul masters of Star Luo Empire and Tiandou Empire were not that weak, and the people of Wuhundian Academy were all selected from the two empires to form an academy.

And the two imperial academies have dozens or hundreds, but if the seven or eight geniuses of these dozens or hundreds of academies are hit together, can these people fight against the geniuses of Wuhundian Academy?

At least Feng Xiaotian thinks it's possible. Doing so won't make the Wuhundian family dominate, and it will form a three-legged rivalry.

The next day, early in the morning.

The Tianfeng team and the Tianxiao team from the Kamikaze Academy have already reached the Kukes Great Soul Arena.

The most eye-catching battle today is Tianfeng vs. Cooks Academy.

Because the Cooks College team is the team of this city college, and the most dazzling star Yinyue also appeared on the stage.This kind of team spirit fighting must be arranged in the high-level spirit fighting platform.

In the advanced soul fighting stage, there are only five individual soul fighting games and five team soul fighting games every morning, and the individual soul fighting must win ten consecutive victories to enter the advanced soul fighting stage.

Team spirit fighting doesn't need this.Go directly to advanced spirit fighting, after all, team battles are much more exciting than single-player soul fighting.

Chapter 231 The Battle Soul of the Regiment Begins

On the ninth day when I came to the Kukes Great Soul Arena, I finally started the team spirit fight, because the opponents were Yinyue and the others, and they were also fighting at the soul clan level.

So this soul fight was arranged for the last round, Tianxiao team was in the second round, and the other three team soul fights did not reach the level of Soul Sect, one soul master level and two soul master level team soul fights .

The Great Soul Fighting Arena must put the most exciting at the end, and what the audience is waiting for is this last soul fighting,

Although it was still early, the team from the Kamikaze Academy arrived at the Kukes Great Soul Arena very early.

There are ten soul fights in one morning. The speed of individual soul fights is relatively fast, while team soul fights are relatively slow. Generally, it takes at least five minutes to decide the winner.

Slowly, it is estimated that there will be more than [-] minutes of trembling, and the general battle is also at a normal level of ten minutes.

When Feng Xiaotian and others came to the Kukes Great Spirit Arena, the team from the Kukes Academy had already arrived.

They also regard the Great Soul Arena as one of their methods of cultivation, and it is a rare actual battlefield.

The two teams are in opposite directions, that is, on the opposite side, and they can be seen just by looking up.

After a while, the battle on the advanced soul fighting platform began.

These are all masters who have won more than ten consecutive victories, and each of them has a wealth of experience. Although many of them have lower spirit power than the members of the team, looking at it this way, they can also learn a lot of experience.

Good fighting habits and fighting methods are worth learning from everyone.

The five individual battles were completed very quickly, in about an hour, and then it was the team's turn to fight the soul.

In the first soul fight, there were six power-type great soul masters, paired with control-type soul masters, and the opponents were all soul masters of the control-assisted, strong-attack, and sensitive-attack type.

It is very rare for these six power soul masters to be paired with a control system, but this can also make up for the shortcomings of this team, and it is much better than seven soul masters who are all power type.

In fact, this is exactly the case, these seven people are mainly control-type soul masters, leading the six power-type soul masters, and they accompany them very skillfully.

Although the opponent is also very powerful, but the six power-type soul masters, plus a control system, have strong attack power and impregnable defense. Under the command of the control-type soul master, they gradually knocked down their opponents and won the final victory.

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