There was an interval of five minutes, and it was Tianfeng's turn to face Kux College in the next soul fight.

In five minutes, the host was vigorously introducing the members of the two teams, including the level of soul power, martial soul, and some achievements.

At this time, the Tianfeng team had arrived at the preparation area.

This time, Qin Yiran, Zi Ling'er, Ye Feng, Yinfeng, Chen Yu, Wang Dang, and Fengyi will join the battle.

Qin Yiran is at forty-three levels, Zi Ling'er is at forty-one levels, Ye Feng is at forty-one levels, Yinfeng is at thirty-nine levels, and Chen Yu and Wang Dang are at thirty-eight levels.

The Cooks Academy team has two Soul Sects, Silver Moon Forty-Level [-], and a forty-one Soul Sect of the assault department named Luo Qiang, and the other five people, three [-]th-level and two [-]th-level.

In terms of the level of soul masters, the Tianfeng team has the advantage in battle, the lowest level is thirty-eight, and the Cooks Academy has two soul masters of the thirty-seventh level.

The only strength of Cooks Academy is their ability to fight as a team.

For this level of battle, Feng Xiaotian doesn't need to fight yet, the current plastic surgery is enough to deal with it.

Feng Xiaotian is not here, the captain of the Tianfeng team on the field is Qin Yiran, as a control system soul master, he can dominate everything on the field.

And she has the ability and brains to do it all.

Here, the Tianfeng team is like an away game. As the highest soul master academy in Cooks City, everyone is willing to support the Cooks Academy team, not to mention that there is a beautiful woman like Yinyue in it.

"Hi everyone, the last soul fight is about to start this morning. One is the Tianfeng team who has been wearing a mask and wearing a blue team uniform recently. Their lineup is even stronger than the Tianxiao team."

"On the other side is the team from our local Cooks Academy. It is said that this is the team that they will participate in the senior soul master competition. They are all elites from our Cooks Advanced Soul Master Academy. Who will win this game? ? Let's wait and see."

"Next, invite two pairs to enter the arena, go to the designated area, and prepare to release the martial spirit." The host shouted.

In this respect, there are regulations in the spirit arena, you can't stand however you want, both sides must keep a relative distance, you can't stand indiscriminately.

After the teams on both sides reached the designated area, they released their spirits one after another. This time, the spirits of both teams were equipped with the best spirit rings.

Either two yellows and one purple, or two yellows and two purples.

After the Wuhun was released, the host also shouted amidst the audience's shouts: "Please keep your voice down, I'm announcing the start of the spirit fight."

At the moment the start of the soul fight was announced, Kux College immediately changed its formation.

Yinyue was not at the front, but appeared in the middle.Luo Qiang, the soul master of the strong attack department, and two soul masters of the agility department stood in front.

But Tian Feng didn't care about these things, I saw Qin Yiran directly using the first soul skill, and a few vines quickly went towards the two soul masters in front of the opponent.Then Ye Feng immediately activated the third soul skill, and cooperated with Zi Ling'er to attack.

In addition, Chen Yu and Wang Dang used flying soul skills. During the discussion, Tianfeng had already come to the conclusion that if they were fighting with the Cooks team, the battle should be ended quickly.

The opponent has a lot of group attack skills, and they can also cooperate with them. Yinyue's hind legs officially want to cooperate with another soul master to use group attack skills.

And Feng Yi didn't take any action, just cooperated with Qin Yiran around Qin Yiran, everyone separated, even if he used group attack skills, the range could only be narrowed to one or two people.

The opponent would definitely not consume group attack skills like this, after all such skills often consume the most soul power.

Yinyue didn't expect Team Tianfeng to use such powerful strength and soul skills from the very beginning.

Immediately called out, the voice was very weird, and I didn't know what they were talking about.

It should be some kind of secret signal, but at this moment, Luo Qiang, their attacking soul sect, was restrained by Qin Yiran's soul skills, and Ye Feng and Zi Ling'er were about to make contact with their opponents.

At the moment of the sound, Yinyue made a move, rushed over with a stride, and shouted at Ye Feng: "Ye Feng, look here."

Although Ye Feng has been training himself, he has always been a hero and saddened by the beauty pass, and once again got hit by Yinyue's charm skill.

"Hey, Brother Feng, there's no way out." Tang Shi shook his head and sighed.

Chapter 233 Strong Strength

Ye Feng was tricked again, and Yinyue's purpose was to help Luo Qiang, who was controlled by a forty-three soul sect with skills.

Although I can also rely on my own ability to break away, it will take a certain amount of time. At this time, Ye Feng's attack can hit Luo Qiang's body.

Yinyue came up to deal with it at the first time, and this reaction ability was simply unmatched.At the same time, after Ye Feng was hit, he was exposed in front of Yinyue. With such a good attack skill, of course he had to attack.

This successfully attracted Zi Ling'er who was next to her, but it was impossible for Zi Ling'er to ignore her and gave up the opportunity to attack Ye Feng.

At this moment, Luo Qiang also activated his soul ability, breaking away from Qin Yiran's third soul ability.Seeing Zi Linger rushing towards Yinyue, Luo Qiang broke free again, and gave up the idea of ​​attacking Ye Feng.

Back together with Luo Qiang.Reorganize the formation.

I have to say that the Cooks Academy team really performed very well. It was originally in an unfavorable situation at the beginning, but it was resolved in an instant.

It is worthy of being called a seamless team, but Feng Xiaotian doesn't think so, there is no perfect team, and a good team also has its shortcomings.

This time Tianfeng's attack failed, but it doesn't matter, they are stronger than their opponents in overall strength.

Yinyue successfully resolved the crisis of the team and won warm applause from the audience.

In the eyes of these audiences, this series of actions can be regarded as perfect.

But this is just an unsuccessful attack, and the Tianfeng team still has many ways.

The two teams were also very careful. After exiting, there was a safe distance of nearly [-] meters between them.

And the third soul skill flying skill used by Tianfeng was also temporarily put away.

After all, these people have fought many times in the soul fighting arena, and basically used all their soul skills, but one of them has never used the fourth soul skill, and that is Zi Ling'er.

The Cooks Academy team is also on guard against this.

But it is impossible not to fight, but this time the Cooks Academy team was very cautious, this time Yinyue and the assault department soul master were in the front.

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