On Tianfeng's side, Zi Ling'er, Ye Feng, and Qin Yiran are at the forefront, and the three soul sects are in the lead. As long as you have enough strength, no matter how you cooperate, one word is war.

This time, Chen Yu, Wang Dang, and Yinfeng all activated their flying soul skills, and the other Fengyi also rushed over together.

As soon as Qin Yiran came up, he immediately launched the third soul skill. This soul skill is offensive, and it can be regarded as a group attack skill.

The thorns of the third soul ability rained towards the Cooks Academy team, and the opponent didn't expect that the Tianfeng team was a group attack skill when they came up.

Right after this group of attack skills, Qin Yiran immediately used the fourth soul skill, Zi Ling'er immediately used the third soul skill, and Ye Feng used the fourth soul skill.

Since you cooperated very well, then our soul skills are not vegetarian.

The thought in the hearts of the Cooks Academy team members is that the Tianfeng team is going to go all out this day?

For a while, different soul skills were released on the high-level soul fighting platform, which was extremely dazzling.

As soon as Qin Yiran's fourth soul skill came out, he immediately controlled Luo Qiang, another [-]th-level soul master of the assault department.

Ye Feng also has two soul abilities, Zi Ling'er. Ye Feng's target is the forty-level Luo Qiang, and Zi Ling'er's target is another one.

At this moment, the opponent's control system soul master also wanted to use control skills on Zi Ling'er and Ye Feng, but after using them, he found that his control skills had no effect on them at all.

Because Zi Ling'er was too fast, she couldn't capture and control it at all, and because Ye Feng used the fourth soul skill, the control of the third soul skill, he was controlled by the storm of the fourth soul skill when he touched Ye Feng.

There was also a soul master who wanted to sneak attack Qin Yiran, but Tianfeng had already expected that they would do this.At this time, the role of wind will come into play.

He stood in front of Qin Yiran, blocked the soul master who came to attack.

And the few soul masters flying in the air also went to prevent other soul masters from coming forward to rescue.

The two major soul skills attacked the two soul masters at the same time, especially Ye Feng's fourth soul skill, which was so powerful that when the other party couldn't use the soul skills at all, after this one pass, the soul master's combat power was basically gone. More than half of it was lost.Then Ye Feng didn't stop.

Using the first soul skill, his attack power increased again, the first punch was the most powerful, and every subsequent punch showed a state of decreasing.

After this heavy punch, Luo Qiang has completely lost the ability to fight. Looking at the other side, how can the thirty-seventh-level soul master resist Zi Linger's attack?

Under Zi Ling'er's attack, the soul master was also injured, and his combat power probably wouldn't be able to display much.

In one round, the opponent lost two soul masters, and one of them, Luo Qiang, was one of their two soul masters.

Now there is only one soul sect left to fight, and that is Yinyue.

Yinyue didn't expect how quickly the battle collapsed this time, losing two people at once, and the opponent had three soul sects, this battle was really impossible to fight.

"I don't think there is any need to continue the fight." Qin Yiran looked at Yinyue, seven against five, the advantage in numbers plus the level of soul power was also dominant.

"You are right, indeed we have lost our chance to fight, but we will not give up." Yinyue said.

"Okay, then continue." Qin Yiran said.

But the next spirit fight is meaningless, seven to five, no matter how good your cooperation is, it's useless.

The difference in overall strength is quite large. Qin Yiran, who is at the forty-third level, uses the fourth soul skill. It is like a bug in this soul fight. As long as he uses the fourth soul skill, basically no one can break free.

In terms of opportunity, Ye Feng's impact ability, and Zi Ling'er's speed, they can deal with one, but there is no way for two or three.

At the end of the battle, only Yinyue was left, and she had to admit defeat.

The Tianfeng team also won this spirit fight.

Today's soul fighting is just the beginning, and for the next half a month or so, every morning there will be a personal soul fighting, and in the afternoon there will be a team battle.

Although there are victories and losses in individual battles, in team battles, the Tianfeng team has never lost. Of course, the Tianxiao team has lost several times. One of the opponents was the Cooks Academy team. The revenge of the wind team.

During this period of time, the team and individuals participated in two life-and-death fights, and fortunately they all won. This was mainly due to Feng Xiaotian's careful study when selecting opponents, and he must be sure to win.

Although it is a bit risky, it is worth it compared to the gains.

Everyone seems to have grown a lot after going through the life-and-death battle, and four of them successfully broke through to the first level, gaining a lot.

Chapter 234 Return, Final Assessment

It was another clear morning, and everyone gathered in a conference hall of the hotel.

"Captain, who is our opponent today?" Tang Shi was the first to speak.

"That's right, I hope to have a stronger opponent today. I haven't met a good opponent recently." Yinfeng also said.

Feng Xiaotian said with a smile: "Today we won't go to the Kux Great Spirit Arena."

"Captain, why don't you go? Didn't we fight well?" Ye Feng asked a little puzzled.

"I did the math. Today is the twenty-eighth day since we came to Kux City. Everyone has experienced dozens of battles. It is already difficult for you to match your opponents in this Kux Great Spirit Arena. So I will definitely bring Da Da back to the academy." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Going back to the academy, it's so boring." Tang Shi was a little dissatisfied. Now he is used to fighting like this every day.

"Yes, captain, let us continue to fight here."

Basically everyone wants to keep fighting here.

"The battle during this period is enough. The reason why I want to go back is because this school year is coming to an end, and the final roster of our entire Kamikaze Academy team will be down. This time I will organize a soul fight. Let you use your strength to decide who will stay in the team."

"Including me, we now have seventeen people, and the final roster of our entire Shenfeng Academy team only needs ten places. Those who exceed the Soul Sect don't need to participate in this soul fighting, and will directly enter the roster."

"I, Sister Yiran, Ling'er, Tang Shi, and Ye Feng occupy five places, and there are five places left. I will make a comprehensive judgment based on the characteristics of your soul skills and the results of the final soul fight. It's not about winning the final victory. Will be included in the roster, the team needs people who are really needed, I hope everyone can understand, we will discuss the specific plan carefully after we go back.”

"Captain, what do you mean, we are now at level [-], is it possible to enter the final list?" one of the team members at level [-] asked.

"Of course there is a chance. As I said, although our team requires strength first, we will also consider other aspects comprehensively, so you all have opportunities."

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