"The assessment date is just seven days away. Everyone, go back and prepare. Now pack up your things. We will be at the entrance of the hotel in an hour and head back to the academy." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, Captain."

"Great, I have a chance too, I can't wait."

An hour later, at the entrance of the hotel, everyone had already packed their luggage, and everything was packed.

In the evening of the second day, Kamikaze Academy.

A group of seventeen people have already returned to Shenfeng Academy, and each returned to their own dormitory.

Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger also returned home.

"Wow, mom's cooking is the best." Ling'er said while eating.

"Yeah, the food outside is not very good these days." Feng Xiaotian also said.

"Where did you take the team to practice these days?" Feng Qingyuan asked.

Feng Xiaotian took people out, but he just reported a one-month outing experience, and didn't say what he was going to do.

Only then did Feng Qingyuan ask, he also believed in his son, if he was caught, he would have chased him back long ago.

"We went to the Principality of Kux, and fought in their Kux Great Soul Arena for nearly a month, which is considered actual combat training." Feng Xiaotian explained.

"Going to Kux Principality? The scale of the big soul fighting field there is not bad, how is the record? How is the harvest?" Feng Qingyuan asked.

Feng Xiaotian thought for a moment, and said: "Everyone has gained something, to achieve good results, and the team's running-in is also very good. Now it is no longer as young as it was before, and everyone's combat experience has improved. How should I say it? Our team strength has risen to a new level."

"That's pretty good." Feng Qingyuan replied.

"Dad, we also participated in a life-and-death battle. Everyone was very nervous, but fortunately everyone got through it safely." Zi Linger said.


Qin Qiuyue slapped the table and stood up, and said, "You guys actually participated in a life-and-death battle? Are you dying?"

"Ling'er, are you okay?" Qin Qiuyue hurriedly pulled Ling'er to check.

"Mom, I'm fine, including our team, everything is fine." Zi Ling'er said.

"It's good that you're fine. Go to bed early after eating. You must be exhausted during this time." Qin Qiuyue asked with concern.

"It's not very tiring, it's just two battles a day."

After chatting with my parents about the experience of going out to experience this time, I went back to my room.

Back in my room, my mother had changed all the previous quilt covers, and the house was spotlessly cleaned. This is the feeling of being at home, which is great.

After Feng Xiaotian took a shower, he didn't rest right away. There were still five days before the team members would be assessed, and the method of the assessment hadn't been finalized yet.

What I told you that day was just a preliminary idea.

First of all, it must be suitable for the whole team, especially the soul skills. Although some soul powers are a level or two lower, the soul skills are very powerful, and they are suitable for team battles.

This is very useful in team battles, and it doesn't matter if the soul power is one or two levels lower.

After comprehensive consideration, Feng Xiaotian came up with two points, that is the scoring system.

First, the scoring of soul skills, the three soul skills are scored high and low according to which ones are suitable for team battles.

Second, the soul power rating.

Third, actual combat scoring.

Combining these three points, according to the high and low scores, select the remaining few people into the final list, so that the Kamikaze Academy team is confirmed.

The next day, early in the morning, Feng Xiaotian went to Hurricane Valley as usual, he hadn't been there for more than a month.

"Brother, wait a minute, you said you're going to the Star Dou Forest once you get back, when are we going?" Zi Ling'er still hasn't forgotten about it.

"Ling'er, don't worry, we'll go to the Star Dou Forest after their assessment is over, at most seven days." Fen Xiaotian said.

It was the first time for Ling'er to come out, and she didn't go back after such a long time. It's understandable to miss her, but the most important thing is his younger brother Ziyun. Ling'er is really worried. When she was here before I can take care of it, but I am afraid that something will happen to his brother for so long.

For example, it is possible to go to other powerful soul beasts to fight one-on-one, or to go to the titan giant ape, etc., are all possible.

Feng Xiaotian went back with Ling'er once, and it was considered to be a practice again, although he couldn't reach level [-] in a short time to obtain a soul ring.

To go back with Ling'er, it must be there.

But there is still something to do when I go back, that is how to hide it from my parents, after all Linger is a soul beast, only he knows.

"Thank you brother, I'm really worried." Ling'er said shyly.

"It's okay, no matter where you go, I will accompany you." Feng Xiaotian said.

"What are you talking about? What is Ling'er worried about?" Qin Qiuyue suddenly came out of the room and asked.

"No, it's nothing, Mom, I'm going to college." Ling'er ran away after speaking.

Feng Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Linger to run so fast, didn't he leave all the questions to him.

"Mom, I'm going to Hurricane Valley. It's rather late today, so I'll go first." Feng Xiaotian left quickly after speaking.

Only leaving Qin Qiuyue with a puzzled look on her face, she thought to herself: "What happened to these two children today?"

Chapter 235 The team is confirmed, persuaded

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