"Ten years is not too long for us. Sometimes ten years will pass after a long sleep, so you should just sleep." Zi Linger said.

"Listen to me, this is the only request I have from you. After ten years, I will not stop you from challenging them again. If you still recognize me as my sister, then just stay here honestly for ten years. "Zi Ling'er said seriously.

And the words are very serious, it is impossible for her to stay by her younger brother Ziyun's side all the time now, and she can only leave after she is completely relieved.

"Sister, I promised you that it's not enough. It's a pity that my strength will not be displayed until ten years later." Ziyun sighed.

"Maybe it won't be ten years, maybe I will come to you to kill them in a few years." Feng Xiaotian said.

When the senior soul master competition is over, he will go back to Fengshen Valley. Fengshen is also a first-level god, and he also has a god test, and the god test is the fastest way to improve his soul power.

"Really, then hurry up, I can go out earlier." Ziyun said.

"Okay, I will do it as soon as possible." Feng Xiaotian said.

"For the next ten years, you will go underground, under the inheritance of the God of Medicine, and then I will seal it and open it ten years later." Zi Ling'er said.

"What? Shut me in?" Ziyun asked puzzled.

"Yeah, just to be on the safe side, according to your personality, you will agree to this. Maybe you will challenge me as soon as I leave." Zi Ling'er said.

The younger brother is such a person who refuses to admit defeat, otherwise he would not have challenged dozens of times over the years, although each time ended in failure.

But every time he would be injured and come back, but after so many battles, Ziyun's fighting ability has also improved a lot.

"But I'll stay here for ten years, eat and drink whatever I want." Ziyun said aggrievedly.

"I have prepared it for you for more than a month. There is already a pool in it. As for the food, don't worry about it. There are at least [-] tons of food in it, which is enough for you to consume. And sleeping doesn't consume much food at all. .”

"Even if you've finished eating, I've prepared some edible pills for you. One is enough for you for a month, and I've prepared a thousand for you. How about it? It's enough for a hundred years." Zi Ling'er Said.

In fact, only a hundred grains are enough, Zi Linger is still for the safety of his younger brother, it is impossible to starve him, so he prepared a thousand years of food at once.

Millennium food, millennium food is definitely enough.

During this time, Feng Xiaotian went out to prepare meat, while Zi Linger was refining pills inside.

"Sister, I'm already so strong, can the people below control me?" Ziyun asked.

"Don't worry, there is a large formation below the gate of this passage, and there are a few traces of the medicine god's power left on the gate, so you will definitely not be able to break free now." Zi Ling'er said.

This is completely imprisoning Ziyun.

But Feng Xiaotian completely understood Zi Linger's approach, mainly because Ziyun really wanted to fight, especially after obtaining the latest power, she definitely wanted to try it right away.

If it wasn't for Zi Ling'er and him coming back together this time and coming to this place next time, there might only be Ziyun's soul bone left here, after all, the soul ring will dissipate an hour after the death of the powerful soul beast .

One hundred thousand year spirit beasts will produce spirit bones again, so this is the end waiting for them.

This time when she came back, Ling'er was already in fear, she didn't dare to think of such a thing happening again.

So just like Feng Xiaotian, he set a ten-year deadline.

Take Ziyun to the bottom, there are four big boxes next to the statue of the God of Medicine.

After arriving, Zi Ling'er opened it, only to see a pill the size of a fist inside.

The pills that Linger mentioned can fill the stomach are indeed eaten by spirit beasts, and they are dozens of times larger than those eaten by ordinary humans.

Chapter 242 Opening the Great Formation and Leaving

Ling'er refined so many pills in more than a month, twenty or thirty pills are refined every day. Fortunately, refining them here is very simple and very easy.

Zi Linger's countless medicinal materials were consumed, Feng Xiaotian didn't even know how many medicinal materials Linger had in her pockets, as if they were inexhaustible.

Whenever there is a need, she will take out the corresponding medicinal materials. Ling'er's pocket is too mysterious, as if it is like the pocket of a doraemon.

With so many satiety pills, I don't know how much medicine will be consumed. The main reason is that I worry about not enough.

In fact, soul beasts like Ziyun and the others who are more than [-] years old can sleep for several years at a time without eating.

This is a loved one, always be prepared for nothing.

As a human being, ten years is a very long period, how many decades can there be in one's life?But it's different for soul beasts, ten years is just a snap of the fingers.

For hundred thousand year soul beasts, not to mention time.Different positions have different viewpoints. Zi Ling'er has been confined to Ziyun for ten years, just like human beings face a wall and think about it for a week.

"Sister, you have prepared too much." Ziyun kept wandering in this space. Who said ten years is a long time, but for him, it was just a few sleeps.

"Ziyun, I think you can not only sleep here, but you can also study your opponents. What are the shortcomings of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, and what shortcomings do you have that they will target. You can do all of these things. If you think about it carefully, aiming at the opponent's weaknesses and improving your own, then you will be more sure when you face them next time." Feng Xiaotian reminded.

"Brother Xiaotian is right. Although you have become very strong now, there are two of them, and you only have one. You will be the main force to kill them in the future." Zi Linger said.

"Sister, I understand, I will think about it carefully." Ziyun said.

"By the way, you can also carefully study the skills you have, maybe you can develop even more powerful ones." Feng Xiaotian said.

Although I don't know what Ziyun's skills are, it's always good to study them.

"Hey, I get it, why are you more verbose than my sister, you guys hurry up, it has been delayed for so long." Ziyun said impatiently.

Then Zi Ling'er explained a few words to Zi Yun, and walked out of the dark passage together with Feng Xiaotian.

"Brother, do you think I was too cruel to my younger brother? Lock him up for ten years." Zi Linger said.

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and said: "Ling'er, you are right, this time Ziyun almost went, it's good to be closed for ten years to sharpen his temper, at the same time, he has just evolved successfully, he needs to experience and fully control his own It will take a lot of time to use the power, and this time is just right."

"Brother, you are right, I think so too." Zi Ling'er said.

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