After a while, the two came to the entrance, and Zi Ling'er used a special technique again, and saw that the huge stone door was slowly closed under his guidance.

"There are a few traces of divine power left by the God of Medicine on it. If you activate the large formation and close the gate, it can last for ten years. No one can break through here except the gods. After ten years, the divine power will disappear, and the large formation will also be destroyed." It's gone." Zi Ling'er said.

"Even if something happens to me, my younger brother will be able to come out in the future." Zi Ling'er added again.

"Ling'er, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine." Feng Xiaotian assured.

"Thank you brother, let's go back quickly, this time it took a lot of time, parents must be worried about us." Zi Ling'er said.

"Okay, we have to go back quickly, the start of the qualifiers is not far away, and the team will continue to hone after we go back," Feng Xiaotian said.

The two appeared on the ground again, and it was already evening.

In order to hurry, the two were still ready to move forward quickly and let Feng Xiaotian fly out.

Holding up the blushing Ling'er again, Feng Xiaotian activated the third soul skill, and saw a cyan light rising into the air.

Like a shooting star, it flew out of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Early in the morning, it was not yet dawn.

A lot of soul masters gathered at the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, ready to lead the team into the Star Dou Great Forest to kill soul beasts to obtain soul rings at dawn.

While waiting, I saw a cyan light coming from the sky above the Star Dou Great Forest quickly towards the direction where the soul masters gathered.

"Father, mother, what do you think it is? Is it a soul beast?" A boy of twelve or thirteen asked.

"Everyone, get ready for battle, there are flying spirit beasts coming." The man looked at the sky and said to everyone, six or seven people immediately released their spirits.

"No, this is a person carrying another person out of the Star Dou Great Forest with flying soul skills." The middle-aged woman said with a fixed look.

This time the cyan light was very close, and everyone could see it clearly, so they immediately put away their spirits.

This cyan light streaked across the starry sky and flew over this group of people.

And this blue light is Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger, he has already sensed the existence of this group of people with his mental power.So it didn't land on this group of people.

Flying over the crowd with a distance of more than a thousand meters, Feng Xiaotian landed on the ground.

One night, ten hours of flying, under the pills that Linger constantly replenished her soul power, she flew from the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest to the outside of the Star Dou Great Forest in ten hours.

It is also because Feng Xiaotian's soul power is very strong and his soul skills consume less soul power that he can be so fast.

In fact, the most important point is that Feng Xiaotian took off the weight-bearing equipment, if he put on those weight-bearing equipment to fly, it would probably take five times longer to fly.

It may not be possible to come out of the Star Dou Great Forest in two full days.

"Finally come out, we have to meet the academy as soon as possible." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, I really troubled you this time, and it also delayed my training time for more than two months. If I practiced at home for these two months, I might have reached level [-] by now. I'm sorry." Ling'er said.

"I can't blame you. Fortunately, you are in a hurry to come back this time, otherwise Ziyun would be in danger." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, thank you brother." Zi Ling said.

Feng Xiaotian touched Ling'er's little head with his hand, and said, "Silly girl, you don't need to say thank you to brother in the future, thank you is for outsiders, you know."

"Oh, I see, don't touch my head, I'm not growing any longer." Zi Ling'er said.

"Okay, I get it, Ling'er will definitely be a slender beauty in the future, Yinyue or something, she can't compare to you at all. Haha!" Feng Xiaotian laughed loudly, and ran away after speaking.

"Brother, you are making fun of me again, see if I won't hit you." Ling'er said seemingly angrily, but she was actually happy in her heart, and immediately ran to catch up with Feng Xiaotian.

Chapter 243 Dugu Bo Comes

Eighteen days later, in a quiet courtyard of the Kamikaze Academy.

Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger returned to Shenfeng Academy again, during which they also went to the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye to plant the holy soul grass they got last time.

Then Zi Ling'er took out a lot of medicinal seeds and planted them near the Binghuo Liangyi Eye. It can be said that the entire area where medicinal materials can be planted in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye has been planted with herbs.

Last time they picked all the mature herbs in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and the new herbs they planted have all grown now.

The growth rate of medicinal materials here is ten times that of other places, and more than one year is equivalent to more than ten years of growth.

And the most gratifying thing is that those fairy herbs have also sprouted and sprouted.For example, Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass and Raging Fire Xingjiaoshu are already young seedlings. I believe that it won't be long before they can get these two fairy products again.

"Dad, Mom, these are the family-refined pills I brought to you, which can assist in the cultivation of soul power. There are also medicines for healing and detoxification." Zi Ling'er took out a bunch of jade bottles.

This is what Feng Xiaotian asked her to prepare, and she must bring some good things back home every time she goes home.

"Ling'er brought so many things, how could we have the nerve to ask for them. We didn't even bring gifts for your family." Qin Qiuyue said a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing. They're all small things. I have a lot of them at home, and they're not valuable things." Ling'er said.

She prepared two copies of each, one for Feng Qingyuan and one for Qin Qiuyue.

Seeing this, Feng Xiaotian hurriedly said: "Father, Mom, you should all be subordinates, these things are nothing to Linger's family."

"Yeah, these are nothing, compared to the care of parents, this is nothing." Zi Linger said.

"Okay, then we'll accept it." Qin Qiuyue said.

"Xiaotian, you are always Mr. Dugu Bo came to the academy yesterday and gave a class to the students of the gifted class. It should be in his other courtyard now. You can take a look." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Really? The teacher is here, so I have to go and have a look." Feng Xiaotian said.

The current Dugu Bo is far stronger than him in the middle, he has entered Title Douluo more than ten years earlier, and has also entered the ninety-second level.

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