The conference room was reserved by their college for a month, and even a private room for eating meals that could accommodate more than [-] people was reserved by them for a month. During this period, they ate here, and the comfort was no worse than that of a high-end hotel.

Although there were not many participating schools, there were too many spectators who came here because of their reputation. After all, the main arena of the Tiandou City's Grand Spirit Arena and the preliminaries could hold [-] spectators at a time.

And the tickets for watching the game are naturally not that low.

In the evening, they went back to their own rooms to rest. The next day, the Kamikaze Academy team went together in twos and threes. Some of them had never been to Heaven Dou City, and some of them came.

As the capital of a country, there is always something that will attract people.

After everyone had almost left, there were only three people left, Feng Xiaotian, Zi Ling'er and Qin Yiran, and Dugu Yan was picked up by Dugu Bo after entering Tiandou City.

Zi Ling'er definitely wanted to be with Feng Xiaotian.

Because it was already very late after the meeting yesterday, Qin Yiran also stayed in the hotel and didn't go home immediately.However, because it is a team reason, Qin Yiran chose to stay in the hotel during the qualifiers.

This hotel is not far from the Hummingbird family, it's about half an hour's walk away from the Hummingbird family.

Qin Yiran looked at Feng Xiaotian and Zi Ling'er, and said: "Xiaotian, Ling'er, do you want to come with me, and also go to see your grandfather, uncle and others."

While talking, Feng Qingyuan also came over.

"Father, are you going?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"I won't go. I have other things to do today. Just go. By the way, this is a gift from your grandpa, grandma, and uncle. You can also give it to me." Feng Qingyuan said.

Feng Xiaotian knew that these gifts were selected from the large cart of gifts that Xue Qinghe, no, Qian Renxue sent over.

They are all good things. It is impossible for Qian Renxue to make a bad move. Now Qian Renxue has already become the prince. The humble, open-minded, studious, and first-class Xue Qinghe has already penetrated into the hearts of the princes and ministers of the empire.

It's just that Prince Xue Xing has always been skeptical of Xue Qinghe, and the relationship is not close. He has been silently investigating, and at the same time secretly helping and protecting Xue Beng. Of course, Xue Beng's education is inseparable.

"Alright, sister Yiran, we will go with you today." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Great, grandpa will be very happy to know." Qin Yiran laughed.

Not far from the three of them walking out of the hotel, three young men suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Yi Ran, are you back?" A handsome young man asked, he was wearing the clothes of Tiandou Royal Academy.

"Zhou Xian?"

"You still remember me. When you dropped out of school, you were at the [-]st level. I haven't seen you for three days and you are already at the [-]rd level. The speed of improvement is really astonishing." Zhou Xian said.

Feng Xiaotian was also observing these three people, all of them were masters of the soul sect level, the one who spoke was a soul sect of level [-], the other two were at level [-] and the other was level [-].

This is not someone from Shrek Academy. After all, he has seen all Shrek people. To become a soul sect, he should be a member of the first team of Tiandou Academy this year.

The Kamikaze Academy is studying its opponents, and the Tiandou Royal Academy is also studying other competitive academies, and the Kamikaze Academy is undoubtedly the most dazzling one.

They discovered that the opponent's soul sect with the second strongest soul power turned out to be a transfer from their academy, and it was also an extremely powerful control-type soul sect.

And in their first team this year, the only control-type soul master is only at level [-]. Although they can reach the soul sect realm in half a year, it doesn't matter who is stronger or weaker at level [-] or [-]. said.

After that, Zhou Xian appeared.

"That's right, I dropped out of school and went to another college, what happened?" Qin Yiran asked.

"Since this is the case, let me explain clearly. We have studied your academy, and its strength is still very good, but we think that if you want to go further in the advanced soul beast competition, you must change to another team. After all Your team may not even be able to beat our second team."

Speaking of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, as the captain of the first team, he is still a little shivering.

It's really too strong, and their biggest weakness may be the lack of a control-type soul sect. If Qin Yiran joins, then the combat effectiveness of the first team will be improved, and maybe they can catch up with the second team.

That's why they came to find someone immediately after reading Qin Yiran's information.

"You want me to return to Tiandou Royal Academy? Join your first team?" Qin Yiran said directly.

"That's right, I won't spare Wanzi anymore. As long as you quit Kamikaze and join our academy, then you will still be a student who graduated from our Tiandou Royal Academy in the future. We will go to the Dao Academy to discuss the other things in detail." Zhou Obviously said.

"I'm sorry, since I quit the Tiandou Royal Academy and joined the Kamikaze Academy, then I will definitely represent the Kamikaze Academy, please go back, let's go." Qin Yiran said, smiling at the sky with a smile, and his head turned Go forward without turning back.

"Qin Yiran, there is still half a year to go. You have a chance before the finals of the Advanced Soul Master Competition. Maybe your academy can't even pass the preliminaries." Zhou Xian said.

Is this a threat?Heaven Dou Royal Academy wants to do this?It's impossible.

"Our academy's goal is to be the champion, and we will definitely pass the preliminaries." Qin Yiran said.

"That's not necessarily true. Naturally, someone will take care of you, so don't beg me then." Zhou Xian said.

In fact, he still has a basis for saying this, because there are the most research teams in Kamikaze Academy. After all, too many things have happened in Kamikaze in the past two years, and the biggest one belongs to this genius class.

Also because of the matter of the genius class, they also offended some people, the most offended was Shrek Academy, Shrek has been studying Kamikaze, and their goal besides being the champion is to clean up Kamikaze Academy.

You can't kill people in the qualifiers, but you can hurt people. As long as you seriously injure two or three main players of Kamikaze Academy, and then arrange a few powerful opponents, and lose five or six games in a row, then Kamikaze Academy wants to advance to the next round. Hope is gone.

Chapter 249? First battle, old rival

Qin Yiran left, but Zhou Xian's last words remained in his mind, that someone would take care of them, and maybe they might not pass the preliminaries.

After thinking about it for a long time, Qin Yiran thought of another opponent in connection with Zhou Xian's words.

That is the second team of Tiandou Imperial Academy. The seven starting members of this second team are all composed of soul masters, and one of them is even a soul king.

If they come to target Kamikaze Academy, it is really not a good thing.

"Sister Yiran, what are you thinking about?" Feng Xiaotian saw that Qin Yiran fell into deep thought because of Zhou Xian's words.

"I'm laughing. I was thinking about what Zhou Xian said just now. Do you think it's true? Someone will target us? Could it be the second team they mentioned? We all know the situation of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy last night." Got it, what will happen to us in case it happens to us." Qin Yiran worried.

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