"Sister Yiran, don't be afraid, when the time comes, no matter what team it is, it will be fine." Zi Linger waved her fist and said.

"Actually, sister Yiran's worry is reasonable." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Is that really my reason?" Qin Yiran said, if it was really her reason, I would feel a little uncomfortable.

"Sister Yiran, this matter has nothing to do with you at all, they probably know that the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy will target us." Feng Xiaotian explained.

Qin Yiran didn't understand, and asked, "Xiaotian, why do you say that?"

"It's like this. Didn't we set up a genius department before? It made Shrek and other academies completely lose their enrollment qualifications, and they can't let go of recruiting some students with mediocre aptitude. Recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Empire, to put it bluntly, it is a privately established academy, and it has no qualifications to participate in the advanced soul master competition at all. This time, it is because the entire academy has joined the Tiandou Royal Academy."

"But why did Tiandou Royal Academy allow them to join?" Qin Yiran said, she knew that the people in the academy should sneer at such an academy.

"Actually, they joined. It's not because the senior soul master competition is coming soon. The seven soul sect teams, under the banner of Tiandou Royal Academy, have achieved good results. Why is Tiandou Royal Academy unwilling? Moreover, those teachers basically They are all at the level of Soul Emperor, and there are even teachers at the level of Soul Sage, why is Tiandou Imperial Academy unwilling to accept it? Unless the leader of Tiandou Imperial Academy is a fool." Feng Xiaotian said.

"According to what you said, it is really possible. Is this why they want to target us?" Qin Yiran said.

"I think it should be." Feng Xiaotian said, the teachers of Shrek Academy, especially Flender and Zao Wou-Ki, who are the good ones?

"Okay, sister Yiran, don't think too much about it, there are only two ways for them to get revenge. As long as we pay attention, we will be fine." Feng Xiaotian said.

"There are two more ways, brother, tell me, which two ways are they?" Zi Linger asked curiously.

"That's right, Xiaotian tell me quickly, so I can rest assured." Qin Yiran said, because of Feng Xiaotian's analysis, he no longer felt guilty, even if Tiandou Royal Academy came to recruit her again without hesitation of rejection.

Feng Xiaotian thought for a while, and said: "Okay then, I'll tell you in advance. In fact, this was originally told to everyone when Yao was facing them. Since you already know it, it's okay to talk about it now."

"Their first method must have defeated us. This is the best way for them to take revenge, but it cannot completely eliminate us from the qualifiers. After all, the total score is [-] battles. One One loss doesn't make us lose our chance of qualifying."

"Could it be that they will let us lose the chance to advance?" Qin Yiran asked.

"That's right, this is their second method. Although the advanced soul master competition cannot kill people, it can seriously injure opponents."

"Do you think that if the opponent takes us, Yiran, and Linger seriously injured, will we not be able to participate in the follow-up battle in the next few days?"

"Then through the relationship of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, arrange for some powerful opponents in the back, such as other elemental academies, if they lose five or six games in a row, will they lose the chance to advance?" Feng Xiaotian analyzed.

"Haha, I think they are impossible." Zi Ling'er laughed.

Not only did she have confidence in herself, but she also had full confidence in Feng Xiaotian, even if the opponent had a soul king level master, and everyone else was a soul sect.

"Actually, I think they really want this. We can just concede a game tactically. Then we can still get [-] wins and advance."

"Every time sister Yiran said, we will discuss the specifics at that time, and then we just need to fight every soul fight well." Feng Xiaotian said.

While speaking, the three of them arrived at the residence of the Hummingbird family.

The arrival of Feng Xiaotian and Zi Ling'er was naturally welcomed by the big family, because the title of earl was restored, and on the basis of the original [-] people, it was expanded to about [-] people.

This time the Hummingbird family put loyalty first when recruiting people. After all, when the Hummingbird family had an accident, more than half of the people chose to flee, and only fifty people remained loyal.

Because it was the first time to visit the Hummingbird family, she was Qin Qiuyue's goddaughter, and she was a genius comparable to Feng Xiaotian, so she immediately won everyone's favor and received a lot of gifts.

Of course, Feng Xiaotian sent out the presents brought by his mother first, and after having lunch at the Hummingbird family, Feng Xiaotian took Ling'er to the mansion of his teacher Dugu Bo.

When you come to Tiandou Arena and visit your elders, you must also visit your teacher. This is the most basic respect.

After bidding farewell to Dugu Bo, Feng Xiaotian took Qin Yiran away and returned to the hotel together.

Fortunately, in the early stage of this advanced soul master competition, no one targeted the Kamikaze Academy, or maybe the Kamikaze Academy did not appear alone, either two or three people went in a team.

Rest overnight at the hotel, early the next morning.

In the conference room, Feng Xiaotian had already got the first opponent in the qualifying match tomorrow.

It turned out to be an old rival, the Weevil Academy.

However, Feng Xiaotian is still the same as before, distributing the information to everyone again. Although everyone knows the people from the Elephant Armor Academy, it has been a long time since the exchange match. Has the opponent's spirit power improved during this time?Has the strength improved?

It's hard to say, these information are not only the official information given by the organizing committee of the Soul Master Competition, but also more accurate information purchased from other places by Shenfeng Academy.

This is an opportunity to make money, this is the intelligence organization, arranging personnel to lurk in various colleges a few years in advance to collect information, and it will be an opportunity to make money when it comes to the advanced soul master competition.

What is the most valuable at this time?That is the opponent's intelligence.

Chapter 250 The Three Games in the Opening Ceremony?

Although Kamikaze Academy is strong this year, it still spent a lot of money to buy the opponent's information.

Moreover, the intelligence organization still provides a full set of services. During the advanced soul master competition, all the students' intelligence materials are available, and it is constantly updated during the advanced soul master competition.

All these intelligence services add up to [-] gold soul coins for the qualifiers, and basically these [-] teams will buy them.

After all, these five thousand gold soul coins are not too much for a high-level soul master academy, and the high-level soul master competition is only once every five years, so all the colleges are willing to spend this money.

Looking at the information of the Elephant Armor Academy, those people are the same as before, but this Elephant Armor Academy has one more Soul Sect, who was promoted recently.

The other two Hu Yandu were originally forty-two, but now they have reached forty-four, and Hu Yankang has also been raised by one level to forty-two.

This year's Elephant Armor Academy is really dissatisfied, and the information also shows that Hu Yandu of Elephant Armor Academy may still have a soul bone.

Everyone read the information of the Elephant Armor Academy, Feng Xiaotian said firstly: "Do you think the current Elephant Armor Academy is strong or weak?"

"Compared to the exchange match, the Weevil Academy has become stronger, but we are also becoming stronger. They are definitely not our opponents." Ye Feng said.

"So the Elephant Armor Academy is nothing to worry about." Tang Shi said.

"Yes, that's right."

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