The first to be invited was of course the Tiandou Royal Academy vice team, but they didn't seem to be called by their names, but the Tiandou Royal Academy Shrek team.

It was obvious that these words were written on their backs. It seemed that Flender had won some rights from the Tiandou Royal Academy.

At least Shrek's name was on it.

Because Kamikaze Academy is one of the five major elemental academies, the old strong team is also arranged to play fourth, through the passage, and enter the main arena.

Although I knew that the main arena of the Advanced Soul Master Competition was very large, I was still shocked when I entered.

The huge square is full of shouts from the audience.

Right in front of the central venue is a rostrum with a golden background, and behind him is the VIP area.

This venue is the largest soul fighting venue that Feng Xiaotian has ever seen, with a diameter of at least [-] meters, and Kamikaze Medicine is ranked fourth in the order.

This is because the Kamikaze Academy ranked fourth in the qualifiers last time, so this time it will also be ranked fourth.

As for the Tiandou Royal Academy vice team, no matter how many places they get, they are always the first to appear and stand in the first rank. Even if they only got third five years ago, they were directly placed in the first position , the previous No. [-] Thunder Academy was also ranked second.

After Feng Xiaotian and the others was the Elephant Armor Academy, the fifth to appear.

The previous four were Tiandou Royal Academy Vice Team, Thunder, Blazing Fire, and Kamikaze

These five teams are the top five from last time, four of the five elemental academies, and the sixth is Tianshui. Not to the other teams next to it.

Looking at the VIP seats, there are four people in the first row. The one in the middle is wearing a golden red robe and a golden diamond shining crown. His face is like an ancient moon.

No need to ask, Feng Xiaotian only knew that this person must be the Emperor Xue Ye, after all, the one sitting in the second row behind him was Prince Xue Xing.

On his left is an old man who looks a little older than him, with a bright red robe all over his body, and a five-pointed platinum crown on his head.

And the right side of him seems to be the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi. After all, they all wear the seven treasures purple gold crown that symbolizes their status, which is easy to identify.

Only the old man on the left must be the Platinum Bishop Salas of the Spirit Hall.

He knew all these materials, Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and Salas, the person in charge of the Spirit Hall stationed in the Heaven Dou Empire.

The seat on the far right is Feng Xiaotian's teacher Dugu Bo.

Because of Feng Xiaotian, he also came to watch the fighting spirit, after all he was a Titled Douluo.The highest-ranking guest minister in the royal family must be treated unusually.

Feng Xiaotian also found his father, Feng Qingyuan, in the second row of the VIP area, no wonder he let Lu Feng take the blame, where did his feelings go.

Feng Qingyuan is now an eighty-three-level Contra master, and in name is also the guest minister of the present prince Xue Qinghe, a soul sage, the Heaven Dou Empire can ignore it, but when it reaches the Contra level, the Heaven Dou Empire must pay attention up.

The host next to the VIP table said loudly: "Then, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire will announce the opening of this competition."

Just as Feng Xiaotian thought, the Emperor Xue Ye in the middle of the first row slowly got up amidst strong applause.

With a lift of his right hand, he waved lightly towards the soul masters and the audience, and in an instant, all the [-] people in the venue fell silent.

"I, Xue Ye, Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, represent the organizer of this Advanced Soul Master Competition. The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is now open."

The applause sounded again, and cheers came and went.

When the applause fell silent again, Emperor Xue Ye said again: "I hope everyone can give full play to their strengths, achieve better results, and become the pride of the empire. Come on."

After Emperor Xue Ye finished speaking, applause rang out for the third time, and it could be seen from the eyes of every soul master that they were all releasing scorching brilliance.

This is the best stage for soul masters.

Emperor Xue Ye sat back in his original position, and the host's voice sounded again: "The master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Mr. Ning Fengzhi, is invited to give a speech for everyone."

Ning Fengzhi also stood up and gave an opening remark, again winning everyone's applause.

And the Platinum Bishop Salas, who represented the Spirit Hall, also took the initiative to stand up, and also expressed his meaning, mainly for the soul masters who can enter the final finals, the Spirit Hall can make an exception and allow them to join the Spirit Temple.

And what is this Spirit Temple?That is the highest place next to the Pope's Hall and the Douluo Hall, and there are only two empires in the whole continent with one each.

Entering the Spirit Temple is not only a treat, but also various cultivation methods, and the honor of the Spirit Temple, which is very attractive to ordinary soul masters.

After Salas, the Platinum Bishop of Wuhundian finished speaking, the host smiled and said, "Today is the first day of the Advanced Soul Master Competition, and we have arranged three wonderful competitions for you. In these three competitions, there are four All teams were ranked in the top five in the last Advanced Soul Master Competition."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, the Heaven Dou Royal Academy Shrek team will face the Flame Radiance Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, the Kamikaze Academy will face the Weevil Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Thunder Academy will face off against Lanba Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Tianshui Academy will play against Oakland Academy."

Compared with the first level that we knew before, the situation of the first round of battles was all announced, and today's three soul fights are the teams that were mentioned in the first three times, the Tiandou Royal Academy Shrek team was the first to appear.

Chapter 252? On par with Tang Hao?

Feng Xiaotian remembered that it was Salas who drew lots, but there is no such thing as lottery now, maybe it was improved in that session.

After all the soul masters have withdrawn, there are only two teams left on this ground, that is Team Radiance and Flame, and Team Tiandou Royal Academy Shrek.

"The first round of the qualifiers, the first match, officially begins."

Under the signal of the referee, this game announced the official start of this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition.

Similar to fighting souls, both sides have some time to prepare and activate martial souls.

At the same time, the Shrek team of Tiandou Royal Academy and Flame Radiance Academy released their spirits, and their spirit rings appeared at the same time.

All the soul rings of the Tiandou Royal Shrek team lit up, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

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