There are actually six soul sects plus one soul master.

And everyone's soul rings are the best configuration, two yellow and two purple, and the only soul ring looks very young.

"That kid is less than fifteen years old, and he became a soul master. Many of these people are less than twenty years old, and they are actually soul masters."

"Is the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy already this powerful?"

"In the past, the first team may not have such strength, but there are six soul sects."

"Xue Xing, does this year's Royal Academy have such a strong strength?" Emperor Xue Ye was also a little excited at the moment, Tiandou Royal Academy, that represents the face of the empire.

The more powerful Tiandou Royal Academy is, the brighter his face will be.

"Yes, who is this team? Let the Mengshenji Education Committee explain to you, Your Majesty." Xue Xing was also a little confused at the moment.

He didn't know why these people appeared suddenly, he hadn't asked about Tiandou Imperial Academy for a long time, and most of his thoughts in the past two years were spent on investigating the cause of death of the two princes.

Mengshenji immediately replied: "Returning to Your Majesty, this team is an unregistered soul master academy recruited by our academy. These soul masters are all taught by them. Now a Shrek special talent class has been established in our academy." , used to train elites.

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, and said: "I see, but they can cultivate such powerful soul masters."

Looking again at the Heaven Dou Royal Academy Shrek team with their soul rings exposed, it is named Shrek, which also represents the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

"Who is the leader below? The Wuhun is actually a red gold unicorn." Xue Ye asked.

"This is their second-ranked Delno, whose spirit power is now at level [-]." Meng Shenji replied.

"Level [-]? Still ranked second? Who is the first one? Didn't he play?" Emperor Xue Ye asked curiously, because no one else was found to be stronger than Delno on the field.

"Return to Your Majesty, the number one player is named Qin Ming, and he didn't play." Meng Shenji replied.

Emperor Xue Ye was a little puzzled, and said: "If he didn't play, how about this player's soul power? What is a martial soul?"

Emperor Xue Ye gradually became interested in this team. The forty-seventh-level youngsters are already so good, and they are only ranked second. How good is it to take the first place.

Similarly, Ning Fengzhi and Salas on the two sides are also interested. The second place is already worthy of their wooing, and the number one is even more worthwhile.

Saras' co-optation will gain the achievements of the Spirit Hall, while Ning Fengzhi's co-opting is to strengthen the entire Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and also to make up for the shortcomings of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

The Qibao Liuli Pagoda prevented him from being promoted to Contra for life, so they are also the number one support in the world.

And they recruit powerful fighting soul masters, and they also use the method of direct disciples to recruit relatives, so as to improve the fighting ability of the sect.

"I don't know how powerful this first person is, what kind of martial spirit?" Ning Fengzhi also asked curiously.

"That's right, Mengshenji Education Committee, tell me how to do it." Salas also said.

"It's rare, both of you are interested in them, I want to know too, but you don't want to pay attention to them, they are now members of my Heaven Dou Royal Academy." Emperor Xue Ye said.

"Your Majesty, you are joking, we are just curious." Salas laughed.

"Mengshenji Education Committee, then just tell me, so what about being the first?" Emperor Xue Ye asked, he was also eager to know, such a person must be recruited into the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire in advance.

Mengshenji bowed to Emperor Xueye and said, "Your Majesty, the name of the person ranked first is Qin Ming, who is not yet twenty-five years old this year, and his spirit is a mutated spirit, Raging Fire Wolf, and his spirit power is in the I reached level [-] a week ago, and now I am a soul king."

"What? A soul king of level [-]?"

Everyone was amazed. At this time, everyone was not paying attention to the battle on the field. The Shrek team of Tiandou Royal Academy had already started fighting with Flame Radiance Academy.

There are seven soul sects on one side, and six soul masters led by only one soul sect on the other side. The difference in strength is huge, and the battle is completely one-sided.

But the eyes of the VIP seats are not here, everyone is looking at Mengshenji.

Soul kings who are less than twenty-five years old are rarely heard of in the entire history of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Isn't this comparable to the Clear Sky Douluo back then?" Ning Fengzhi said.

Can achieve such an achievement, who else but Tang Hao?

In fact, when Qin Ming reached Soul Emperor in his thirties, he would be honored as the second fastest soul master, and naturally Tang Hao would be the first.

This is just an incomplete statistic, but it is also very impressive.

All the major forces in the VIP area looked at Qin Ming in the rest area with strange eyes.

Isn't this what they want to recruit?

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Prince Xue Xing, and Xue Qinghe behind him.Both of them nodded at the same time.

Seems to understand the meaning of Emperor Xue Ye, this is the meaning of recruiting this genius, Tiandou Empire needs a guest, like Tang Hao.

Although Dugu Bo is strong enough, he is a title Douluo, but facing Tang Hao, ten Dugu Bos are not enough.

And Qin Ming was also considered by them to be an existence comparable to Tang Hao.

Just when everyone was amazed, the first match was over. In less than two minutes, Flame Radiance Academy failed.

If it weren't for the first soul fight in this matter, save a little face for the opponent, and at the same time, this is also a performance match, and defeating such an opponent is not something they should be proud of.

The three referees also announced loudly at the same time: "The first match of the first round of the qualifiers, the Tiandou Royal Academy Shrek team won."

There was instant warm applause from the audience, no matter if you put Shrek's name on it, it must belong to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Emperor Xue Ye also had a smile on his face, and he decided that all of this team should be brought under the empire's command.

"The next game, the second match of the first round of the qualifiers, Kamikaze Academy vs. Weevil Academy, please get ready, it will start in five minutes, everyone please rest for a while."

Chapter 253 Qin Ming is comparable to Tang Hao, so what is Feng Xiaotian?

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