The first match was really too fast, it lasted only two minutes, and it was still a battle without any suspense, it was really not enjoyable to watch.

But fortunately, the next two soul fights can be described as evenly matched battles, Shenfeng Academy vs. Weevil Academy.

One ranked fourth in the previous session and the other ranked fifth, so the difference in strength should not be too much.

But this is what ordinary audiences understand, and the root cause is the results of the last Soul Fight.

However, anyone who really knows the information of these more than [-] teams knows that this year's kamikaze is different from usual.

"Captain, who will we fight in the first battle?" Ye Feng asked.

"This time the Weevil Academy's lineup should not be underestimated. We don't need to send all our strength to fight. In order to ensure our victory in the first battle, there should be no accidents. I think this match is up to me, sister Yiran, Let Ye Feng, Yinfeng, Chen Yu, Wang Dang and Qian Lin play." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Why doesn't the captain have me? I also want to fight." Tang Shi said dissatisfied.

"Also, why don't I have a chance to play?" Ling'er was also a little dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities for you to play. Just wait patiently. If you don't make it this time, you will play in the next few games. I guarantee that each of you will have at least ten chances to play." Feng Xiaotian said.

Feng Xiaotian will not be like Shrek in the past, hiding so much and leaving some people at the end to play, everyone here has a chance to play.

Similarly, as long as your team is strong enough and you have enough cards, you are not afraid of being exposed. Even if you solve my advantage, it is impossible to solve all of them.

I am showing other advantages. When the advantages are too strong for you to solve, then I am the moment of my victory.

Moreover, Feng Xiaotian's hole cards are not more than a star and a half, the fourth soul ability counts as one, so what if he knows it?

Gale Feng slashed more than sixty times in a row, so I asked you if you were afraid?Needless to say the skill of the fist blade, let's come to the Gale Spiral Strike.

So Feng Xiaotian is not afraid of being exposed, because in this arena, he will never be allowed to use so many hole cards.

In this way, the lineup of Kamikaze Academy was determined.

Five minutes passed in a flash, and the host flew into the sky of the competition venue, which was [-] meters in diameter, once again at the beginning of the game.

Shouted loudly: "The second match between Kamikaze Academy and Weevil Academy in the first round of the qualifiers is about to begin. Please come on stage."

"Both the two teams achieved good results in the last session and passed the qualifiers at the same time. What kind of wonderful game will the two teams bring to everyone this time? Let's welcome them into the stadium with applause."


shoot it, shoot it

This time the applause was even warmer than the last time, after all, this was a game that made them feel evenly matched, and it was also the most exciting of the three games today.

When Feng Xiaotian entered the arena, Xue Qinghe's eyes lit up, he couldn't see Feng Xiaotian's soul power level.

Fourteen years old, how many surprises can it bring me.

Prince Xue Xing also saw Feng Xiaotian, he was naturally familiar with this person, after all, he was also wanted for a while back then, and he was Dugu Bo's disciple, but he also made good friends with Xue Qinghe, which is really difficult.

Emperor Xue Ye was behind, and did not notice any changes between the crown prince Xue Qinghe and Prince Xue Xing.

But no matter where a powerful person walks, he will be discovered by someone with a heart.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Feng Xiaotian carefully, his Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Martial Soul has the ability to appraise treasures, and it is also good for a person.

This person is not simple, this is Ning Fengzhi's thought when he saw Feng Xiaotian for the first time.

The Weevil Academy on the other side is even more noticeable. There are seven people and seven walls, each of which is more than two meters long and no less than three hundred catties. If seven people go up, they won't collapse.

"What a majestic body, this is a man." In the audience, a woman said so.

The person next to him snorted disdainfully, saying that the taste was heavy.

Compared with the Elephant Armor Academy, the Divine Wind Academy is really as thin as a bamboo pole. If it is an ordinary person, facing such a person will undoubtedly die, but they are soul masters, and their strength cannot be judged by their size.

After everyone from both sides arrived, the host announced: "The first round of the qualifiers, the second round, officially begins!"

This time, both sides released the martial spirit together, and released the martial spirit at the same time, each with three soul sects, but when Feng Xiaotian released the martial spirit and the soul ring.

The lively arena became quiet again, this time it was because of Feng Xiaotian's soul ring, the second one was purple, and the fourth one was Wannian's soul ring.

This is a ten-thousand-year spirit ring, and the fourth spirit ring that has been acquired is not more than five thousand years old, and this ten-thousand-year spirit ring is more than a little bit taller than the same spirit sect.

The appearance of this ten thousand year spirit ring once again confirmed Ning Fengzhi's previous thoughts.

"Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring, Sect Master Ning, what's going on?" Emperor Xue Ye asked curiously.

Ning Fengzhi turned around, and replied respectfully: "This fourth spirit ring is only five thousand years old, and this child can use a ten thousand year spirit ring, it only shows that he is very talented and not comparable to ordinary people. His body is also stronger than anyone else, when he was a soul master, he already had a body comparable to that of a fifty-level peak soul sect."

"There are still such people. Seeing that this kid is still young, I don't know how many levels his soul power has reached." Emperor Xue Ye asked.

At this time, Dugu Bo took the initiative to speak: "Your Majesty, his name is Feng Xiaotian, he is my disciple, and also the child of His Highness the Crown Prince's Keqing Soul Douluo Feng Qingyuan. He has just turned fourteen years old, and his soul power is forty-nine."

"What? Fourteen years old, with forty-nine levels of soul power?" Emperor Xue Ye asked in surprise.

"Yes, Your Majesty, his talent is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people, because he is born full of soul power." Dugu Bo said.

"Innately full of soul power?" Emperor Xue Ye repeated.

"Then Qin Ming is twenty-four years old and fifty-one level is comparable to Haotian Douluo, so what is Feng Xiaotian fourteen years old and forty-ninth level? Will he be stronger than Tang Hao in the future?" Emperor Xue Ye asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, maybe there is a possibility." Ning Fengzhi said, for some reason, he always felt that this kid is not simple, such a monstrous genius is rare in the world, probably not many in history.

We must win over, whether it is Ning Fengzhi, Salas, or other nobles, they all have the same idea.

However, Emperor Xue Ye was quite happy in his heart. The teacher is a guest of the royal family, and his father is a guest of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Isn't this equal to belonging to half of the royal family?Such a genius is not in the bowl yet?

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