Feng Xiaotian's purpose is to try out the spirit bone skills of the Elephant Armor Academy.

Although Hu Yankang was angry at this meeting, he thought of his father's entrustment that this spirit bone must be used at a critical moment, and the ability to expose the spirit bone should not be used too early.

Others would be prepared if they knew about it, and if they met a team that they couldn't beat with their spirit bones, they shouldn't use their spirit bones to waste the opportunity.

And Kamikaze Academy is one of the academies where they cannot use soul bones.

But Shenfeng Academy has the biggest grievances with them this year. How could Hu Yankang swallow this breath?

"Just let you see my attack." Hu Yankang roared.

I saw that his arm began to change. It turned out that there was a spirit bone on his right arm, and after the appearance of the spirit bone, it wrapped his arm.

"A unicorn arm?" Feng Xiaotian whispered.

"This is the arm that beat you." Hu Yankang said.

In the next moment, the entire team of the Elephant Armor Academy removed their defense shields, and suddenly changed from a defensive form to an attacking form.

"Spirit bone, the soul bone is actually used." The audience exclaimed, they didn't expect to see the use of the soul bone in the second match of the first day.

Hu Yanqiang would be sitting in the stands, very angry, didn't he tell them?Didn't he not be allowed to use the spirit bone this time?

It doesn't matter if you lose a game, what they need is to qualify for the top five. Don't the other academies know about using the soul bone so early?And it's not guaranteed to win.

After all, Feng Xiaotian's personal strength is still the ability to lead the team. The major elemental academies all know that it is really difficult to defeat this year's kamikaze.

Chapter 255 Victory over the Weevil Academy Again

A person's strength is completely two levels, with or without a soul bone, and Hu Yankang should be the most outstanding disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect this year.

As the next four sects of the Elephant Armor sect, it is no problem to take out a spirit bone.

This is a right arm bone, which appeared when Hu Yankang used it.

This is the power of the soul bone, and when Hu Yankang used the soul bone, the rest of the Shenfeng Academy team returned to stand behind Feng Xiaotian.

Even Feng Xiaotian, who is as strong as Rufeng, is very worried about the effect of the opponent's soul bone, this is no joke.

A powerful spirit bone is enough to change the entire battle situation, everything depends on the level of his spirit bone.

After Hu Yankang used the soul bone, the tactics of the entire Elephant Armored School also changed, from the original defense to the state of wanting to attack.

The core of all this is Hu Yankang after using the spirit bone.

"Everyone spread out a little bit, two people are plants, divided into three groups, no one is more than three meters away from each other." Feng Xiaotian ordered, facing the unknown powerful skills, Feng Xiaotian still needs to make some preparations.

Moreover, he also took the initiative to provoke Hu Yankang and asked him to use the spirit bone. If it is used under certain circumstances, the power will only be greater, and it may cause injury to the team members.

Now take the initiative to release, then you can directly deal with it, which is much better than the opponent's sudden release.

At this moment, Hu Yankang's right arm, under the action of the spirit bone, led the other six people to charge towards Shenfeng Academy.

Generally, the Elephant Armored Sect would not take the initiative to attack as a whole, which was a rare behavior in the history of the Elephant Armor Academy's battles.

Just when he was about to approach, I saw that Hu Yankang struck hard with his right arm, and his blow hit the ground directly.

"A shocking blow."

After this blow, Feng Xiaotian and the other team members seemed to be about to fall, and the ground was actually shaking.

At the same time, other people from the Elephant Armor Academy rushed over without being affected by this aspect.

But why Hu Yanqiang told Hu Yankang not to use this soul bone skill on Shenfeng Academy, it was because most of the people in Shenfeng Academy could fly.

At this moment, all the soul masters with the flying soul ability of Shenfeng Academy flew into the air, including Feng Xiaotian, but there were still a few who could not fly.

Ye Feng, Qian Lin and Qin Yiran, none of these three can fly.

But it's good that other people can fly, they flew up in front of these people and resisted the attack of the Weevil Academy.

And the culprit among them belonged to Hu Yankang.

Feng Xiaotian clenched his fists, he is now fully activated with the second and third soul skills.

Compete with me now, you are definitely not my opponent, don't blame me if your arm is crippled.

Hu Yankang's forty-fourth level soul power, coupled with the assistance of soul skills, and the right arm plus soul bone, the strength has reached a certain terrifying level.

Even some masters in the VIP seats were worried about Feng Xiaotian, it would be a pity if such a genius was ruined like this.

Although Feng Xiaotian's forty-ninth level is very powerful, but Hu Yankang, who has a spirit bone at the forty-fourth level of the Elephant Armor Sect, should not be strong enough.

The soul bone not only has soul skills, but also enhances the attributes integrated into the soul bone. Hu Yankang's soul bone is obviously an improvement in strength.

Because of Feng Xiaotian's Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo's disciple, Ning Fengzhi turned his head and glanced at Dugu Bo who was not far away, and found that Dugu Bo's face had no edge at all, he seemed very confident.

Only then did he look back and look at the playing field, perhaps his worries were unnecessary.



The two fists collided, and there was a huge impact sound.


"how can that be"

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