The people of the Elephant Armored School are famous for their strength and defense, and the Kamikaze Academy is famous for their speed, but this one of the Kamikaze Academy has given up speed to compare strength with the Elephant Armored School.

Competing with people from the Elephant Academy with spirit bones?Isn't this courting death?So what if he is a [-]-year-old genius of the forty-ninth level?

But the result was different from everyone's expectations. After Feng Xiaotian and Elephant Armor Zong Huyankang fought, they were almost on the same spot, but took half a step back with their left foot.

But Hu Yankang was pushed back at least ten meters away, kneeling on the ground with one knee, holding his right arm with his left hand.

Because the other party used a spirit bone, Feng Xiaotian dared not hide his strength any more, this was also his full blow.

Looking carefully, Hu Yankang's right arm was shaking, and the spirit bone disappeared.

"Sure enough, isn't it impossible? I have already used the soul bone." Hu Yankang said in a low voice.

"The lifespan of your soul bone should not be high. If it passes fifty thousand years, I will be invincible." Feng Xiaotian said, this is his approximate estimate.

"That's right, my spirit bone is just an ordinary ten-thousand-year spirit bone, only over ten thousand years old. You have won this match." Hu Yankang completely lost confidence after this blow.

This is a feeling of invincibility towards Feng Xiaotian.

"We admit defeat." Hu Yankang said in a low voice, although the voice was small, everyone in the arena could hear it.

The other six people also retreated one after another, and the rest of the Kamikaze Academy did not catch up and continue to attack.

After all, the opponent has conceded defeat.

"Brother, are you alright?" Hu Yandu stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, my arm may have to rest for a few days, and I may have to rest for the next few games." Hu Yankang knew the injury on his arm, even if there was a healing soul master, he would have to rest for a few days before he could use it again soul bone.

At this moment, Hu Yan who was in the stands was so angry that he wanted to slap the table, but this was a high-level soul master competition, and there were many people who were nobler and stronger than him here, so he stretched out his hand and put it back.

"I hope this kid realizes his shame and will be brave. There is still hope to enter the top five." Hu Yanqiang could only think so.

The Elephant Academy conceded defeat. After the referee signaled, the host immediately announced: "In the first round of the qualifiers, in the second round, Kamikaze Academy won."

After the host's announcement, the audience and some people in the VIP seats reacted.

"People from Shenfeng Academy actually have such power. Wouldn't it be even more powerful if they were assisted by people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

In the VIP seat, someone suddenly said this, which was also heard by Ning Fengzhi, and looked at Feng Qingyuan behind him, as Feng Qingyuan was a Contra, Ning Fengzhi was still paying attention.

What this person said was indeed correct, but Ning Fengzhi discovered that it was still very easy for Feng Xiaotian to defeat Hu Yankang in this way, and he didn't use much soul power. He only used the second and third soul skills, and the fourth soul skill of Wannian Also not used.

It seems that it is necessary to look for this Feng Xiaotian's information, this is the best way to win him over.

After all, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, starting from his generation, the next generation has few talents who can take action. In order to keep the honor of the previous three schools, in addition to their Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School also needs top fighters It takes strength.

Chapter 256 The Third Preliminary Tournament

When the victory of the Kamikaze Academy was announced, the seven of them stood together, first saluted the VIP seats, then saluted the audience, and then walked out of the competition field together under Feng Xiaotian's leadership.

Then the host immediately began to announce that preparations for the next soul fight were underway, and the next ones would be Thunder Academy and Lanba Academy.

This is the second time to participate in Lanba Academy. The first time I participated five years ago, there was no victory.

It has been nine years since the academy was established this time, and it should have accumulated a certain number of masters, after all, they are an academy exclusively for commoner soul masters.

Many hiramen students are also willing to come to this college to study.

Returning to my seat, although the next battle will be the battle of the old strong team Thunder Academy, but whether it is the audience or the VIP seats, everyone is discussing Kamikaze Academy.And Feng Xiaotian from Shenfeng Academy.

"Brother, you were so handsome just now, you beat the Weevil Academy with one punch." Zi Ling'er laughed.

"Fortunately, if you play Ling'er, you will win faster." Feng Xiaotian said.

Their victory was basically expected, and the teams next to them also congratulated them.

Back in the rest area, the Thunder Academy and Lanba Academy had already entered the arena, and the host was also talking about the last record of these two teams.

It can be said that Thunder Academy's record is almost the same. With the support of the top three Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, some geniuses will emerge at each level of the sect, so their results actually represent the honor of the sect.

But this time, only Yu Xiaoming from the Landian Overlord Dragon Sect came and sat in the third row of the VIP area.

Needless to say, the first row was filled with important figures, only Emperor Xue Ye, or a Titled Douluo could be seated.

In the second row, only Prince Xuexing and Contra masters can be seated, and in the third row are other distinguished guests and some important nobles. His strength has not passed level [-], so he can only be placed in the third row.

Feng Xiaotian was also curious about this match. One was Lanba Academy, the future Shrek, but because of his existence, this academy might not be called this name in the future. After all, Shrek had successfully merged into Tiandou Royal Academy.

There is no obstacle from Xue Beng, but it is not ruled out that Xue Beng will enter the Tiandou Royal Academy later to show off his might and blow away Shrek from the Tiandou Royal Academy again.

It's entirely possible, and it's what a dandy should do.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaotian was looking forward to whether the Seven Shrek Monsters in the original book could meet again.

Whether Shrek will be crushed away again.

While thinking about it, the host began to announce, saying: "The first round of the qualifiers, the third match, Thunder Academy vs. Blue Tyrant Academy will now begin."

"Both sides release their martial souls."

Feng Xiaotian also looked at Leiting Academy's plastic surgery, and it still improved. Leiting's Yu Xiaomo improved again, and now it is level [-], and Lei Peng has improved by two levels, and is now level [-]. It has been fully promoted by two levels.

Other soul masters have also improved, and a [-]th-level soul sect appeared, who should be newly promoted. This year's Thunder Academy should not be underestimated.

There are three soul sects, two of which are top-level martial souls.

This time let Shrek try it ten years later, let alone Feng Xiaotian and the others, let alone this Thunder Academy, they may not be able to pass the test.

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