If he performed well this time, then Shenfeng Academy will be good in the next five years. As for the next advanced soul master competition, it will be up to the genius class to fight for it.

If you can't get it, then there is no need for this class to exist.

Now the window with more than [-] yuan is empty, Feng Xiaotian went straight to the window.

"Hi sir, may I ask which teams you want to buy, the minimum bet amount here is [-] gold soul coins." A beautiful woman said.

"I bet the Kamikaze Academy team to win." Feng Xiaotian said lightly.

"What? You want to bet on kamikaze?" The people next to him said at the same time.

These people are all in the betting window of more than [-].

"This person is crazy, betting on kamikaze, and paying back more than [-] gold soul coins at a time, this is a free gift to the Great Spirit Arena."

"Yes, if you give me one hundred thousand gold soul coins, I can earn at least ten thousand. It's a pity, it's all in vain."

Feng Xiaotian ignored the people next to him, and said to the beauty: "I bet five million gold soul coins on Kamikaze."

The woman was dumbfounded after hearing this, five million gold soul coins, still betting on kamikaze?This guy has too much money.

The last time Feng Xiaotian made money from betting was with the help of the city lord of Longxing City, this was his first time betting, so Datian Dou Dahunchang didn't know about it, so he bet casually.

And just this chance, after playing against the Tiandou Imperial Academy vice team, it would be difficult to bet on it. After all, the strength of the Kamikaze Academy has been exposed by then, and it is impossible to have such odds.

The staff had such an experience, betting five million gold soul coins at a time, the highest he had ever seen was only half a million gold soul coins, this time it was five million, an astronomical figure.

"Hurry up, I still have something to do? Why is it not allowed to bet so much at one time?" Feng Xiaotian urged.

This kind of thing can be regarded as a big event, and slowly more people came to watch.

So Feng Xiaotian hurriedly urged, under Feng Xiaotianche's urging, the supervisor who lost the bet also came over, and made the bet for Feng Xiaotian himself.

If the Kamikaze Academy wins, [-] million gold soul coins will be cast. If the Kamikaze Academy wins, then the entire Great Soul Arena will give out [-] million gold soul coins.

This time, there is no need to worry that the Tiandou Great Soul Arena will not be able to afford the money, after all, the Tiandou Great Soul Arena is one of the three major spirit fights in the Douluo Continent.

Among them, the Heaven Dou Empire is one, and the other is the Star Luo Empire. In the end, it can only be Wuhun City, and there is also a big spirit fighting field in Wuhun City.

Take the bills, Feng Xiaotian has more than [-] million gold soul coins, and now there are more than [-] million left, he can't put all the money out, the big soul fighting field can't handle it too much No one benefits, and with so many people betting, in fact, the [-] million gold soul coins in the big soul fighting field will not lose much.

After all, he can hear that the Great Soul Arena is holding such an event, and those who make it can earn [-] to [-] million gold soul coins, and the [-] million gold soul coins are just for them to earn a little less.

After completing the betting, Feng Xiaotian went back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, they also called everyone together to discuss how to deal with the Tiandou Royal Academy vice team.

Although Feng Xiaotian has the confidence to win, but their team should not be underestimated. Fortunately, the master is not in their team, otherwise many unknown things will be added.

The master's strength is not strong, and the theory may not be all correct, but the tactics and skills given to him when training the Shrek Seven Monsters are the most practical, and he has also developed a seven-in-one fusion technique.

If the opponent can fuse rings, or martial soul fusion skills, then it's really hard to say.

It is very necessary to convene everyone to study the opponent together, and there is still a plan for the opponent. This match will be played as a final.

First of all, Feng Xiaotian told everyone about his powerful relationship and information about his opponent.

But when they came to Tiandou on the first day, they had already analyzed the Shrek team of Tiandou Royal Academy, and they were not invincible, and they also defeated the team of teachers with two soul kings at the same time.

So there is no lack of confidence for everyone, what is lacking is targeted tactics.

Feng Xiaotian picked up the information and said: "Tomorrow we will go all out for this battle. The personnel for the battle will be determined first, me, Ling'er, sister Yiran, Ye Feng, Tang Shi, Yinfeng and Qian Lin."

There are two soul masters inside, Yinfeng is at level [-], and Qian Lin is at level [-], but in the team, Qian Lin's three soul skills are really no less than that of a soul sect, so in case of a big battle, you must bring money Forest.

If the personnel are determined, then the tactics will be determined according to the personnel. It is impossible to determine the tactics before determining the people. After all, the tactics are dead, and the people are alive, and the tactics are executed by people.

Seeing everyone's high fighting spirit, Feng Xiaotian also had confidence in his heart, and said: "Okay, let's analyze the opponent carefully when we come down."

Chapter 260

Of all the team's information, the Tiandou Royal Academy's Shrek team had the least information, among which Qin Ming had the least information.

The others have more or less the same, although Delno is not many, but Feng Xiaotian has fought with him before, and he has clear soul skills and fighting methods.

But after so long, I don't know how his fighting style has changed, but it is impossible for soul skills to have major changes.

Facing a strong enemy, everyone in Shenfeng Academy entered into the discussion, but Feng Qingyuan and Lu Feng among them did not speak.

This is an opportunity for young people, and only through these experiences can they grow.

After two hours of deliberation and discussion, they analyzed everyone in the Shrek team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, including Flender, the person in charge who directed them.

Kamikaze is discussing the Shrek team, so Shrek is also discussing the Kamikaze Academy team.

In the Tiandou Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy, the Shrek class, this is a relatively quiet courtyard, which is specially equipped by the Tiandou Royal Academy for them.

Moreover, a place was specially planned in the academy and many exclusive facilities were built.

Since there is no master, Flender is the one who leads everyone.

"That kid was the one we met last time, and now his soul power has improved quickly to level forty-nine, which is stronger than last time. I think he can display the strength of the soul king, so this time we must come up with the strongest strength." Flender said.

"Principal, don't worry, this time I will definitely make him look good." Delno said, but he was thinking about what Zhou Xian said to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Let the Shenfeng Academy fail, Zhou Xian is one of the most powerful nobles in the Tiandou Empire, and the patriarch of the family is a Duke.

It also depends on him to be able to enter Tiandou Royal Academy, he seems to know him when he is also going out to practice, so this time he is asked to help, hit it off.

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