There is still some psychological pressure to deal with other academies, but the opponent is Kamikaze Academy, the academy that makes Shrek unable to survive, and the whole heart is to make Kamikaze Academy look good.

And Shrek still has a task, to win the championship of the senior soul master this time, this is what they must do, if successful, then Shrek will become a branch of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

If you don't succeed, you can only become a class of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Although these two ways, Shrek will exist, but the result gap is huge, the class will be restricted by the Tiandou Royal Academy, and as a branch, they have the final say on everything.

Not only will it receive financial support from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, but it will also be a registered official academy with the right to enroll students independently.

As long as they win the championship, their fame goes without saying, and the rewards from the empire are enough for them to run a school. Are they afraid that they won't be able to recruit good students by using their fame?

This is the best meeting to rebuild Shrek, and Flender and other students of Shrek will certainly not give up.

Delno didn't tell everyone about the people who would seriously injure Shrek, especially Qin Ming, he knew that with Qin Ming's personality he would never do it.

So he told a small number of two or three people, there are a few of them, it is enough, especially to seriously injure Feng Xiaotian, the captain of Shenfeng Academy.

The last time we met on the road made him embarrassed, this time is a chance for revenge.

After hearing Delno's bold words, Flender looked at Qin Ming at the side and asked, "Qin Ming, you are the captain of this team, what do you think?"

"I think it's very difficult to defeat Shenfeng Academy. According to the treatment, although Feng Xiaotian is only at the forty-ninth level, his fourth soul ability is ten thousand years, and he also has two self-created soul skills to help them. The Five Elements Academy has used it during exchanges, but its power is unknown. They actually have five soul sects, and they also have a control department, and some of them have soul skills that we don’t know, nor do we know how to use them.” Qin Ming analyzed rationally.

After hearing this, Flender nodded slightly, and said, "If you were to fight that Feng Xiaotian one-on-one, what chance do you have of winning?"

"Me and Feng Xiaotian duel?" Qin Ming asked.

"Yes, if it's a one-on-one fight, how sure are you?" Flender asked again.

"Less than [-]%." Qin Ming said, he always had a feeling that this Feng Xiaotian was not so simple.

"Captain, you are a level [-] soul master, why are you not even [-]% sure?" one of the team members asked.

Qin Ming is in front of them, that is the existence of mythology, and now he is the soul king, far surpassing them, and he is also a mutant martial soul. He has an opponent at the same level, even if the opponent is of a higher level, he can easily deal with it .

A genius among geniuses, but now facing a forty-nine-level soul master, he is timid.

"Actually, what Qin Ming said is correct. Don't take it lightly tomorrow. You must follow Qin Ming's command in everything on the court, have you heard clearly?" Flender said.

"Listen clearly."

"Derno, did you hear clearly?" Flender asked again.

"I heard clearly." Delno hesitated for a moment before replying.

Flender sighed in his heart, of course he knew what Delno had done, but he didn't expose it face to face.

Shrek's strength on the surface is really another level in this qualifier. It is a good thing to lose one game. After losing one game in the finals, there is no hope of being a champion.

Both teams are making final preparations for the next day's fight.

On the second day, the Heaven Dou Senior Grand Spirit Arena was even more lively than the opening ceremony and the previous day.The main thing is the match between Shrek Team of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and Kamikaze Academy. This may be the most exciting soul fighting match in this qualifier.

Both sides have geniuses rarely seen in the history of the Douluo Continent, and they can be described as historical-level geniuses.

Similarly, each of the two teams is not weak. This is a focus match. The Soul Arena has not yet opened early in the morning, and the outside is already full of spectators.

Almost everyone from the Hummingbird family came to watch the battle. They only had the title of earl. In the imperial capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, the nobles at the earl level were degraded, and there were countless marquises.

Those who can sit in the VIP area are either powerful, or have extremely high titles and hold important positions in the empire. They can only buy tickets for ordinary seats.

The main reason is that the senior soul master competition is too much attention, they can't be in the VIP area at all.

Although you can't buy the VIP area, there are still some seats for some nobles in the ordinary area, and these seats can be said to be extremely expensive.

Entering the Great Soul Arena, Feng Xiaotian came to the rest area. They were in the third match, and there was still a while before they started.

Today, the members of Kamikaze Academy have changed from their previous state. Everyone is very focused and ready for the game.

After the last important person, Emperor Xue Ye entered the stage.

Only then did the host take the lead in announcing loudly: "The second round of the qualifiers for the Advanced Soul Master Competition, the first round is about to begin, everyone please get ready."

Chapter 261 Fighting Shrek

"In the second round of the qualifiers, the first match between Moonling Academy and Tianshui Academy, preparations are now underway."

The teams from the two colleges have now entered the arena, but it's a pity that the girls from Tianshui College didn't perform as a girl group as in the anime.

Relying on their beauty, they still won the warm welcome of most audiences.

But this month's spirit academy is not bad, among the twenty-seven participating high-level soul master academies, this month's academy is the one that recruits all female students except Tianshui.

Moreover, this academy also adheres to the enrollment method that does not distinguish between high and low. It also has a better side than Tianshui Academy, which can be said to be an advantage in admissions, that is, the enrollment of Moon Spirit Academy does not restrict attributes, and at the same time does not restrict appearance.

Although Tianshui's recruitment is also aimed at civilians, they only recruit martial arts related to water attributes, and they also have requirements for appearance, so they must not be bad in appearance.

Many nobles and soul masters are proud of the women who married Tianshui Academy, and they even say that Tianshui's products must be high-quality goods.

The seven girls in the Moon Spirit Academy look uneven, some are good, and of course some are mediocre, or is it possible that among Douluo, there are some particularly ugly ones?

The two sides released their spirits, and the competition officially began. On Tianshui's side, Shui Shuang'er also became a soul sect, with [-]st level, and the other two were [-]th level.

Moon Spirit Academy doesn't seem to be bad, there is a soul sect of the [-]th level, and a soul sect of the [-]th level, but the other students are a little worse than Tianshui.

Of the seven people in Tianshui, the worst ones are all [-]th, one [-]th, one [-]th and two [-]th.

On the other side, apart from two Soul Sects, the strongest one is only at level [-], there are three, and two at level [-], but even at levels [-], [-], they are all Soul Masters, and their soul skills are all powerful. There are three of them, and the difference in soul power is not particularly large, as long as they cooperate properly, they still have considerable combat power.

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