The applicants for the qualifiers, promotions, and finals can be different, and it is not necessary to participate in that competition, or you can start the finals directly without participating in the qualifiers and promotions.

Before the registration, the personnel adjustment of each team is normal.

The promotion match was carried out in an orderly manner, and the excitement level was not reduced because of Feng Xiaotian's absence.

Soon, half a month passed in a flash, the promotion match was over, and the Heaven Dou Empire was also arranging a trip to Nebula City.

Feng Xiaotian, who is far away in the Star Dou Great Forest, has been looking here for half a month, but he still hasn't found a suitable soul beast.

During these half a month, they met many soul beasts over [-] years old, none of them were suitable for Feng Xiaotian.

There are few soul beasts of the wind type, and the risk of absorbing soul beasts of other types is relatively high.

According to the master's notes in Feng Xiaotian's memory, it records the research that wind-type soul beasts can absorb different types of soul beasts. There are many kinds of soul beasts that can be absorbed, and Feng Xiaotian has also encountered it.

But at the back of the master's notes, it is also said that this is all theoretical research and needs to be verified in the future.

Does Feng Xiaotian want to be a guinea pig?

He definitely doesn't want to be a soul beast of the wind type, which is naturally the most suitable for him.

But this is not the only one, because there is a difference in the training system in Douluo, that is, the higher the age of the soul beast and the higher the level of the soul master, the lower these restrictions will be.

For example, does Tang Hao's [-]-year soul ring match the attributes of the Blue Silver Emperor?Does it agree that Bibi Dong's [-]-year soul ring came from Xiao Wu's mother?Her twin martial souls should be different from the Soft Bone Rabbit.

There is also teacher Dugu Bo's ninth spirit ring, the blue-eyed magic crystal python king's spirit ring is different from his attributes, and it can still be absorbed.

Is this a BUG in Douluo or how it is set?

Feng Xiaotian also had some doubts, these masters' notes did not record it either.

With this question in mind, Feng Xiaotian also asked his father Feng Qingyuan.

Feng Qingyuan's answer was very vague. He just said that after reaching a certain stage, especially after reaching a certain age, the soul ring can overcome obstacles of different attributes or mutual restraint.

Coupled with the master's theory and the plot I know, there is no problem in absorbing soul rings across attributes, as long as the soul beast suits me.

The final of the Advanced Soul Master Competition is not far away. Only by obtaining the fifth spirit ring and improving strength can we have a chance to defeat Wuhundian Academy.

Let's just say that Kakarot, who is ranked third in the Spirit Hall, is in some trouble. It seems that besides himself, only Ling'er in the whole team can fight him. If the others fight alone, they will definitely lose.

In the past half a month, Feng Xiaotian and the others have not encountered any danger, although there are still some ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts that don't have long eyes and attack them on their own initiative.

But with Feng Qingyuan of Contra and Qin Qiuyue of the soul saint level, these ten thousand year soul beasts also fled after being beaten.

In half a month, Feng Xiaotian did not find a suitable spirit ring. According to Feng Xiaotian's estimation, he still has a whole month to find the spirit beast and find the most suitable fifth spirit ring.

During this period of time, I also found some soul beasts that seemed to have other attributes, and recorded the approximate location of the soul beasts. If there is no suitable soul beast in the future, I will choose the most suitable one among them.

In fact, in the past half a month, I also found a few more suitable soul beasts, but none of them had reached his requirements. The highest one was only about [-] years old, which was far from what he wanted.

This fifth spirit ring must be close to the limit of his absorption, and strive to reach more than [-] years in the sixth spirit ring, and try the spirit ring of a [-]-year-level spirit beast in the seventh spirit ring .

And the candidate for the seventh soul ring is the blue-eyed magic crystal python emperor he met before.This is his expectation, and then the Titan Giant Ape can be considered for the eighth day, and the green bull python for the ninth day, this is simply the perfect soul ring configuration.

But after the soul master competition, he thought that if he went to Fengshen Valley, what if he had a god-given soul ring?There are still many roads ahead of Feng Xiaotian, as long as he makes a choice among them.

But now he must find a soul ring that can absorb the limit, and lead the Kamikaze Academy to win the advanced soul master competition by himself as strong as possible.

Chapter 280 The Fifth Soul Ring

Time flew by, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye. In the morning, the three of them simply ate something.

Although he has not been able to find a suitable soul beast these days, Feng Xiaotian is not idle every night and is still concentrating his soul power.

At this time, there are still twenty days before the final of the Advanced Soul Master Competition, and it is estimated that it will take five days to go from Star Dou Great Forest to Nebula City.

In case there is any delay in the middle, four days is the fastest time, so two more days need to be reserved, which means that out of the remaining twenty days, Feng Xiaotian only has thirteen days to find soul beast.

It is also so difficult to come to this Star Dou Great Forest. After all, the required soul beasts have a high age, and the lower the age, the easier it is to find soul beasts.

For ordinary soul masters, the fifth soul ring should be just over [-] years old. Feng Xiaotian has met at least a dozen suitable wind-type soul beasts over ten thousand years these days.

It is also extremely difficult for soul beasts to grow up, the killing of the same kind, and the killing of humans, so the higher the age, the fewer soul beasts.

Otherwise, there would only be a few hundred thousand year level soul beasts in the entire Star Dou Great Forest.

"Xiaotian, if it really doesn't work, I'll use the soul beast that has just passed [-] years. After all, some soul sages with soul rings that are more than [-] years old don't have this age limit." Qin Qiuyue said, looking for the soul beast At the same time, she was also a little worried about Feng Xiaotian's safety.

The fifth spirit ring absorbs spirit rings that are more than [-] years old, that's no joke.

"It's okay, Mom, I have a measure, give me ten days, if I don't find a suitable one, I'm thinking about the [-] soul beast." Feng Xiaotian said.

Feng Xiaotian is not reconciled to absorbing soul rings that are more than [-] years old but can only absorb [-] years old ones in the end.

Ten days is also the deadline for myself.

"Qiuyue, we will definitely be able to find a suitable soul beast for Xiaotian. In ten days, we will speed up." Feng Qingyuan said.

Qin Qiuyue and Feng Xiaotian nodded at the same time, the three of them were outside a huge canyon.

"Father, this canyon seems a little strange, why don't you go in and have a look." Feng Xiaotian said.

It seems to be an opening, with mountains on both sides, but there are few plants inside, and a strange wind can be felt outside in the afternoon.

And this wind is different from other winds, it has a warm feeling, or rather hot, Feng Xiaotian feels that there must be something in this canyon.

The entrance of this canyon is not very big, only three or four meters wide.

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