Feng Qingyuan walked in the front, Feng Xiaotian was in the middle, and Qin Qiuyue was behind.

After coming to Star Dou Great Forest for so long, this canyon seems to be a little different.

But when the three of them entered, the canyon actually got smaller and smaller, with a distance of about three to four hundred meters. This afternoon, the original distance of three meters became only a gap of two meters wide.

The wind and heat here are also much higher than the wind speed and heat outside.

"Father, there seems to be a soul beast in front." Feng Xiaotian's mental strength has sensed the discovery.

Although the entrance of this canyon is very small, it seems that you can go out after walking another seven or eight hundred meters. There is a larger space, and a very rare spirit beast rests in that space.

"Xiaotian, if my guess is correct, this may be a soul beast with two attributes, wind and fire." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Father, you are right. I have read a book that records that this one should be the offspring of the Flamingo and the Blue Wind Bird, and it has inherited the characteristics of the two spirit beasts. To put it mildly, it is equivalent to a human being." To put it bluntly, this is a mutated soul beast."

"Xiaotian, you know this soul beast." Qin Qiuyue asked, the two of them at Shenfeng College had read many books about soul beasts, but they had never heard of such a soul beast.

In fact, Feng Xiaotian didn't see it in the library of Shenfeng Academy, it was a special soul beast in the master's records.

The master studies spirit beasts while studying spirit beasts. The spirit rings of spirit beasts and spirit spirits are closely related. In his notes, there are several records about special spirit beasts on the mainland.

And this soul beast is one of them, a mutant of the combination of the Blazing Fire Bird and the Blue Wind Bird, and it also took a name that is easier to distinguish, the Blazing Blue Wind Bird.

It is very likely that it is the old nest of the raging fire blue wind bird.

Feng Xiaotian immediately opened the eyes of reality, the blue pupils reappeared, and the field seven or eight hundred meters away entered into the eyes.

"Mom and Dad, that's great. We want this soul beast, and it's more than [-] years old." Feng Xiaotian said.

According to the notes recorded in the competition, it is easy to identify the age of this Blazing Blue Wind Bird.

According to the information collected in the competition, this kind of flaming blue wind bird only appeared three times in history, and only one time it was killed and successfully became a soul ring.

Moreover, the skill of this soul ring has both wind and fire attributes, which is extremely powerful.

"This is the most suitable soul beast for me." Feng Xiaotian decided.

Unexpectedly, after searching for so long, I found it after entering a rather strange canyon.

"Okay, since we have decided on this soul beast, then it's up to us." Feng Qingyuan said, killing a [-]-year soul beast, to be honest, Feng Xiaotian's current strength is really inferior point.

"Father, this Blazing Blue Wind Bird is only [-] years old. According to the records, its strength can be defined by multiplying the age of the soul beast by two, which means it has a level of [-] years. The attack power of a soul beast, and the speed is also very fast."

"It's very difficult to kill it. It's best to have a soul sage-level control-type soul beast, or a Titled Douluo." Feng Xiaotian said.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world, so if you allow powerful soul beasts with a ten thousand-year level such as the Titan Giant Ape, then there are other soul beasts that have high-life strength at a low age.

And the mutated Blazing Blue Wind Bird is one of them.

"Then what should we do? There must be no time to find a control system soul sage now." Qin Qiuyue said.

The two of them can't control a strong attack and an agility attack type. They also understand Feng Xiaotian's meaning. The control type soul beast is nothing more than not wanting to let the soul beast escape.

"Don't worry, son, don't we still have the martial soul fusion skills? As long as we use the martial soul fusion skills and beat them to the point where they can't fly at the fastest speed, it will be much easier to deal with them when the time comes." Feng Qingyuan Said.

"That's right, it can be done this way, son, what do you think?" Qin Qiuyue was also asking for Feng Xiaotian's ideas.

Soul beasts are difficult to deal with, and spirit beasts with rapid flight ability are even more difficult to deal with. They must use thunder to destroy their flying ability, and then kill them.

"Dad, Mom will do as you said, but before that, we can still do this to ensure nothing goes wrong"

In order to get a rare soul ring that suits him, Feng Xiaotian must go all out.

Chapter 281 The Fifth Soul Ring

There was still [-] meters away from the Liehuo Qingfengniao, and this Liehuoqingfengniao didn't seem to have noticed the three of Feng Xiaotian yet, and fell asleep there.

Concentrate your soul power and breath, and slowly move towards the Blazing Blue Wind Bird. This kind of flying soul beast is difficult to deal with, and the fast-flying Blazing Blue Wind Bird is even more difficult to deal with.

If it makes him alert, if it is okay to attack Feng Xiaotian and others, it can also be kept. If he wakes up and flies away, then only Qin Qiuyue and Feng Xiaotian can fly to chase it.

At that time, we can only look at Qin Qiuyue. Although Feng Xiaotian's speed is fast now, he still can't compare with Soul Sage.

It was the first time I met this Blazing Blue Wind Bird. It was recorded that this kind of soul beast was very fast. It was unknown how fast it was, and whether Qin Qiuyue's speed could catch up was still unknown.

Therefore, a better method must be found, the first step is to keep it, and then use the strongest force to try to break its wings with one blow. This method has also been used before.

When approaching a hundred meters, Feng Xiaotian suddenly disappeared in front of Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue.

At the same time, Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue were counting silently in their hearts, and five tones meant five seconds.

Five seconds later, the two actually released their martial souls at the same time, and even activated their martial soul fusion skills directly, amplifying their moves from the beginning.

At the same time as the two activated their martial spirits, the sleeping Li Huo Qingfengniao suddenly woke up, and the powerful momentum made it feel that its life was in danger.

The strength of this raging fire blue wind bird has at least [-] years of strength, and he glanced at the fusion skills of Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue who were rushing towards him.

With a flutter of wings, it flew into the air.

Feng Xiaotian had expected this situation a long time ago. Once Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue released their martial spirits, the Blazing Blue Wind Bird had two choices, either to fight or to leave.

It's best to fight, but what if you leave?

Although the martial soul fusion skill can also fly, Feng Xiaotian still felt that he used the hidden skill in order to be safe.

Sure enough, just as Feng Xiaotian guessed, this Blazing Blue Wind Bird chose to fly away.

Feng Xiaotian had already reached the sky above the Blazing Blue Wind Bird within five seconds.

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