Could it be that Chu Xiang transmitted the voice to Chu Yu?

Chu Yu turned around, looked at Feng Xiaotian again, and went straight to the other people in Shenfeng Academy the next moment.

Feng Xiaotian immediately realized that Chu Yu's state would not last long, and he was going to attack his teammates.

Otherwise, this soul skill would be wasted. At the same time, and in this way, he would have to confront Chu Yu head-on.

This is really a good strategy. If nothing else happens, it is definitely the method Chu Xiang proposed to Chu Yu just now.

Others can't find this kind of sound transmission reminder, and it is also one of the bugs in the advanced soul master competition. If there is a Contra-level opponent's voice transmission reminder, then the battle will be unfair.

Now is not the time to worry about this, the closest to Chu Yu is Tang Shi.

When Chu Yu aimed at him, Tang Shi also noticed it.

Feng Xiaotian hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Zi Ling'er. Although his speed was fast, it was only slightly faster than Chu Yu's, and it was just enough to not be attacked by Chu Yu.

Feng Xiaotian was really curious about Chu Yu's improvement in all aspects, but in the final analysis, it might be because of taking a soul bone.

This soul bone is a torso bone, and it is at least fifty thousand years old, so Chu Xiang is really willing to do so.

This allowed Chu Yu to display such a speed, no, this was at least the speed of an ordinary soul emperor at his peak.

What kind of soul bone matched his skills to such a strong point?

But this is not the time to study the soul bone, Feng Xiaotian can't judge the age of this soul bone now.

After hearing this, Zi Ling'er used her mental power to attack the soul skill again.

Another purple spiritual force in the shape of a purple cloud python attacked Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was hit head-on.

Does it work?

Feng Xiaotian didn't stop and continued to move forward. This was the best chance to defeat Chu Yu.

But Chu Yu just froze for a moment, and recovered within less than half a second.

The speed was too fast, Tang Shi saw that Chu Yu was only coming towards him.

Tang Shi was also a person who refused to admit defeat. He thought to himself, let me see how powerful you, Chu Yu, are.

"Tang Shi, avoid it quickly." Feng Xiaotian shouted.

But Tang Shi used his fourth soul skill instead to attack Chu Yu.

Chu Yu wished Tang Shi could do this.

Seeing that it was too late, Feng Xiaotian decided to use the fist blade, the finisher was definitely useless, so he could only use shadow eclipse, but Tang Shi took the initiative to meet it.

There is no way to use shadow eclipse.

This Tang Lion's old problem has been committed again.

bang bang

Tang Shi's fourth soul ability has no effect on Chu Yu, even Feng Xiaotian's fourth soul ability has no effect, let alone Tang Shi's.

Tang Shi was knocked into the air and fell heavily to the ground, his entire chest was deformed.

Chu Yu's attack was really too powerful. At this moment, everyone understood how strong the opponent Feng Xiaotian was facing.

Before, I only saw that Feng Xiaotian was able to defuse Chu Yu's attack little by little, but I didn't feel how terrifying this attack power was.

Qin Yiran and the others hurriedly retreated away from Chu Yu. If they were attacked, the consequences would be serious.

At this time Feng Xiaotian also caught up with Chu Yu, now he had no choice but to be tough on Chu Yu.

The first four soul skills are no longer effective, and Gale Slash is not effective, because the attack of Gale Slash is still very weak at the beginning, and Chu Yu's attack power is very strong, and it may be destroyed from the beginning, and it also exposed this fact. It's not worth it.

The skills that Feng Xiaotian can use now seem to be able to fight against only the external spirit bone exposed, but this Fengxia also doesn't want to be exposed.

When the external spirit bone is used, it can also strengthen [-]% of the body, and the power of using the external spirit bone to exert the blast will also be doubled.

No matter how powerful Chu Yu was, he still couldn't resist Feng Xiaotian's Gale Slash under Feng Xiaotian's external soul bone.

But Feng Xiaotian doesn't want to reveal it yet, as long as Chu Yu's fifth soul ability runs out of time, that's enough, but he has to be tough.

"Captain, Tang Shi seems to be dying, his breath is weakening, he must be treated immediately." Qin Yiran said.

There is no healing soul master on the field.

"If this goes on like this, it will be useless to heal the soul master. I dare not move Tang Shi now." Qin Yiran said.

Tang Shi was seriously injured and couldn't move, and now it's time to do multiple-choice questions again.

To save Tang Shi, the fight must be stopped, and the winner must be determined quickly, so that other people can enter the venue for treatment.

The other thing is that you don't have to save them. According to the rules of the competition, if you kneel down and kill people, you will definitely be punished. In this competition, Kamikaze Academy will win.

Chu Yu smiled, thinking that he had the chance to win. At the same time, he also thought that if he wanted to win, he could do so.

"What, you have to admit defeat now, or wait for your teammates to die. How do you choose?" Chu Yu didn't take any action.

He still has at least one and a half minutes left, and he can afford to wait, but Tang Shi of the Kamikaze Academy team can't afford to wait.

Will Feng Xiaotian choose this way?

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