At the same time, everyone watching the game started talking.

"It's really hard to choose."

"Lucky, I still have one breath left. If I move a little bit, it may kill it. I guess even ordinary healing soul masters can't cure it."

"It turns out that there is still a way to win."

"Feng Xiaotian didn't show his true strength this time, are he going to admit defeat and go home like this?"

"If he abandons his teammates and insists on not admitting defeat, then this person's character will be ruined in the whole continent, and he will be drowned by spitting stars."

Similarly, Chu Yu also thought that he had the chance to win.

Even if the opponent's book has a soul master, it is impossible to have healing soul skills, because healing soul skills are not the same as other auxiliary soul skills.

You can have crowd control and you can have attack skills, but the healer is hard to live with.

"Captain" X6, the six shouted.

"Let's admit defeat."

Feng Xiaotian smiled, and said firmly: "I, Feng Xiaotian, have never given up yet."

Chapter 314 Feng Xiaotian broke out

As soon as Feng Xiaotian's words came out, everyone in the audience expressed their dissatisfaction.

"What kind of captain is this? He doesn't care about the lives of his own team members for the sake of victory."

"Even if you don't admit defeat, you may not be able to win. This is simply a failure of character. It is a loss of his talent."

Almost all the people condemned Feng Xiaotian at the same time, in fact, some of these people would make the same choice at this time.

In order to win, there is no compromise, but even if it is unscrupulous, it will not be done on this occasion.

This time it really made everyone understand the role of a healing soul master in the team. In fact, many teams still have to bring a healing soul master no matter how weak their combat power is.

At this moment, the role of the healing soul master seemed incomparably huge, and it also became the key to deciding the outcome.

The other six people from Shenfeng Academy didn't understand either, but just when they wanted to dissuade them.

I saw Feng Xiaotian waved his hand and said, "Healing, I will too."

The next moment, I saw Tang Shi's body emitting a blue light, and his complexion gradually recovered.

Feng Xiaotian was also fortunate that when he absorbed the fifth spirit ring, not only did his fist blade acquire a skill, but the previous skill was also improved.

Restoration skills can be used twice a day, and can be used by other people.

If there is no such change, this time it will really lose.

The recovery skill was Feng Xiaotian's Fist Blade skill. The blue light flickered for less than three seconds before Tang Shi spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I can't admit defeat, I have no problem." Tang Shi said.

According to Feng Xiaotian's estimation, if Tang Shi's vitality was [-]% just now, it is at least [-]% now.

This Feng Xiaotian also has healing soul skills, which is incredible.

"This is definitely the function of the soul bone, and when he just used it, the soul ring also turned off and lit up, indicating that this is definitely a soul bone skill."

"That's right, only spirit bones can do this now."

Chu Xiang and Chu Yu did not expect that Feng Xiaotian even had such a rare soul bone.

Possessing the healing spirit bone skill is among the spirit bone skills. It can be said that it has more than most attack skills. This is a skill that can save life at critical moments. Who doesn't want to have it.

"No wonder Feng Xiaotian didn't admit defeat, it turns out he has such skills."

"It's really too powerful."

Only then did the Kamikaze Academy team react.

"What did I think just now? I even suspected the captain." Ye Feng and several others thought of it.

"I knew it, brother must have a solution." Zi Ling'er said.

Because there is no way to use drugs in the competition, if Feng Xiaotian delays for a while, she can only take the risk of feeding Tang Shi with medicine to continue his life. Once she is found out, she will lose the competition as well.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaotian still has healing skills.

"Damn it, I didn't treat my younger brother last time, and my younger brother doesn't have to be in such pain, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Hmph, I'm going to settle the score after this game." Zi Linger thought to herself.

The most unhappy person here is Chu Yu, who thought he could win in this way, but unexpectedly turned around again.

Moreover, he had already wasted a lot of time, and he had less than forty seconds, so he had to act immediately. Once the time passed, the effect of this skill would also be lost.

Chu Yu rushed forward without saying a word.

Feng Xiaotian knew that an explosion must happen at this time, and he couldn't let Chu Yu hurt anyone in his team anymore.

The fifth soul skill erupted, five soul rings lit up, one yellow, two purple, and two black were abnormally dazzling, which still caused a burst of surprise when Feng Xiaotian activated it.

No matter when, as long as the soul ring is revealed, it will be like this, no matter what you already know or what you don't know, it's the same, it's really amazing.

The fifth soul ability, Feng Xiaotian is also called Fengshen Bian, it is similar to the second soul ability, but the improvement is different.

The second soul ability can be increased by one hundred percent, and then his fifth soul ability can be increased by two hundred and fifty percent. Although this two hundred and five sounds a bit unpleasant, his power is indeed like this.

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