It wasn't that he didn't want to save Zi Ling'er, in comparison, he was closer to the two of them, and Ling'er was still able to persist, so Feng Xiaotian also sent a voice transmission to Zi Ling'er to avoid Ye Feng and Chen Yu.

Dodging and running away with all his strength, even Cyril could not successfully attack Zi Ling'er every time, and Zi Ling'er activated the third soul skill.

As long as the distance is a little longer, he will be overtaken by Cyril.

In the beginning, their position was a triangle, Zi Linger and Feng Xiaotian were regarded as a hypotenuse, and Feng Xiaotian and Ye Feng and Chen Yu were regarded as a right-angled side.

So Feng Xiatong chose to save the two of them, after all, if he didn't go, the two of them would also be eliminated.

Kakarot and Long Fei were also approaching quickly when Feng Xiaotian was attacking.

But Feng Xiaotian will be at full speed this time, how can the speed of these two be compared, according to their speed, Feng Xiaotian will definitely arrive earlier than the two of them.

At this moment, Elena also felt that she would definitely not be able to catch up with Feng Xiaotian in terms of speed, so she immediately ordered: "Kakarot, come back with Long Fei."

After hearing this, the two immediately stopped and went to Ye Feng and Chen Yu again. Fengxia was determined to save his teammates. In this case, it would be better to call them back.

If they were to face Feng Xiaotian like this, they would absolutely have no ability to resist. Rather than being beaten, they might as well retreat.

There are still five people in their academy now. While calling back the two of them, Elena also called Cyril, and at the same time canceled her ring fusion skill.

After all, the fusion skill consumes a lot, which is too much for her.

It can only be returned to avoid unnecessary consumption.

Cyril retreated, Zi Linger's crisis was resolved, and Zi Linger immediately came to Feng Xiaotian's side.

"How is it? Are you seriously injured?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Captain, we are fine and we can hold on." Ye Feng and Chen Yu replied.

"How about Ling'er?" Feng Xiaotian asked again.

"Brother, I've consumed a lot of mental power and [-]% of my soul power, so I can only rely on you from now on," Zi Ling'er said.

Feng Xiaotian still needs more soul power now, [-]% of the soul power is left, he believes that the opponent's soul power is not much, and the healing soul master's attack, plus healing, probably not much soul power.

Elena used the ring fusion skill, so her soul power must be enough. Kakarot, Long Fei, and Cyril should each have at least [-]% of their soul power.

After all, they had too much advantage in the previous battle, and it is estimated that the consumption of soul power was very little, but the injury from Ling'er's attack was somewhat affected.

Therefore, in Wuhundian Academy, the one with the most soul power belongs to Cyril.

In the current situation on the field, among the four members of the Kamikaze Academy, only two can fight.

Looking at the Wuhundian Academy, there are still five people left, basically all of whom still have combat power, thanks to the fact that they have a healing soul master.

"I knew that I should do my best to kill their data soul masters before this." Zi Ling'er said.

Feng Xiaotian also nodded, this is indeed a mistake, if they start to kill their data soul masters, now only Elena is the only combat power in Wuhundian Academy, it will be much easier to fight.

The current situation is a bit difficult to deal with, the main reason is that Feng Xiaotian makes a move, once he is entangled, the opponent may attack the few people around him.

Feng Xiaotian once again explained the people from the Wuhundian Academy, who were also discussing at this moment.

"The captain used that move. While we still have strength, it seems that only that move can defeat Feng Xiaotian." Cyril suggested.

Elena nodded and said: "I just thought so, how much soul power do you have left? I only have less than [-]% left. It was really exhausted just now, and I made a mistake."

"I still have [-]% of my soul power," Cyril said.

"The soul power of the two of us has been consumed by half." Kakarot and Long Fei said.

"I, I know it's less than [-]% of my soul power." Tarunna said a little embarrassedly.

Elena smiled and said: "The victory of this battle is thanks to you. I didn't expect that we, who are known as the Platinum Generation of Wuhun Temple, would fall into this situation. It may be that these years have the strongest voice and performance. It's the worst."

"Okay, I think everyone doesn't want to go to the Grand Canyon of Death, the last move, come here, Cyril, your soul power is enough, I will use the soul fusion skill to integrate all our soul rings into your fifth soul skill ’” Elena said.

"Captain, shouldn't this be on your soul ring?" Cyril asked puzzled.

"My soul power is not enough. If it is fused to me, after the soul power is consumed, I can support the battle for less than a minute at most."

"The fusion of rings on your body can at least allow you to fight for more than two minutes, and your fifth soul ability has not really displayed its full power."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Elena gave up using the fusion ring technique on her body, the fusion ring can be used on herself or on other people.

From the beginning, the two of them controlled the soul master's martial soul fusion ability, originally thought that they could eliminate Feng Xiaotian and others through its special nature.

Even if they can't be eliminated, the battle after consuming most of their soul power will be very easy. After all, it's the last match, so there's no need to hide their strength.

But where did he know that Feng Xiaotian had a second martial spirit, which completely disrupted his plan.

Who would have thought that Feng Xiaotian would have such a strong ability without a soul ring with a second martial soul.

This was unexpected, both sides have consumed a lot of soul power now, without using the ring fusion skill, it will be even more difficult later on.

Fortunately, his teammate Cyril still has [-]% of his soul power. After merging the soul rings of the five of them, Cyril's fifth soul ability will reach an extremely terrifying stage.

Cyril's fifth soul ability, as everyone in Wuhun Temple knows, increases attack, strength, defense, etc. by [-]%. On this basis, the fifth soul ability will be used every [-] seconds. It is increasing by ten percent.

Once every thirty seconds, as long as the soul power is enough to keep at the fifth soul ability, it can keep improving. This is also the reason why Cyril and Feng Xiaotian just got stronger and stronger as they fought.

Just now Eileen also judged that Cyril's soul power plus the time he can last for at least two years, that is to say, on the basis of Cyril's fusion ring, it can be increased by [-]% four times, which can make the fusion ring A true magnification of skills.

Much better on Cyril than anyone else.

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