Suddenly, Feng Xiaotian noticed that the members of Wuhundian Academy were standing separately again, with Cyril in the front, Elena in the middle, Kakarot and Long Fei on both sides, and Talunna in the back.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Zi Linger asked.

"Just now I was thinking about how to deal with them. It seems that they are going to have a decisive battle with us. Ling'er, the three of you don't do anything here. It's up to me next time. Let you see my real Strength." Feng Xiaotian said.

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian immediately returned to his original state and summoned Sanfeng again.

"Look, it's out again, the second martial spirit, is there anything special about it?"

Feng Xiaotian must have his purpose in calling out Sanfeng.

"Sanfeng, you can give me some soul power back." Feng Xiaotian said.

In addition to the special ability of swallowing, Sanfeng can also feed back the swallowing to him.

When he knew this ability, Feng Xiaotian thought that he could use this method to increase his soul power, but after testing many times in the end, he found that after the three winds devoured, he could feed back part of his soul power as a supplement.

Sanfeng let out a wolf howl, and both Sanfeng's body and Feng Xiaotian's body began to emit a blue light, which lasted for less than ten seconds.

The blue light disappeared.

"Thank you Sanfeng, I'll find something delicious for you next time." Feng Xiaotian said.

After Sanfeng heard it, he also let out a howling sound, and then Feng Xiaotian took it back again, and then Feng Xiaotian switched to the Gale Wind Double-headed Wolf Martial Soul again.

No one knew what Feng Xiaotian was doing in summoning Sanfeng.

Only he himself knew that the three winds swallowed his soul power back, and the original [-]% of the soul power was replenished again, which was much more than the small amount of soul power restored by his recovery skills, and directly replenished his soul power.

When the soul power has reached its peak, only in this way can it display its strongest strength.

During the ten seconds when Feng Xiaotian recovered his soul power, the soul rings of the five people in Wuhun Hall also lit up at the same time, and they all flew to the sky above Cyril's head.

The soul rings of five people add up to ten yellows, ten purples and two blacks, a total of twenty-two soul rings.Ten hundred years, ten thousand years and two ten thousand years.

The other [-] soul rings continuously merged with Cyril's ten thousand year soul ring.

The continuing power of the ten thousand year spirit ring is average.

Is this the fusion ring skill? Then let you see the power of my heart skill, Gale Wind and Fire Slash.

Fengxia Xiaotian's external spirit bone reappeared, and his body began to adjust to the best. At the same time, the second and third spirit skills were activated again.

Adding the third soul skill to the Blazing Green Wind Wings with the soul bone attached to the outside, this can make this move the most powerful. The wings behind Feng Xiaotian became two pairs of four wings at this moment.

Qian Renxue, who watched, sighed in her heart, almost catching up with my wings.

The opponent's ring fusion skill hadn't started yet, yet Feng Xiaotian was about to launch an attack.

Elina hurriedly reminded Cyril that Feng Xiaotian's move will become more and more powerful, so you have to deal with it carefully and go all out from the beginning.

However, the skill of melting rings is still being used, and Cyril's body is still undergoing changes, and the twenty-two soul rings finally become one soul ring to fuse with his body.

But this time Feng Xiaotian was able to complete it, he didn't attack immediately, he was actually attacking the ground

That's right, it's attacking the ground. Feng Xia used the soul skills on the ground with the same slash after another, which attracted a lot of people's attention. What the hell is attacking the ground of the competition ring?

Moreover, one attack was stronger than one attack, and the whole earth began to tremble slightly.


"Is it another self-created soul skill?"

"I won't be backlashed by soul skills, my brain is out of whack"

Everyone commented one after another, in fact, only their parents knew why they did this trick.

Feng Xiaotian was accumulating power, this time the power of the first move was mediocre, the opponent's strongest move was easily defeated by one move.

Knowing the plot, Feng Xiaotian didn't want himself to be like Feng Xiaotian in the original book, where the first move was KO'd, although with the blessing of Blazing Fire and Green Wind Wings, this move was stronger.

But it didn't reach the power of the first move. With Blazing Blue Wind Wings, at least Feng Xiaotian's first move reached the power of the ninth move that only had Gale Wings before, and the increase rate of each move was higher than before.

In just a few seconds in the blink of an eye, Feng Xiaotian had already attacked the arena floor ten times, and Gale and Fire Slash had already used the tenth move, and it was time to officially attack next.

Cyril over there has fully accepted the fusion ring, his soul skills exploded, and his martial soul flashed out again.

"No way, it exploded over there besides the Martial Soul Avatar, is that the Martial Soul Avatar?"

Taking a closer look, Cyril's fifth soul skill directly became a martial soul avatar under the fusion ring technique. Generally speaking, a soul sage's martial soul avatar has a [-]% improvement.

It seems that Cyril's fifth soul skill has improved by more than [-]% after using the ring fusion skill, and he also inspired the martial soul avatar.

"It actually inspired the spirit avatar, I thought I would." Elena thought.

Cyril also felt the changes in his body, and his condition was extremely good, but the consumption of soul power was actually more than expected.

"Cyril, you can only last for one minute, so make a quick decision." Elena reminded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was originally estimated that it could last for two minutes, but the estimate was wrong, and Cyril unexpectedly burst into the martial soul avatar.

The consumption of soul power was much faster, and a huge golden tiger shark appeared in front of everyone.

In fact, it's not hard to see that it's normal for Cyril's spirit power to persist for a minute. For example, Feng Xiaotian also displayed his spirit avatar when the seven of them used the seven-in-one fusion technique.

One is the martial soul fusion technique and the other is the fusion of the ring, which has the same effect.

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