"What? Twin spirits?" After Bibi Dong heard this, she almost wanted to stand up, but she held back in the end.

"Except for me, I didn't expect that there are people in this world who have twin martial souls. At the age of fourteen, they are at level [-]. Then it's not surprising. Others can't do it. People with twin martial souls can definitely do it. He It can also achieve leapfrog absorption." Bibi Dong said in relief, having twin martial souls is all easy to say.

"Then what is his second spirit? Did he add a spirit ring?" Bibi Dong asked.

Ju Douluo said respectfully: "My lord, Feng Xiaotian's second martial spirit is still a wolf, the kind of wolf that can leave the body and act alone, with the effect of devouring soul power. The two spirits of our Wuhundian Academy The famous control system martial soul fusion skill was broken by his martial soul, and it swallowed up the soul power of both of them in an instant, which is really a bit against the sky, because he didn't add a single soul ring."

"What?" Bibi Dong couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up in surprise.

In this world, it can be said that no one understands the magical effect of twin martial souls better than her.

Feng Xiaotian unexpectedly became a soul king of level [-] without adding a soul ring to his second martial soul, and he was only fourteen years old.

"What about the person, did you bring it?" Bibi Dong excitedly said, this person must be controlled by Wuhun, not in their hands, then other methods must be considered.

After all, Wuhundian has an enemy Tang Hao, and she doesn't want to have an enemy who may be even stronger than Tang Hao in the future.

Must plan ahead.

"The man has been brought back, and he is resting in the side hall, do we need to call him over now?" Ju Douluo said.

"Call him over." Bibi Dong said.

Chrysanthemum Douluo naturally wouldn't call, so he ordered people outside the hall.

Bibi Dong continued: "This is the first time Wuhundian Academy has lost. Wood should be punished when he comes back. This is our best chance to take over Wuhundian Academy."

It turns out that Wuhundian Academy is still controlled by people from the Elder Hall.

"Lord Pope, this time Wood and the others not only failed, but also lost the reputation of our Wuhundian. I think this is the best time for us to take over the management of Wuhundian Academy." Ju Douluo said.

"What? Tell me about it." Bibi said.

Next, Ju Douluo told all about how he joined Chu Xiang to frame Feng Xiaotian and Shenfeng Academy at the Senior Soul Master Competition.

After hearing this, Bibidong showed a smile on his face, and said: "Wood has really disgraced Wuhundian. This is indeed a good time to take control of Wuhundian Academy. This time you have done a good job, and it can be regarded as a gift to the wind." Have a good time laughing."

Wuhundian Academy is the place where Wuhundian talents are imported. The strength of Wuhundian must rely on the continuous delivery of fresh blood from Wuhundian Academy. Controlling Wuhundian Academy can be said to completely control the future of Wuhundian.

After a while, Feng Xiaotian was taken outside the main hall.

This is a huge palace, which can be said to be more splendid than what he saw in the anime, and experiencing it in person is a different kind of feeling.

The person who led him was also very powerful, a soul emperor.

"Go in, the Pope is waiting for you."

"Thank you."

Feng Xiao directly stepped into the hall. To be honest, he was about to meet one of the top figures on the continent. Feng Xiaotian was also a little excited and a little scared.

How should I put it, now that I am in the Spirit Hall, none of these people is good, if it is aimed at me, even if I have hidden soul skills, he may not be able to escape.

This Martial Soul City has a defensive cover, which has been opened all the time. After opening it twice to hide for [-] seconds, it is impossible to get out of the Martial Soul City. Therefore, it is almost impossible to escape here.

The possibility of being unable to escape can only be faced calmly.

Every time Feng Xiaotian took a step, he was also constantly adjusting his mentality.

This hall is very big, there is at least seventy or eighty meters distance in front of Pope Bibi Dong.

From the beginning to the end, Feng Xiaotian looked up at Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong kept looking at him.

At this time, he knew that he couldn't have any timidity in his heart.

Just seeing Bibi Dong's first face, I was amazed, how should I say it, how should I say it?His appearance was impeccable, among all the people he had met, no one could compare with Qian Renxue.

Including Qian Renxue and her younger sister Zi Linger whom she met before, perhaps because they are still young and haven't really developed yet, they must have the potential to reach Bibi Dong's level.

And this Bibi Dong's age is already in her thirties and close to her forties, but she still looks the same as a twenty-year-old girl.

The only difference is that irresistible temperament, this kind of temperament is a kind of temperament overlooking all living beings, the temperament of a superior person, this is the first time Feng Xiaotian has seen this kind of temperament.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaotian's mental strength was strong and his concentration was sufficient, so he didn't make a fool of himself on the spot.

Below Bibi Dong, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo stood on both sides respectively, they were Bibi Dong's right-hand men.

Feng Xiaotian didn't surpass Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and stopped when he was half a body lower than them.

"I have met His Excellency the Pope." Feng Xiaotian still performed a standard mainland aristocratic etiquette, which is very simple.He didn't want to kneel down.

"Feng Xiaotian, that's right. Fourteen-year-old and fifty-fourth-level talent is excellent. You two go down first and stay outside the hall. Without my order, no one will see you." Pay attention to.

After Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo went out, Bibi Dong spoke again: "Feng Xiaotian, I've kept raising your potential, but I didn't expect you to be underestimated. I didn't expect you to have twin martial souls. I'm a little curious." , why didn't you add a soul ring to the other spirit? If you added it, you might be a soul emperor now."

Feng Xiaotian definitely couldn't say that he knew how to cultivate twin martial souls, but he knew that Bibi Dong would probably ask what his twin martial souls were.

So Feng Xiaotian looked up at Bibi Dong, and replied seriously: "Because I don't know how to cultivate twin spirits, the first owner of twin spirits exploded and died, so I haven't given the second spirit all the time. Add a soul ring."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feng Xiaotian must be pretending that he doesn't know how to cultivate twin spirits, since the master and Tang Hao can both propose that they only practice one spirit at the beginning.

These two must have also borrowed the lessons learned from the previous practice of twin martial souls.At the same time, Grandmaster also didn't know the most correct way to have twin spirits.

During the senior soul master competition, he even asked Bibi Dong about this matter.

After hearing Feng Xiaotian's explanation, Bibi Dong was very satisfied.

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