"You did a good job. You must know that you are twin spirits, and you have also checked the history of the mainland. The first twin spirits exploded and died when the second spirit ring was added. Only one spirit was added. Soul rings can avoid this state."

"Besides, you can still maintain your true heart with a soul power of level [-]. It is really rare that you have not cultivated a second martial soul." Bibi Dong said, although he always praised Feng Xiaotian when he spoke, but Her expression didn't change in any way.

In fact, he didn't know that Feng Xiaotian was able to cultivate the second martial spirit long ago, but he never practiced it.

And he also knew that there would be absolutely no risk of exploding his body when he practiced the second martial soul. The three winds were attached to the Galewind double-headed wolf martial soul from the very beginning, which proved that the two could coexist.

"I'm also more cautious, so I only cultivate one. When I become stronger and my body can bear it, I can calmly deal with the second martial spirit." Feng Xiaotian said.

"That's right, what you said is no problem." Bibi Dong said.

"I don't know what the Pope is going to see me this time? I'm just an insignificant kid with low soul power. Even if I have twin martial souls, before I find a way, I'm just like an ordinary soul master." Feng Xiaotian said directly.

"What do you think of Spirit Hall?" Bibi Dong asked again, Feng Xiaotian's talent had already made her want to accept disciples.

Feng Xiaotian didn't even think about it, and said directly: "I think Wuhundian is pretty good, it can be said that in some respects it is better than the two great empires."

Regarding the benefits of Wuhundian, Feng Xiaotian is also clear that he has already analyzed it.

These words immediately aroused Bibi Dong's interest, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Then tell me what's good about our Spirit Hall?"

Feng Xiaotian bowed and said: "That kid is making a fool of himself, please forgive me if he said anything wrong."

"It's okay, even if you make a mistake, I won't blame you." Bibi said.

"The first benefit of the Spirit Hall is that it exists between the two great empires. Although it did not directly prevent the war between the two empires, it also indirectly prevented the war between the two empires and prevented the loss of life. This is the contribution of the Spirit Hall." Feng Xiaotian said.This is a fact, Wuhundian has at least made the entire continent peaceful for a long time.

The two empires have never been able to cross the hurdle of the Wuhun Temple, and basically no major battles can take place. Of course, there are still some small frictions at the border.

This is the first time Bibi Dong has heard of this theory, and since he became Pope, he has set a grand goal, that is to unify the continent.

But in retrospect, it was indeed what Feng Xiaotian said.

Suddenly a thought arose in Bibi Dong's mind, saying that if they want to unify the continent in the future, why not let the two great empires fight first, and then benefit themselves?

But when I think about it, it's a little wrong. If the two empires often fight, isn't this the best place to train troops?Let the two empires each train hundreds of thousands of soldiers?

Both advantages and disadvantages have to be carefully considered.

Feng Xiaotian didn't expect that his remarks would bring some inspiration to Bibi Dong.

"What else?" Bibi Dong asked again.

"Wuhundian can establish Wuhundian branch halls in every village in the two empires. For every child of the right age, regardless of high or low, they can awaken their Wuhun for them, so that everyone on the mainland knows that their Wuhun is What, the two empires are incomparable in this regard."

"Although this has cost a lot of money, it has also brought great benefits to the Spirit Hall." Feng Xiaotian said.

"What's the benefit?" Bibi asked.

"There are two main advantages. The first point is that Wuhundian can awaken Wuhun for ordinary people for free, which can bring Wuhundian a very good reputation."

"The second point is that after the Wuhun is awakened for the common people, those with excellent talents will be recruited by your Wuhundian to enter the Wuhundian Academy immediately. This is also the development direction of the Wuhundian." Feng Feng God laughs.

Bibidong didn't expect Feng Xiaotian to know so much about Wuhundian's approach at such a young age, resisting the shock in her heart, said: "What direction of development."

"Wuhundian Academy is the cradle of Wuhundian's continuous supply of talents. Although there are very few awakened Wuhun among commoners, you must know that the number of commoners on the mainland is far greater than the number of nobles, and the ratio is somewhat low. , but the advantage lies in the large number of people, you can always find people with extraordinary talents." Feng Xiaotian analyzed.

"Therefore, Wuhundian Academy has been able to win championships in the high-level soul master competitions of the two empires, mainly because of the civilian background of the two empires and the existing foundation of Wuhundian against the two empires scattered dozens of academies, the Pope My lord doesn't know if I'm right or not." Feng Xiaotian said.

"That's right, you have seen through the purpose of the Spirit Hall. The original establishment of the Spirit Hall has been maintained until now, and a large number of geniuses have been found from the common people. If there is no monthly test to test your bone age, I really doubt your age. I see you are forty years old, could it be that someone handed these things to you?" Bibi Dong asked curiously, if there is such a person, then he is considered a talent.

Feng Xiaotian would definitely not admit that he thought of it, and said: "It was still discovered by His Excellency the Pope. This is what I mentioned when I heard two old men chatting when I went out to practice in the Star Luo Empire."

"No wonder, have you heard anything else?" Bibi asked.

"No, that's all I heard." Feng Xiaotian shook his head and said.

"Then do you think what they said is right or not?" Bibi Dong asked again.

Feng Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, it seemed that he still couldn't perform too well, so he could only say: "It should be right."

"Then tell me what you think about Spirit Hall." Bibi Dong asked.

"Strong, very strong. I think the Spirit Hall is the strongest force on the mainland. Only the three sects combined may have the strength to fight against the Spirit Hall." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Aside from being strong, is there anything else?"

"This, I don't know anymore, I don't know enough about Wuhundian." Feng Xiaotian said.

Bibidong looked at Feng Xiaotian, and said solemnly: "I can give you a chance to join the Spirit Hall, so that you can get to know our Spirit Hall well."

Three Hundredth Chapter 16 Bibi Dongliang Martial Soul

Feng Xiaotian didn't expect Bibi Dong to be so direct, and immediately started to recruit himself after asking the question. Although the Pope of Wuhun Palace personally invited him, Feng Xiaotian still didn't want to join.

If it was someone else, the Pope's personal invitation might have agreed to join.

"Master Pope, I'm still young, and I don't want to consider joining any forces yet." Feng Xiaotian said.

Bibi Dong smiled slightly and said: "That's right, your age is a bit young, but you already have a spirit power of level fifty-four, and your strength is already not small."

"This, let me think about it again." Feng Xiaotian said, and finally gave such an answer.

"I heard that you already have a teacher?" Bibi Dong asked again.

Feng Xiaotian nodded and said: "Yes, I have a teacher, Dugu Bo who is known as Poison Douluo."

"Dugu Bo, the newly promoted Title Douluo a few years ago, his strength is not bad, the strongest is his poison, it can be said that he is of little help to your cultivation." Bibi Dong said.

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